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已有 75 次阅读2021-11-28 20:10 |个人分类:创意

国家的强盛也有腐败产生的可能  The prosperity of the family also has the possibility of corruption

Jackie又满脸坏笑跑来跳舞给我看,亲爱的主席,你跳的这是我跳的zumba拉丁舞动作啊,全身上下都像波浪那样前后运动是吗?哈哈哈 啥事那么高兴啊?是不是因为美国神盾舰撞不过菲律宾的万吨货船?哈哈哈哈88你更sexy对了就是这个词,sexy你站在亲爱的主席前面这么跳,会有什么的嫌疑哦,难怪彭妈妈要目瞪口呆惊慌失措了,因为你太有吸引力诱惑力了呀!哈哈哈 其实你们对Jackie的魅惑才是最大的呀,她不但把每个人的疯姿学给我看,还满脸邪恶狂笑啊,笑得眼睛都没有了,还添油加醋变本加利地比划呀!想象一下,有一天你们三个终于可以碰在一起跳魔舞的情形,我是多么期盼的,光Jackie跳舞就已经很美了,三个各具特色富有个性魅力的,一定是太有意思很有看头的,跳起来一定会惊天地泣鬼神的,啊哈哈哈我想看啊! Jackie还有模有样的比划给我看亲爱的主席怎么打太极拳的,亲爱的主席呀,真看不出来,以为你只会溜旱冰的,原来还会打一手好太极拳了,真棒!想起了功夫熊猫,那一手太极,漂亮的云手,一转手就把火球给飞回去了.我也真心希望Jackie也能学点功夫的,这么娇小女孩子,以后一个人出门在外,要学点功夫防着点才行的.  Jackie还要我讲俄国俄国因为最近10多年的政治稳定,才迅速走出哥巴乔夫带来的苏联分裂的阴影,使俄国重回世界政治舞台的中心.政治稳定就要保持领导人的稳定,中国是不是也会遵循俄国模式,让李克强总理或是88您,做亲爱的主席,过几年再交换?国家的强盛也有腐败产生的可能,就跟任何地方一样俄国也有反对派,内斗也激烈的,而且俄国人是战斗民族,出手会比较凶狠的.不管怎么样我期待这次俄国之旅,俄国是文化大国,地域广大,应该会有跟欧洲不一样的分布和景观我最想看的是克里姆林宫,以及它的主人普京大帝,还有圣彼得堡的冬宫艺术馆.可惜这次时间太少了,等Jackie长大她自己去看吧.  亲爱的主席,88谢谢你们一直陪伴着她,给她讲这些国家的历史文化,帮她准备去中国河南的夏令营.感觉的出她在成长,谈吐越来越有味道,人也越来越漂亮,走过世界一路弹琴一路舞蹈,多让人欢喜呀!谢谢你们

Jackie came running and dancing again with a smirk on her face, Dear Chairman, this is what you danced Zumba Latin dance movement, the whole body moves up and down like waves, right? Hahaha, why are you so happy? Is it because the US Aegis ship could not hit the 10,000-ton cargo ship in the Philippines? Hahahaha 88, you are more sexy, and that's right, the word sexy, you stand in front of the dear chairman and dance like this, there will be any special relationship suspected! No wonder  Peng mama is stunned and panicked, because you are so attractive and tempting! Hahaha, in fact, you are the most charming for Jackie. She not only showed me the crazy dance posture of everyone, but  also laughed evilly. She smiled with a seal in her eyes, and she was vigorously making a gesture! Imagine if one day, the three of you could finally come together and dance together, how I look forward to it. Only Jackie dancing is already beautiful, the three of you with unique and charismatic dances must be very interesting and attractive. You danced and stirred the world,  ghosts crying, hahaha. I want to watch it! Jackie still shows me exactly what it is like, Dear Chairman, how come you play Tai Chi? Dear Chairman, I really can’t see your dance, I thought you would only do roller blading, yet you would still be good at Tai Chi , Awesome! I remembered the Kung Fu Panda. His Tai Chi, beautiful cloud hand, and the fire ball was thrown back as soon as he turned his hand. I also really hope that Jackie can also learn some kung fu. She needs to learn some self-defense before going out. Jackie wants me to talk about Russia. Russia has been able to quickly get out of the shadow of Soviet division brought by Gorbachev. Because of political stability in the last 10 years, so that Russia returns to the center of the world political arena. Political stability is to maintain the stability of the leaders. Will China also follow the Russian model and let Premier Li Keqiang or 88 exchange with Dear Chairman a few years later? The prosperity of the country may also lead to corruption. Just like anywhere, Russia also has opposition parties, and internal struggles are fierce. And the Russians are a fighting nation, and their shots will be more vicious. Anyway, I look forward to this trip to Russia. Russia is a big cultural country with a vast territory, and it should have a different culture and landscape than Europe. What I want to see most is the Kremlin, its owner Putin the Great, and the Winter Palace Art Museum in St. Petersburg. Unfortunately, this time our time is too short. When Jackie grows up, she will go to see them by herself. Dear Chairman, 88, thank you for staying with her, telling her the history and culture of these countries and helping her prepare for the summer camp in Henan, China. I feel that she is growing up, her talk is getting more and more flavorful, and she is getting more and more beautiful. As we go around the world, she plays the piano and dances all the way. What a joy! Thank you all.






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