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已有 82 次阅读2021-11-28 20:17 |个人分类:全球化

经济和社会其他的系统之间是应该有一个比例的,不同地方它的比例数值可能不同  There should be a ratio between the economic system and other social systems, and its ratio may be different in different places

但是中国强大以后整个社会的比例,和发达的欧美国家整个社会的比例,是不同的大卫的美在于比例匀称,而如果过分强调肌肉美那就是怪物shrek. 俗话说三句话不离本行,不同专业的人对世界的看法是基于他的理解程度,是不同的.我看见很多中国的家长,让孩子去学医,学经济,学工程,为什么呢,因为长大了容易找到工作.我觉得中国的决策层里有一种价值观,就是追随过去几十年中国特别强调发展经济的需要的惯性,过分地夸大经济的以及功能性的效用了我有一种感觉,(说出来分享,对不对可以商榷,)我觉得人类社会的发展决不是以一种的平衡的方式平均发展的,而是两条腿走路一般,参差不齐进步的,和谐平衡的是一个动态平衡的目标,是一个ever lasting 的过程.比如说中世纪的宗教的压倒性的影响力,物极必反后面催发了文艺复兴,而文艺复兴的灿烂辉煌又开启了科学技术的革命,科技的进步提高了生产力又为人类文明带来更多的百花齐放.中国过去几十年的非同一般经济的大步跃进,也许为下一阶段的人文和文化的平衡做好了准备,也为中国向世界扩大影响提供了能力,中国人的形象应该逐渐从别人眼里的shrek,向体型优美的大卫像过渡是不是?经济只是社会结构中的血液循环系统,经济是一个社会中非常重要的领域,但不是唯一重要的领域,经济和其他的系统,比如中央控制神经系统(你们所联合的情报及决策系统)骨骼系统(遍布世界各地的交通系统)等等,是应该有一个比例的,不同地方它的比例数值可能不同.可能就像一个大公寓楼,有许多不同房间,里边有各自的室内设计.但是全球化把每个房间的门打开,让文明可以互相流通再平衡.中国政府在过去几十年对中国社会有非常精准地把握,创造性地智慧地使中国快速成为世界最大经济体之一犹太人是智慧的民族,犹太人的历史决定了他们的价值观比较注重对利的追求而全球化资源共享会为早已遍布世界的犹太人经济网带来更大的利益,所以他们是世界一体化的积极推动者但经济网的完善受到了现有各国政体的阻碍,而在政治的掌控平衡上,他们既没有中国几千年的丰富经验,也没有中国过去几十年的成功范例


However, the industrial proportion of the whole society after China ’s prosperity is different from that of developed European and American countries. David ’s beauty is in proportion, and if he emphasizes muscle beauty too much, it is monster Shrek. As the saying goes, three sentences without leaving the profession, the views of people of different professions on the world are based on his level of understanding, which is different. I have seen many Chinese parents let their children study medicine, economics, and engineering. Why? Because it is easier to get job. I think there is a value in China ’s decision-making layer, which is to follow the needs and inertia of economic development that China has emphasized in the past few decades, and overstate the economic and functional utility. I have a feeling that I think human society  development of the city is by no means an average development in a "beauty" balanced manner, but it is a general walk on two legs and uneven progress. The "beauty" of a harmonious balance is a goal of dynamic balance, a process of ever lasting. I speak out and share, right or not please tolerate. For example, the overwhelming influence of medieval religions is extremely inverse, and the Renaissance was catalyzed later. The splendid glory of the Renaissance has opened a revolution in science and technology. The advancement of science and technology has increased productivity and brought more flowers to human civilization. China ’s extraordinary economic leap forward in the past few decades may be the next step. The balance of humanistic and cultural development in the first stage is well prepared, and it also provides China with the ability to expand its influence in the world. The image of the Chinese should gradually transition from Shrek in the eyes of others to the beautiful figure of David. Isn't it? The economy is just the blood circulation system in the social structure. The economy is a very important field in society, but it is not the only important field. Economics and other systems, such as the central control nervous system (intelligence and decision-making system that you associate with), the skeletal system (transportation systems all over the world), etc., should have a ratio. It may have different proportions in different places. It may be like a large apartment building with many different rooms, each with its own interior design. But Globalization opens the doors of each room, allowing civilizations to circulate and re-balance each other. Chinese Government In the past few decades, it has a very precise grasp of Chinese society and creatively and intelligently, has made China quickly become one of the largest economies in the world. The Jews are a wise nation, and the history of the Jews determines that their values ​​are more focused on benefits pursuit. Global resource sharing will bring greater benefits to the Jewish economic network that has spread all over the world, so they are active promoters of world integration. However, the improvement of the economic network has been hindered by the existing political systems of various countries. In terms of political control and balance, various polities have neither China's thousands of years of rich experience nor China's successful examples of the past few decades.  






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