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已有 84 次阅读2021-11-27 00:06 |个人分类:全球化

Jun 18, 2017 at 1:23 AM



一回来就要为你们准备高大上档次的精神食粮  When I come back, I will prepare for you high-grade spiritual food

亲爱的主席,88我们终于回美国了昨天我们从LAX开回家,开了两个半小时,因为是星期五下午五六点,最堵车的时候我看见家和车棚下面的车子,心里一块石头落了地平安回家,车子没被偷,幸事我回到家里赶快洗澡,Jackie累得不行了,躺下来就呼噜呼噜睡着了我躺在自己家的床上,真安稳舒坦,想起小时候妈妈说的,金窝银窝不如自己狗窝今天我早上睁开眼,她第一句话又是在跟你们讲,缠缠绵绵嘻嘻哈哈的她养成习惯了,你们深深地扎根在她生活里,一日不见如隔三秋她也不肯起来,“ They let me sleep for 10 more minutes," ok, 而她看见我的第一句话就是,“ They want your recommendations on Europe", 啊,怎么日子那么快又恢复到从前一样了,又让我想起刚认识你们的时候,你们一张口就问我要有关政治的短文,真是三句话不离本行,果然大人物啊亲爱的主席,88欧洲那么人文浪漫,连Jackie都受感染,忍不住在米兰大教堂的屋顶之上撩哥你们干嘛那么假正经,我带Jackie走一圈,把美丽留给别人,把辛苦劳顿给自己,顺带发点嗲撒个娇卖小萌吃飞醋,一回来就要为你们准备高大上档次的精神食粮,还请给点儿女情长奖励好吗? 88要近点人情 miao !  亲爱的主席,88要过父亲节了,嘿嘿嘿,哈哈哈,今年是Jackie你,你们不寻常的第二个父亲节在她的人生中,终于可以有了无论在世界什么地方一睁眼就有可以说话的天神一样的人了,想说什么就说什么.亲爱的主席,明泽男朋友谈得怎么样? 你们什么时候做岳父母呀?88孩子会讲多少话了,啥时也能跟Jackie这样一睁眼就可以讲话呀?也可以象这个网页里的爸爸那样,把孩子抱在胸前睡觉了?

Dear Chairman, 88, we finally returned to the US. Yesterday we drove home from LAX for two and a half hours. Because it's five o'clock in the afternoon on Friday, the most traffic jam.

I saw my home, the car under the car port, I felt calm. We went home safely, the car wasn’t stolen, it’s a blessing. I went home and took a shower, Jackie was too tired to lie down and fell asleep. Lying on the bed of my home, I felt really calm and comfortable. I remembered what my mom said when I was a child, the gold house and silver house are not as good as my own dog ​​house. I opened my eyes this morning, and Jackie was telling you her  first sentence again, entanglement, heh, haha. She has developed a habit, you are deeply rooted in her life, if she doesnt see you in one day, it s like you have been separated for three years. She refused to get up, "They let me sleep for 10 more minutes," Ok, and the first sentence she saw me was, "They want your recommendations on Europe", ah, how come my day is so quick going back to the same as before, which reminds me when I first met you, you just opened your mouth asked me short essays on politics, you really were saying three sentences without leaving your profession, really great. Dear Chairman , 88, Europe is so humanistic and romantic, even Jackie is influenced, she can't help but attract handsome guy on the roof of Milan Cathedral. Why are you so serious? I took Jackie around, leaving the beauty to others, and the hard work to myself. By the way, I whine, coquettish, cute, jealous. But as soon as I come back, I will prepare high-grade spiritual food for you. Would you please give me a reward of "romantic love"? 88, you have to be a little human. Miao! Dear Chairman, 88, it s Fathers Day, hahaha, hahaha, this year is Jackie, you, you are together for the unusual second Fathers Day. In her life , she can finally have someone who can speak like God at any time in the world whenever she opens her eyes, she could say whatever she wants. Dear Chairman, how is Mingze boyfriend going ? When can you be  parents-in-law? 88. How many words will the children speak, and when can they talk to Jackie as soon as they open their eyes? Or just like the father on this website, hold the child to his chest and sleep?






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