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已有 85 次阅读2021-11-30 00:29 |个人分类:创意

不同的行业不同的教育职业背景的人,对世界的看法也不尽相同.每天在思想认识上的争辩,那是一个各抒己见统一认识的过程  People with different educational backgrounds in different industries have different views on the world. Every day in the debate on ideology and understanding, it is a process of unifying their opinions要先有一个社会结构的设立,才能够有一个某些突破性新开发项目的整体的评估  It is necessary to establish a social structure before we can have an overall assessment of some breakthrough new development projects

Jackie太幸运太高兴了,从小就可以接触到那么多那么精美的精神食粮!亲爱的主席,88你们可要小心了,像她这样子每天被你们灌输,不消几年,她的小脑袋里装满了这些东西,自然会去芜存菁,升华凝结,思考和创造而且凭她的铁齿铜牙,回来跟你们争辩,伶牙俐齿讲述她自己的观念咯!你们讲得过她吗?也许有一天,她会来告诉你们,中世纪的社会结构中,宗教的比例和扩大影响的社会生活,如何破坏了生产力及文明的进步也许有一天她会来告诉你们,中国文化大革命期间因为政治的比例过大,摧毁了社会结构的平衡,将中国带进了灾难也许有一天,她会来告诉你们,世界上的每一个经济危机,都是因为哪些方面的失衡所造成的惯性的破坏,才会扩大成如此世界范围的危机!也许有一天她会带来一组,整个社会结构和各个行业的平衡公式方程组,美丽的就像麦克斯维尔方程组,并随带一连串的方程公式应用时的调整监控上下限,防患于未燃并且后面一组专业人士,给出一系列的调整监控方案,就像天鹅绒那样,平稳优美地会将有可能积累起来的有破坏性的能量,寻找适当的渠道慢慢释放消融掉,保持整体社会结构的平衡稳定和谐这里面很有中国文化的智慧特色哟并且用最吸引人的VR来呈现缤纷多彩的优美平衡多美呀!多powerful啊!今天网上新闻说香港会负责用千亿次的计算机,来做一带一路项目风险评估,嘿嘿嘿,应该要先有一个社会结构的设立,才能够有一个某些突破性新开发项目的整体的评估,是不是?亲爱的主席,88如果Jackie有这样的本事,那时候,你们这些年每天开的世界政坛,以及多少个星星月月缠缠绵绵之夜,多少人语重心长肺腑之言应该有效果同时,不同的行业不同的教育职业背景的人,对世界的看法也不尽相同. Jackie听他们每天在思想认识上的争辩,那是一个各抒己见统一认识的过程,也是很有意思的,是让Jackie学会用怎样正确的世界观来看待世界,并互相理解的过程,是会获益匪浅的!我想起了古代西方希腊的哲学观念亲爱的主席和88,那时候你们所有的辛苦努力,都没有付之东流!是不是?你们的天天世界论坛,会因为这些新思想的加入而更上一层楼,是不是?那我,这个替上帝养Jackie的妈妈,也很欣慰的说,那时候我可以对上帝有一个交代了!嘿嘿嘿嘿  今天看到网上说,郭文贵报的料,王岐山的妻子妻妹等都有美国公民和美国物业,并且有澳洲的私生子女和美国养女王在国内又有长期红颜知己高医生,现已跟在军队的丈夫离婚了,网上有文章问政治婚姻的王岐山会不会离婚?于是我就哈哈哈哈大笑了,难道郭文贵后面策划者无事生非,目的就是为王岐山在做媒吗?这么热心的红娘啊,为王歧山大庭广众之下青天白日之时打点一切呀,就像几年前灭了徐明那样,至于吗?世界一体化了,在哪里置业或者拿什么国籍,有那么重要吗? 哈哈哈哈 88也跟你有关吗?


Jackie is too lucky and happy, since childhood she has been exposed to so much and so exquisite spiritual food! Dear Chairman, 88, you have to be careful. For example, if she is instilled by you like this every day, and when it takes a few years for her little head to be filled with these things, and with her iron teeth and copper teeth, she will come back to argue with you, she will talk about her own ideas! Can you argue with her then?  Maybe one day, she will come to tell you that in the medieval social structure, the proportion and expansion of religion affected social life, how it destroyed the productivity and the progress of civilization. Maybe one day she will tell you that during the Chinese Cultural Revolution, the excessive proportion of politics had destroyed the balance of social structure and brought China into disaster. Perhaps one day, she will come to tell you that every economic crisis in the world is caused by imbalances in certain aspects. The destruction of inertia will only expand into such a worldwide crisis! Maybe one day she will bring a set of balanced equations about the entire social structure and various industries. Its beauty is just like Maxwell's equations. She also comes with a series of equations and formulas. When applied, they can give upper and lower limits for adjustment monitoring, which can prevent unburnt. And there is a group of professionals behind her who give a series of adjustment monitoring solutions, just like velvet, they will smoothly and gracefully find all the destructive energy that may be accumulated, find suitable channels for it, and slowly release and melt it, so as to maintain the balance, stability and harmony of the overall social structure. There is a lot of wisdom and features in Chinese culture ! And they use the most attractive VR to present colorful and beautiful balance. How beautiful! How powerful! Today's on line news says that Hong Kong will be responsible for using hundreds of billions of computers to do the risk assessment of the Belt and Road project. Hey, hey, they should have a social structure set up before they can have an overall assessment of some breakthrough new development projects, right? Dear Chairman, 88, if Jackie has such a skill, then at that time, the World Political Forum that you host every day in these years, and how many lingering nights, how many world leaders have a heart to heart conversations, and all should have an effect. At the same time people in different industries and with different educational and professional backgrounds have different views on the world. Jackie listens to their daily debate on ideology and understanding  which is a process of unifying their own opinions and is also very interesting. This is a process for Jackie to learn how to view the world with a correct world view and understand each other. I remembered that the philosophy of ancient Western Greece was discussed and debated by everyone. Dear Chairman and 88, all your hard work during this time is not lost! Is not it? Your everyday World Political Forum will take you to the next level with the addition of these new ideas, right? Then I, the mother who raised Jackie for God, will also be very pleased to say that at that time I can have credit with God! Hey, hey, I saw on line that Guo Wengui reported that Wang Qishan ’s wife, wifes sisters all have US citizens and US properties, and has illegitimate child in Australia and American adopted daughter. Wang Qishan also has a long-term doctor lover in China , who has now divorced her husband in the army. There is an article on the Internet asking whether Wang Qishan with political marriage will get a divorce? So I laughed. Had Guo Wengui the planner behind  make troubles, the purpose is to match Wang Qishan? They are so enthusiastic "matchmakers"! They prepared everything for Wang Qishan under the public, in the sky and day, just like someone who killed Xu Ming a few years ago to protect who, as for? The world is integrated, so where does it take to buy a property or what nationality, does it matter? Hahahaha. 88, also related to you?






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