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已有 84 次阅读2021-11-30 00:28 |个人分类:全球化

讲精神领域的宗教,以后还要讲哲学,讲大航海以后,天文学物理学化学生物学的日新月异的突破,讲最近几十年通讯计算机人工智能  Speaking of religion and philosophy in the spiritual field, after the great voyage, the ever-breaking breakthroughs in astronomy, physics, and biology, and the communication computer artificial intelligence in recent decades

亲爱的主席,88这应该只是一个开始我叹口气,要花两年多的日日夜夜,你们交流才能够到达精神的层次当然跟历史长河比这是够快的你们要讲精神领域的宗教,以后还要讲哲学,讲苏格拉底阿里斯多得,和帕拉图,讲费尔巴哈和黑格尔,将马克思哲学是西方文化中的面对任何事情所有的科学精神价值观,是文明能够积累进步的重要原因过去中国近一千年将科学技术作为,而不是作为一门真正的学科来看待这是中国人在科技生产力上落后原因没有一个正确的哲学世界观,把改造自然的第一生产力科学技术置之一旁,只教人文的诗书玩八股,怎么进步落后自然要挨打!以后还要讲文学,讲那些巴尔扎克托尔斯泰巨著中的人物,分析他们的社会背景和心理,哈哈哈哈,Jackie有得啃书了!还要讲艺术,讲早期的Icon, 意大利的,法兰德斯的,法国的,还有印象派的现代的,各个有名人物和他们的故事这次我们在奥地利的艺术馆,看见鲁本斯画他的小太太,那么肥肥胖胖的. Jackie说她这么不好看,这可是当时的审美标准你看鲁本斯画中所有的女人,都是那么圆圆胖胖而且是有与别人不一样的动感的!那是美的你们会讲大卫李嘉图,亚当・斯密凯恩斯,讲政治经济如何分离,讲马克思不知道为什么,他的共产学说,本质是数学的扩大数集基数以提供更多选择和能量,现在却变成了意识形态的无聊争端你们讲米儿顿佛莱曼我觉得,在现在中国的社会结构中,经济的比例是被过分夸大的,而每一次的世界经济危机,比如零八年的,是经济内部的比例失调你们更要讲科学技术,讲大航海以后,天文学物理学化学生物学的日新月异的突破,讲最近几十年通讯计算机人工智能等等等等亲爱的主席,88你们可以请到在各个领域最先锋的身先士卒的顶级人物,可以用第一手材料来身教言传地介绍这些事情,光凭想象我已经心潮澎湃激动不已了,我也想听!我也要听!让我听吧! 

Dear Chairman, 88, this should be just the beginning. I sigh, it will take more than two years, day and night before your communication can reach such a spiritual level. Of course, compared with the long history, two years is fast enough. You will talk about religion in the spiritual realm, and you will talk about philosophy, Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato, Feuerbach and Hegel, and Marx. Philosophy is the spiritual value of all science in the face of everything in Western culture, and it is an important reason why civilization can accumulate and progress. In the past 1,000 years, China regarded science and technology as "craftsmanship" rather than as a real science. This is the reason why the Chinese were lagging behind in the productivity of science and technology. Without a correct philosophical world view, and putting the first productivity of transforming nature --- science and technology aside, only teaching humanistic poems and books, playing formatted essays, how is society progress? Naturally be beaten! You will talk about literature in the future, talk about the characters in Balzac Tolstoy ’s masterpiece, and analyze their social background and psychology. Hahahaha, Jackie has to read! You will also talk about art, about the early Icon, Italian, Flanders, French, Impressionist, modern, famous figures and their stories in various painting schools. This time we were in the Austrian Museum of Art and saw Rubens painting of his young wife, she was so fat. Jackie said "she is so unattractive", yet which was the aesthetic standard at the time. Look at all the women in Rubens' painting , they were all so chubby, and they had a different dynamic than others! That is beautiful. You will talk about David Ricardo, Adam Smith, Keynes, how to separate political economy, and Marx. I don’t know why, his communist theory is essentially the expansion of the cardinality of numbers in mathematics to provide more choices and energy. But now it has become an ideologically boring dispute. You will talk about Milton Freeman. I think that in the current social structure of China, the proportion of the economy is overstated. Each world economic crisis has its theoretical reasons. For example, the 2008 crisis was an imbalance in the economy. You will talk more about science and technology, as well as astronomy, physics, chemistry, and biology after the voyage. breakthrough. You will talk about communication computer artificial intelligence in recent decades. Dear Chairman, 88, you can invite top-level figures who are the most pioneers in various fields, and you can use first-hand materials to introduce these things in a prescriptive manner. Just by imagining, I am already excited, and I want to hear it! I want to listen too! Let me listen!






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