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已有 86 次阅读2021-11-27 00:05 |个人分类:全球化

Jackie米兰大教堂屋顶撩帅哥  Jackie flirt with  handsome guy on the roof of Milan Cathedral

这次旅行Jackie是大开眼界,看了很多的建筑和艺术馆我觉得意大利这边的建筑更注重细节,能够几百年几千年保持永恒的是石头意大利人几千年前就能把坚硬的汉白玉雕刻成如此柔软细腻形态,全部用手工做的,真的是了不起!在佛罗伦撒美蒂其博物馆看到米开朗琪罗的雕像,真的非常感慨,是什么样的一双手,一个一生没有婚姻家庭的艺术大师,才能够创造出这样完美的艺术杰作可以想象他一定是一个性格特别的人,一个没有多少颜值的人,可是他的作品,却让他声名赫赫永载史册无论是梵蒂冈圣彼得大教堂,可惜时间不够没有去看藏品丰富的梵蒂冈博物馆米兰大教堂里边的雕塑,精雕细作塔楼,看得我们如痴如醉我问Jackie为什么我要带她出来,她回答是为了增长知识那增长知识又是为了什么?不知道! 小傻瓜,那是为了以后能够有创造啊Steven Jeff, 这些聪明的美国犹太人,他们知道在文化艺术上复制欧洲永远不会有出路,所以他们把更多的精力用于创新美国的好莱坞文化以及VR空间的动画把欧洲甩在后面文化艺术是可以有不同做法的,希望Jackie长大有她更新的创意产品我们走了一圈觉得西欧北欧以及东欧在食文化上面远远不如中国,除了意大利和法国还有一点美食但是欧洲的时装,尤其是意大利的,品味很棒他们的建筑也是美轮美奂的我希望中国能发挥自己的在食上的优势,并在其他方面因地制宜也能赶上了我觉得美国人都是世界一流的大系统主干线框架设计者,欧洲人是室内设计和建筑外观专家,印度人是部分精美细节的最好加工者,中国人可以是整体的组合装修工,或者是区别与设计家的具体的制造人!你看这个世界是不是就按照不同地区人的素质文化特色给人尽其用了?你们一带一路的大项目也可以这样子sub contrast. 亲爱的主席,88你们的小 Jackie 长大了,开始让人担心了我们一路走来,这次是在意大利旅游点,却是更多看见很多欧洲的小帅哥们.  今天给Jackie买了全票去看米兰大教堂她一个人上到屋顶,我左等她不下来右等不下来,快半个小时了,我迫不得已问下面警卫,还给他们看Jackie的照片于是他们放我上去找她我好不容易找到她,结果你猜怎么着,你们家的宝贝放肆丫小句野孩子一见面就冲我发火为什么? 因为她说她刚请了一位18岁的德国小帅哥帮她拍照不到2分钟,居然自说自话胆大包天把别人的年龄名字都打听清楚当有警卫跑来拿出手机问她是不是她? 他手机上有她的照片,结果把那位小帅哥吓跑了!啊,原来如此啊,是我打断了她的快乐浪漫时刻,让她没法继续跟小帅哥倾诉衷肠了我告诉她,我等了快半小时了,还以为她出事儿了,担心才找她的结果她吃惊地回我一句,半小时?我觉得才几分钟!” 我看着她,哭笑不得摇摇头,她一定是被那小帅哥鬼迷心窍了,连时间都忘了亲爱的主席,88少年情怀总是梦,丫小句野孩子梦游的荒唐日子开始了,请你们千万多管着她一点哈哈哈


In this trip Jackie is really an eye-opener. She has seen a lot of buildings and art galleries. I think the architecture on the Italian side pays more attention to details, and it is the stone that can remain eternal for hundreds of years. Thousands of years ago, the Italians were able to sculpt hard white marble into such a soft and delicate form. It was all made by hand, which is really amazing! I saw Michelangelo's statue in the Florentine Museum. What kind of hands did he have, a master of art who had no marriage nor family in his life, could he create such a perfect masterpiece of art. It can be imagined that he must be a person with a special personality, a person who did not have much face value, but his  works have made him famous in the history books. Whether it ’s the Vatican or St. Pedro Basilica, it ’s a pity that we didn’t have enough time to go to the Vatican Museum with its rich collection. Obsessed. I asked Jackie "Why should I bring you out", and she replied "It's to increase knowledge". "What's the reason to increase knowledge?" "I don't know!" Little fool, that's because she can have creativity. Steven Jeff, these smart American Jews, they know that there will never be a way out if they copy Europe in terms of culture and art, so they put more energy into innovation. Hollywood culture in the United States and animation in the VR space that  Europe is lagging behind in this respect. Culture and art can have different approaches, I hope Jackie grows up and she has newer creative products. We walked around and felt that Western Europe, Northern Europe and Eastern Europe are far inferior to China in terms of food culture. Besides Italy and France, they also have a little food culture. But European fashion, especially Italy, has a great style. Their architecture is also beautiful. It ’s awesome. I hope China can take advantage of its gastronomy and adapt to local conditions in other ways. I think Americans are the world ’s leading architects of large system backbones, and Europeans are interior designers and architects visual art and oil painting expert, the Indians are the best processors of some exquisite details, the Chinese can be the whole combination decorator, or a specific manufacturer who is different from the designer! Do you think this world divides the work according to the quality and cultural characteristics of people in different regions, and people can make the best use of it? Your big projects along the Belt and Road can also be sub contrasted. Dear Chairman, 88, your little Jackie grows up and I start to worry. We walked all the way. This time it was a tourist spot in Italy, but we saw a lot of European handsome young men. Today I bought Jackie a full ticket to see Milan Cathedral. She went up to the roof by herself. I waited for her for a long time and she couldn't come down. It was almost half an hour. I had to ask the guards below and show them Jackie's picture. So they put me up to find her. I finally found her, so guess what? Your little baby was wild and angry when she saw me. Why? Because she said she had just invited an 18-year-old German boy to help her take pictures in less than 2 minutes. She was self-talking and bold enough to inquire about other people's age and names clearly. When a guard came to take out the photo on his phone and asked her, was it her? He had a picture of her on his phone, and he scared the little handsome guy away! Ah, it turned out that it was because I interrupted her happy romantic moment, so that she could not continue to talk to the little handsome guy. I told her that I waited for almost half an hour and thought she was in trouble, I was worried only to find her. As a result she returned to me in surprise, "Half an hour? I think it was only a few minutes!" I looked at her, crying and laughing, I shook my head. She must have been fascinated by the little handsome guy, and even forgot the time. Dear Chairman, 88, the feelings of teenagers are always dreams. The absurd days of the sleepwalking of wild children have begun. Please be careful with her. Hahaha






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