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已有 72 次阅读2021-11-28 20:09 |个人分类:全球化


中华民族不是一个善于流通的民族,很多深植于土地的千百年沉淀下来的文化传统民族特性,那不是靠一二代可以吸收的  The Chinese nation is not a nation that is good at circulation. Many cultural traditions that have been deeply planted in the land for centuries can not been absorbed just by one or two generations.

这次我们运气不好,一早想去看山顶的胜利女神雕像,结果司机空绕了两圈都上不去英雄广场上的国家博物馆在修明年才开山顶上的国家艺术馆我们没有足够时间去看对我来说,已经够满意的了,观看景色和建筑,宏伟壮观美轮美奂的教堂,感叹欧洲人对上帝的崇拜,集万千智慧热情于一体,powerful 在布达城堡区的教堂里,我感觉到了orthodox 的风味我不知道怎么形容,虽然也是哥特式建筑,但颜色有一点偏棕色,而且装饰不太像新教那样的尖锐在英雄广场上,有一个展示现代设计的博物馆我非常吃惊,第一次我看见用新材料新概念设计的现代生活用品,看得出匈牙利人的科技水平和艺术层次以及非同寻常的创意英雄广场上柱廊两边一排英雄人物的青铜雕塑,这些都是匈牙利历史上非同寻常的英雄人物,每一个下面都注明了名字和时间从公元10世纪开始,他们的衣着有游牧民族的大麾,也有俄式风格的袍子,人物形象各个伟岸轩昂我想应该查一查,每个人都有非同寻常的英雄故事吧!而在英雄广场边上的公园里有一个建筑精美的巴洛克式介绍匈牙利历史的博物馆,5:00关门,当我们到达时已经是下午 4:20 , 5:00我们要广场集合回去的于是我们两个,就我们两个,在博物馆大厅里飞快地走,边走边看边拍啊!Jackie在富丽堂皇的大厅里,忍不住又翩翩跳起舞来我真的很喜欢看她跳舞,尤其是在那么美的殿堂里舞蹈有一种很和谐,优雅,舒展,高贵的感觉她长大应该是属于这样子的环境的非常出人意料的,我们居然看见展品中有游牧民族特有的帐蓬,并且很像蒙古人的服饰!他们对自己的历史保存记忆如次深刻啊!曾经是居无定所的游牧民族,靠牛羊马畜牧业发展起来的民族,却能够在这块土地上定居下来,成为农耕民族不但如此,他们学习西方的生产技术,创造出高工业高艺术水准的城市环境和生活水平,整个民族脱胎换骨,令人刮目相看于是我联想到中国人中华民族是一个农耕民族,是千百年束缚在土地上的,西汉张骞打通了丝绸之路,明朝郑和下西洋其实是为了向南洋各国显示国力不让他们添麻烦的,并不是真正为了扩展通商中华民族不是一个善于流通的民族,所以没有象伊斯兰教基督教天主教那样地具有扩张野心,没有那么完善发达一整套组织成网络的机制现在中国引领一带一路大项目,需要各种各样的有国际观的人才,中国人如何要改头换面脱胎换骨让自己也象游牧民族地流动起来,不光只是走马观花地观光,以及到处撒钱地留学,或是借腹生子地拿来,是有很多深植于土地的千百年沉淀下来的文化传统民族特性,那不是靠一二代可以吸收的世界如此之大,文化如此丰富复杂,我赞叹敬佩匈牙利人的适应变通和脱胎换骨力争上游的能力,我希望中国人也可以改变静态的传承意识束缚,能流通动态开放,有更多维度和大能量.

This time we were out of luck. In the morning, we wanted to see the statue of the goddess of victory on the top of the mountain. As a result, the driver could not go up in two circles. The National Museum on Heroes Square is under repair and would not open next year. We don’t have enough time to see the National Gallery of Art on the top of the mountain. For me, I’m satisfied enough to watch the scenery and architecture, the magnificent and magnificent church, I lament that the European worship of God is a collection of wisdom and passion in one, so powerful! In the church in the Buda Castle area, I feel the flavor of orthodox. I don’t know how to describe it. Although it is also a Gothic building, the color is a little brown, and the decoration is not as sharp as Protestantism. On Heroes ’ Square there is a museum that there are modern design  showcases. I am very surprised. For the first time I see modern daily necessities designed with new materials and new concepts. I can see the technological level and artistic level of the Hungarians and their extraordinary creativity. On the Heroes ’ Square there are tall bronze sculptures of heroes on both sides of the colonnade on the square. These are unusual heroes in Hungarian history. Each one is marked with the name and time. From the 10th century AD, they are dressed with nomads coats, also has a Russian-style robe, and the characters are all magnificent. I think it should be checked. Everyone should have an extraordinary hero story! In the park beside Heroes' Square, there is a beautifully built baroque museum that introduces Hungarian history. It closes at 5:00 pm. When we arrive, it is already 4:20 pm, and we are going to meet back at the square at 5:00. So the two of us, just the two of us, walk quickly in the museum hall, watching and filming while walking! Jackie couldn't help but dance gracefully in the magnificent hall. I really like to watch her dance, especially dancing in such a beautiful palace, there is a very harmonious, elegant, stretched, noble feeling. She grows up,  should belong to this kind of environment. Very unexpected, we actually see the tents unique to nomads in the exhibits, and there are costumes that are very similar to the Mongolians! They have such profound memory of their history! Once a nomadic people living in no fixed place, people who developed from cattle, sheep, horses and animal husbandry can settle down on this land and become farming people. Not only that, they learned Western production technology and created high industry, The urban environment and living standards of high artistic standards, the whole nation is reborn, it is impressive. So I think of the Chinese people as a farming nation, bound to the land for thousands of years, Zhang Qian of the Western Han Dynasty opened the Silk Road, Ming Dynasty Zhenghe ’s voyages to the west were actually to show the countries of the South Ocean  national strength so that they would not cause troubles, not really to expand trade. The Chinese nation is not a nation that is good at circulation, so it does not have the ambition to expand like Islamic Christian Catholicism, not a well-developed set of mechanisms for organizing into a network. Now that China leads the Belt and Road Initiative, it needs a variety of talents with an international outlook. How do the Chinese people want to change their attitudes and reinvent themselves so that they can also flow like "nomads", It’s not just about sightseeing, nor spending money studying abroad everywhere, nor,  take others belly to give birth to children, but there are many cultural traditions and ethnic characteristics that have been deeply planted in the land for thousands of years. It can’t be absorbed by only one or two generations. The world is so big and the culture is so rich and complicated, I admire the Hungarians' ability to adapt and regenerate and rejuvenate, and I hope that the Chinese can also change the restraint of the static inheritance consciousness, can circulate dynamically and open up, have more dimensions and greater energy.






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