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已有 98 次阅读2021-11-27 00:01 |个人分类:全球化


Jun 14, 2017 at 6:58 PM



Jackie没有财大气粗的父母,只能辛苦多学点东西,将来凭本事吃饭吧  Jackie has no wealthy parents and can only work hard to learn more.

亲爱的主席,88今天Jackie来告诉我,那位有儿子的欧式女士是编造出来的亲爱的主席你真是好大哥88千万要好好谢谢亲爱的主席,嘿嘿嘿! 88其实,有,也是很正常的,没有孩子总想要个孩子啊,老了怎么办呢学法语的对欧洲艺术文化应该比较喜欢的,是不是? 丫小句野孩子性格嚣张比较容易接近沟通,可是需要很多的爱和调教,她才会变得柔和和优雅的我是做妈妈的,很多时候想教育,力所不能及做一个女人又没有适宜环境好好做女人的,不好意思,比较敏感会吃醋了! 只是不明白为什么那位女士没有成果,将来又会如何呢? 88要亲近一个小孩,要让小孩儿无条件的信赖你,要有intimacy 组成一个相亲相爱家庭,说容易也容易,说不容易是非常难的要有一颗爱人的心,相融的性格,有缘分,才行啊随行的团员中也有妈妈带着跟 Jackie年龄相仿儿子的儿子是在这边德国长大的,就腼腆不爱社交说起Jackie喜欢艺术,将来想让她到欧洲读大学,问问同行的几位年轻人,他们告诉我在英国读书,学费生活费很贵的而在德国,法国欧洲其他国家,却是免费的所以如果Jackie有来欧洲上学计划,从小就应该把法语德语好好学才行的 这是美国大学下一学年的学费,按照这样子的速度,等Jackie四年以后说不定每年要八九万美金才能够入学了Jackie学不起呀,看来要逼她学法语德语了88请千万帮帮忙吧.  对了,说起语言,小孩子一两岁是学语言的黄金时候,88如果有钱又有条件,能请到欧式女士,美国老师,集中精力教法语德语西班牙语和美式英文那小孩子从小就有纯正的口音,将来走遍天下都是很通顺的,88你有没有费心试试,除了和欧式女士"谈情说爱" 是不是可以请这样的人来做孩子的老师啊?我上次想办世界级的教育系统也曾打算请这样子的老师来每周轮流给正适合语言教学年龄的孩子上不同语言课的同时还可以介绍不同国家的文化和生活习惯,对小孩子来说,学起来不费吹灰之力很快的,而且是一辈子的影响当然小孩子如果能够跟说别的语言小孩子们一起玩,那是学起来更快的你想不想把孩子放到国外来上托儿所?所以我一直想办这样的学校,可是Trillion and Billion赖帐不给赔偿没有资本啊我看见这边从大陆来读书的年轻人,有些真是富裕人家出身,满身名牌,我们都买街边的披萨什么快餐吃,他们坐在餐馆里点菜,一顿一人至少要30欧元可是我跟Jackie到一个地方,就拼命去找艺术馆博物馆,不管什么费用眼睛不眨一下交了就进去跟以前不同,我以前来的时候进斗兽场,看比萨斜塔,米兰大教堂什么都是免费的,东西欧那边好教堂也是免费的,现在这边意大利好像都把它圈起来,进每一个地方都要收费,而且还挺多的这些大陆年轻人对艺术建筑根本不感兴趣,有钱就去买名牌,吃大餐我也搞不懂他们也许Jackie没有财大气粗的父母,只能辛苦多学点东西,将来凭本事吃饭吧

Dear Chairman, 88, Jackie came to tell me today that the European lady with son was a made up. Dear Chairman, you are such a big brother. 88, thank you very much, Dear Chairman, hehe! 88, actually, if there is, it is also normal. People who don’t have children always want a child. What if they get old? French speakers should like European art and culture, right? The arrogant character of wild girl is easier to approach for communication, but  she needs a lot of love and training, she will become soft and elegant. I am a mother, many times I want to educate her to be women, beyond my ability.  I don’t have a suitable environment to be a woman, I am sorry, I’m jealous because I ’m more sensitive. I just don't understand why the lady has no results, what will happen to her in the future? 88, to be close to a child, let the child trust you unconditionally, and have intimacy to form a bond and love family, it is easy and easy to say, and it is very difficult actually not easy. This must need a heart that loves others and is in harmony personality, with connection, then it ’s okay. Some of the tour  group members also have mother with son of similar age to Jackie. Her son grew up here in Germany, and he is shy and does not like to socialize. Speaking of Jackie ’s love of art,  I asked her about Jackies future opportunity to go to Europe to study at a university, I asked several young people who were traveling with us. They told me that the cost of living and studying in the UK is very expensive. In Germany, France, and other European countries, universities are free. So if Jackie has plan studying in the European school, French and German should be studied well since childhood. This is the tuition fee for the next academic year of American universities. According to such a growth rate, Jackie may need to spend 0.8-0.9 million US dollars to enter the university after four years. That ’s it. Jackie can’t afford the tuition. It seems that I’m going to force her to learn French and German. 88, please help me. By the way, speaking of language, a child  one or two years old is the gold time of language learning.  88, if you have money and conditions, you can ask an European-style lady and an American teacher to concentrate on teaching children French German Spanish and American English. That child has a pure accent since childhood, and it will be very smooth to travel all over the world in the future. 88. Have you bothered to try it, except to "flirt" with the European-style lady, is it possible to invite such a person to be a child's teacher? Last time I wanted to run a world-class education system, I also planned to invite teachers like this to take turns taking different language classes every week for children who are suitable for learning languages. At the same time, they can also introduce the culture and living habits of different countries. For children, learning various languages ​​is quick and effortless, and benefits for a lifetime. Of course, if children can play with children who speak other languages, they will learn faster.  Do you want to send your child abroad to a nursery? So I always wanted to run such a school, but Trillion and Billion did not pay compensation, no initial capital. I saw some young people from the mainland who came to study here, some of them are really wealthy people,  with full of famous brands. We all buy pizza on the street for fast food. They sit in the restaurant and order cuisine. It costs at least 30 Euro per person. But Jackie and I when got to a place and tried desperately to go to the Museum of Art without blinking paying at any cost  just to go in. It's different from before. When I came before, I went to the Colosseum, the leaning Tower of Pisa and Milan Cathedral. Everything was free, and good churches in Eastern and Western Europe were free. Now Italy seems to circle them all makes people have to pay for entering every place, and it ’s quite a lot. These mainland young people are not interested in art and architecture at all. If they have money, they can buy famous brands and eat big meals. I also don’t understand them. Maybe Jackie doesn’t have a wealthy parent and can only work hard to learn something.






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