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已有 78 次阅读2021-11-28 01:05 |个人分类:全球化

匈牙利从游牧民族成为农耕民族脱胎换骨工业化,创造出高工业高艺术水准的城市环境和生活水平  Hungary has changed from a nomadic people to a farming people. It is a reborn industrialization, creating a high-industrial and high-quality urban environment and living standard

Jun 18, 2017 at 7:03 PM

布达佩斯恢复美丽青春就像多瑙河上一颗璀璨的明珠熠熠发光  Budapest regains its beautiful youth. Just like a bright pearl on the Danube

亲爱的主席,88说让我写匈牙利和俄国.  说真的,我们上次去匈牙利,匈牙利刚刚从柏林墙倒塌中走出来不久,还没有全面开放街道两边的入华沙条约以前修的公寓楼,墙面还都是集尘多年的灰黑,如被命运逼入风尘的良妇美眷,如被明珠暗投的曾有耀人光芒的才子即便如此,但是依旧不能掩盖其岁月及当时匠人建房所留下的万种风情,那种只属于欧洲的,有着巴罗克和洛可可装饰风格的建筑它们不但有雕花铁栏杆,还有可以走马车的轩敞双开大门,以及各种墙面雕塑,让人想起巴黎的香舍里榭大街我当时感慨万千充满期待而今天我们去看布达佩斯,站在山上朝下望,虽然没有布拉格那样的到处鲜明的红瓦,但多瑙河优雅地在这儿环城绕了一圈,河上各种的一座座桥,让我想起小时候学过的数学命题,怎么样不重复把所有桥都走一遍,哈哈哈,也让我想起看日本动画 小魔女奇奇的快递服务” 那充满风情的古老的欧洲中世纪的城镇.  布达佩斯那些蒙尘的建筑已经焕然一新,感谢上帝的仁慈和公平,好像春回大地雨露滋润,好像青山依旧流水不息,还布达佩斯一个本来应有的姣好美丽青春布达佩斯就像多瑙河上一颗璀璨的明珠熠熠发光上帝呀,我看得热泪盈眶,欢欣不已,啥时候也给蒙尘中无奈的我应该有的春天啊? 不然我就要真的hungry我们到布达佩斯,首先就在多瑙河上泛舟,Jackie经不住哼唱斯特劳斯的蓝色多瑙河”. 我记得那是小小年纪的她刚开始学的一支大的钢琴曲好像是分三段我每一次都精心帮她练,从一开始的浩荡悠长,到快乐的律动如节日般的欢庆,再回到起伏的波澜,展现了多瑙河沿岸的民俗风情蓝色多瑙河的旋律深深地印在她的脑海里,永世不忘的当时她可能不体会,现在坐在船里望着沿岸各种各样风格特异雄伟壮观的建筑,那么专注,甚至在船上摆舞姿她问我,“ is that Danube? It's so narrow" "yes, it is not like yangzi river, yellow river, not that wide, but it's the longest river in Europe, covers more than 10 countries" 真的,漓江可能还比多瑙河宽一点.


Dear Chairman, 88, you said let me write about Hungary and Russia. Seriously, when we last went to Hungary, Hungary had just walked out of the fall of the Berlin Wall, and it was not fully open. Both sides of the street  the repaired apartment buildings built before entering the Warsaw Pack were still dusty on the walls for many years, such as the beautiful women who have been forced into the dust by fate, such as the talents who have been a  shining brightly pearl covered. Even so, but this is still the case that it can’t hide its ten thousand beautiful styles left by the artisans building and houses at that time. The buildings that only belong to European Baroque and Rococo decoration styles. They not only have carved iron railings, but also have a horse-drawn carriage. The double doors and various sculptures  on the walls remind people of the Champs Elysées in Paris. I was filled with anticipation. Today we went to see Budapest and stood on the hill looking down. Although there was no bright red tiles like Prague everywhere, the Danube River elegantly circled around the city, and various bridges on the river reminded me of the mathematical propositions I learned as a child, "how can I walk through all the bridges without repeating them?" Hahaha, also reminded me of the old European medieval town in the Japanese animation "Kiki's delivery service". The dusty buildings in Budapest have been completely renovated . Thank God for its kindness and fairness, it seems that the rain and moisture of the spring return to the earth, as if the green hills are still there, the water is not stopping, and Budapest is given a beautiful youth that it should have. Budapest is like a bright pearl on the Danube and shines. God, I saw it, my tears in my eyes but I rejoiced. When will you give me who is helpless in the dust, a spring that I deserve? Otherwise, I ’m going to be really hungry. When we arrived in Budapest, we first sailed on the Danube. Jackie couldn’t bear to sing Strauss’s “Blue Danube”.  I remember that it was the first big piano piece she just started learning at a young age. It seemed to be divided into three sections, from the beginning of the grand and waving, to the happy rhythm of festive celebration, and then back to the ups and downs waves, it shows the folk customs along the Danube. I help her practice carefully every time, the melody of the blue Danube is deeply imprinted in her mind, she will never forget it. At that time she may not realize it, sitting now the boat looked at various unique and magnificent buildings along the coast. She was so focused and even dancing on the boat. She asked me, "is that Danube? It's so narrow" "yes, it is not like yangzi river, yellow river, not that wide, but it's the longest river in Europe, covers more than 10 countries. "  Really, the Li River in Guangxi may be a little wider than the Danube.






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