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已有 74 次阅读2021-11-28 00:56 |个人分类:创意

做政治思想工作可以从现有组织中脱离出来,成为一个独立的功能体,象宗教一样能够去组织人民,教育人民,在道德上宣传高尚的品德,在生活上给予生活方式和健康的咨询  Doing political and ideological work can be separated from the existing organization and become an independent functional body. Like religion, it can organize people, educate people, morally promote noble ethics, and provide lifestyle and health advice in life


世界上有人学理科,就会有一定比例学文科  If someone in the world studies science, there will be a certain percentage of liberal arts

没有比较就没有鉴别相比中国,我们每年回中国感受到的那种蓬勃兴旺日新月异,欧洲显然没有太大的变化但是欧洲在现有的建设环境基础上,更注重整体的和谐生态这两年去欧洲,西欧北欧和东欧,觉得他们对环境的管理安排非常统一南欧还乱一些南欧的农田都是一小块一小块,而且多种着不同的东西我想起东北粮仓,一望无际平原,要么种稻米要么小麦,那种效率和收成,我还没有在欧洲见到欧洲的建筑都是以以前的住房标准,大门都是马车的宽度,街道可以走马车就行,很多都是碎石子路,没有电梯欧洲人对各个家的私人空间很看重,对人口密度的控制很看重,对生活品质很看重但是,上帝安排,要让人类进步就要受到好的教育,而好的教育需要通过竞争刺激,安逸的生活让孩子不太有学习的动力,也没有竞争环境法国的艺术意大利的时装雕塑世界上没人可比,但是邻居德国奥地利瑞士捷克,却是国力强盛非常富裕的,为什么呢?因为日尔曼人注重科学数学,有上帝的power. 所以,亲爱的主席,88不能太重文轻理的你看德国大妈默克尔现在又连任了,想想那些少壮派小鲜肉们又要惊掉了下巴,他们太肤浅,就像把奶茶妹妹提了出来晒青春作秀一样,只能痒眼睛罢了,哪懂事了? 我觉得Jackie更有脑子和内涵欧洲还会像1819世纪工业革命以后的高科技日新月异吗?我觉得他们缺少那种动力!靠卖老祖宗的古迹是走不长久的,靠投资赚别人的钱,动力是不够的我问了在这边上学的孩子,其实教育质量也并不高的,但学的内容挺丰富的,有拉丁文德语科学数学环境生物艺术音乐等等,甚至包括宗教讲起宗教,就想起前几天亲爱的主席与Jackie说,中国要发展宗教怎么说呢?我觉得发展宗教并不是像国内那样,花钱造几座大佛像供人去参观,作为旅游胜地的欧洲宗教是精神上的需要和归宿,是超过尘世任何权力之上的,是信仰是组织是生活方式甚至可以是一切中国的佛教是跟生活脱离的,现在的佛像只是展现一种建筑美我去寺院看与宗教有关的书籍买东西,去跑一圈在精神上是没有什么升华,对在尘世的生活也没有多大的变化的我记得以前在国内每星期有政治学习,还有专人做政治思想工作我想这部分功能也许可以从现有组织中脱离出来,成为一个独立的功能体,象宗教一样能够去组织人民,教育人民,在道德上宣传高尚的品德,在生活上给予生活方式和健康的咨询并且从人的心理生理需求出发,组织各种活动来满足人们的政治情感需要,安排孩子们文艺演出什么的满足社交的需要,并让年轻人多的接触寻找人生伴侣等等我问了在那边读书的几个留学生,都说留下来不容易同行的好几对老夫妻都是因为孩子在那边才去那儿玩的有同济毕业的在那边搞电脑,已经10多年了有西安交大毕业的在那边读博一个月3500欧元,但是学新闻的学经济的跟人文靠近的,却留不下来,除非嫁人世界上有人学理科,就会有一定比例学文科我弟弟还对Jackie想学文科艺术大发雷霆,因为长大没工作赚不了钱,我妈还跟着起哄我终于想明白,人的知识背景经历不同,地位不同,看世界也不同物以类聚太重要了,懂得的并要找知音太难得了你们每天问我要短文,你们喜欢看我短文,跟我同呼吸共振电光火花,我说不出来的自在与快乐,甚至比做爱高潮还要太多的欢畅喜悦之情无法形容为什么他们不懂啊?!

Without comparison, there is no discrimination. Compared to China, the kind of vigorous prosperity we feel when we return to China every year, and Europe has obviously not changed much. However, on the basis of the existing construction environment, Europe pays more attention to the overall harmonious ecology. In the past two years, I have been to Europe, Western Europe, Northern Europe and Eastern Europe, and I feel that their environmental management arrangements are very unified. Southern Europe is also a bit chaotic. The farmland in Southern Europe is small and grid, and there are many different things growing in the fields. I think of the granary in the Northeast China, the endless plain, either planting rice or wheat, the efficiency and harvest, I have not seen it in Europe. The buildings in Europe follow the previous housing standards, the gates are the width of the carriage, the street width are for Horse carriages, many are gravel roads, and there are no elevators. Europeans value their private spaces, control of population density, and quality of life. But this is what God arranges for human progress, children need to be well-educated, and good education needs to be stimulated through competition. The easy life makes children less motivated to learn. No competitive environment. French and Italian fashion, art, sculpture that no one comparable in the world, but neighbors Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, are strong and very rich, and why? Because the Germans pay attention to scientific mathematics and have the power of God. So, Dear Chairman, 88, can not be too favor social science ignore natural science. You see German aunt Merkel is now re-elected, think about the young handsome guys be so surprised. The little handsome guys are too superficial, just like bringing the Zhang Zetian sister out for a show of youth, she can only itch others eyes, how can she be sensible? I think Jackie has more brains and connotations than her. Will Europe continue to change with the high technology after the industrial revolution of the 18-19th century? I think they lack that motivation! It doesn’t last long by selling the monuments of their ancestors, and they don’t have enough motivation to make money by investing. I asked the children who went to school in Europe, the quality of education is not high, but the content of the study is quite rich. There are Latin, German, Science, Mathematics, Environment, Biology, Art, music and so on, and even religion. Speaking of religion, I remembered that Dear Chairman and Jackie said a few days ago, China wants to develop religion. What do you say? ? I don’t think the development of religion is like the domestic one. Spend money to make a few big Buddha statues is for people to visit as tourist resorts. European religion is a spiritual need and belief, which is above any power in the world. It is faith, organization, lifestyle and even everything. Chinese Buddhism is separated from life, and the current Buddha statue just shows a kind of architecture Beauty. I went to the temple to read books related to religion and bought things. I went back for a lap didn’t have any spiritual sublimation, and it didn’t have much impact on my life in this earthly world. I remember that I used to study politics every week when I was in a university in China. There were also people in the school who are responsible for political and ideological work. I think this part of China's ideological education function may be separated from existing organizations and become an independent functional body. Like religion, it can organize people, educate people, morally promote noble ethics, and provide lifestyle guidance and healthy counseling in life. Starting from people's psychological and physiological needs, they organize various activities to meet people's political, social, and emotional needs, arrange children's cultural performances, and meet social needs. They can give young people more contact to find a life partner and so on. I asked a few international students who were studying there, and they said it was not easy to stay. Several old couples in the same group went there to play because of their children there. Young people who graduated from Tongji University have been working on computers there for more than 10 years. Those who graduated from Xi'an Jiaotong University studied there for a doctorate for 3500 Euro a month. But those majoring in social science, such as journalism and economics, can’t stay unless they are married locals. If someone in the world studies science, there will be a certain percentage of liberal arts. My younger brother was furious at Jackie ’s desire to study liberal arts because he is afraid that she wouldn’t get a job on growing up  nor she could make money. My mom also coaxed. I finally  understand that people have different backgrounds, different positions, with different views of the world. It ’s so important for people with common languages ​​to be together. It ’s very rare to find someone who understands or finds a confidant. You ask me every day for short essays. You like to read my short essays. With my breathing resonance electro-optic spark, I feel more at ease and happy, and even more joyous than the climax of making love. My joy is beyond description. Why do they not understand? !






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