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已有 71 次阅读2021-11-28 20:15 |个人分类:中国


Jun 19, 2017 at 3:26 PM

改革开放中国政府的政策就偏重于如何有效快速发展经济.The policy of the reform and opening up of the Chinese government focuses on how to develop the economy effectively and quickly.

亲爱的主席,88Jackie说你们喜欢我昨天的短文,还要我写,OK, 谢谢! 在意大利名城佛罗伦萨有著名的米开朗琪罗的大卫雕像大卫是被称作古代的美男子,集英俊容貌和健美体型男子汉精神气质于一身的!那天正好是星期一,很不幸我万里迢迢带Jackie来看奥菲芝美术馆,里面有原版的大卫雕像和波弟切利的维纳斯诞生,结果不开门我们只能去看美蒂奇家族的教堂和博物馆也够满足! 大卫像是按照那个时候的人体比例来塑造的,那个比例不是最好的,与现在在美学教学上的一般人体比例有出入.  如果你仔细观察,David 的上体较长,相比之下腿就短一些而现代人,尤其是跳舞的,腿会比常人更长一些,舞姿形态会更优美适合的人体比例给人以美感,  世界上的事情有度也是这样子有美感的而不同地方文化对定义又是不同的不知道有没有人对欧洲社会各个国家及地区的政体进行过比例分析,比如,人口数量,人均生活水平,人的教育程度,人的住房面积,地区范围,经济来源,等等,就是对人的资源自然资源的分配,以及整个社会结构下层上层的比例,各方面进行仔细的分析了没有? 我想欧洲各发达国家对环境,社会资源,以及社会结构,一定有他们自己的一套理念理论和发展规划然后他们再对世界其他地区,不同生产力水平的国家,也进行相似的分析,看看他们对,也就是他们所期望的高生活水平是一个什么样的定义,用什么方法达到这样子的水平中国30年以前落后贫穷,自然资源有限,但相对来说人口众多,高素质的不多中国要成为发达国家快速提高生产力,就需要很多的能量也就是资金所以中国政府的政策就偏重于如何有效快速发展经济我曾听见欧洲人很不屑地这么说,中国人满脑子就只想到赚钱,中国的污染太可怕会断子绝孙的我想就当时的中国现状,为了提高经济而采取的一系列的政治手段,比如中央集权,用中国的民主集中,舍弃世界大部分国家采取的美式的民主,目的就是以强化手段来改变中国的经济也许就整个社会结构整体来说这不是一个平衡的选项,比如城市人口太密集,自然资源毁灭性使用,而且保护不够但对中国那一段时间来说却是最好的选项,因为这些政策举措快速改变了中国的地位,提升中国经济,让中国强大有能力了

Dear Chairman, 88, Jackie said that you like my short essay yesterday, and I want to write more, OK, thank you! In the famous Italian city of Florence, there is the famous Michelangelo's David statue. David is known as the ancient beautiful man, which combines handsome appearance and bodybuilding manly spirit temperament! That day happens to be Monday. Unfortunately, I take Jackie to see the Uffizi Art Museum, and there is the original David statue and Botticelli's "The Birth of Venus" inside. The result is that the museum does not open. We can only visit Medici Family church and museum. We are also satisfied! David is shaped according to the proportion of the human body at that time. The proportion is not the best, which is different from the general proportion of the human body in aesthetic teaching. If you look closely, David ’s upper body is longer, in contrast his legs are shorter. Modern people, especially those who dance, have longer legs and more graceful dance poses. Appropriate proportions of the human body give people a sense of beauty. If there are limits in the world, things are also beautiful. Different local cultures have different definitions of "beauty". I wonder if anyone has conducted a "proportion" analysis of the political systems of various countries and regions in European society? For example, the number of people, the per capita living standard, the education level of the person, the housing scope of the area of ​​the person, the source of the economy, etc. are all aspects of the distribution of human resources and natural resources, as well as the proportion of the lower and upper levels of the entire social structure. Do you analyze it carefully? I think the developed countries in Europe must have their own set of ideas, theories and development plans for the environment, social resources, and social structure. Then they will conduct similar analysis on other countries in the world with different productivity levels, such as  take a look at what they mean by “beauty”, that is, the high standard of living they expect, and how to achieve such a level. China was backward and poor 30 years ago, with limited natural resources, but relatively  there was a large population and not many high-quality ones. If China is to become a developed country, it will need a lot of energy and capital to rapidly increase productivity. Therefore, the Chinese government ’s policy was focused on how to effectively and rapidly develop the economy. I have heard Europeans say this disdainfully, “Chinese people only think about making money in their minds, and China ’s pollution is too terrible and it will kill its grandchildren.” I think, at that time, China ’s then situation, a series of political measures adopted by China to improve the economy, such as power centralization, using Chinese democratic concentration to abandon the American-style democracy adopted by most countries in the world, the purpose is to strengthen the means changing China ’s economy. Perhaps this is not a balanced option as far as the overall social structure of China is concerned. For example, urban population is too dense, natural resources are used destructively, and environmental protection is not enough. Yet it is the best option, because these policy measures have rapidly changed China ’s status, improved the Chinese economy, and made China powerful and capable.






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