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已有 69 次阅读2021-11-26 00:21 |个人分类:领袖精英

Bill Gatescool  Bill Gates is cool

我原以为比尔盖茨是一个软件工程师 ,不是的,他是一个生意人他看见我用了好多年的PC,第一个感觉就是,如我再留着几年就可以当古董卖好价钱这是我唯一留着不上网的pc, 因为别的电脑用过几年就都被网上病毒感染不能用了有的甚至电池给烧了我以前买的iPad,因为能够上网,用一阵子就黑屏,不死不活的所以我坚决那台电脑不上网,结果到现在还能用! 据说比尔盖茨是还有一个情人的,因为母亲不中意所以他没有结良缘看得出现在的太太比较低调柔顺贤惠,也许那位情人有才华锋芒外露年长无法怀孕,谁知道呢,做妈妈的不喜吧据说每年比尔盖茨会抽一个月陪伴以前的女友昨天我没敢让Jackie问他,他都有三个儿女了,养儿育女很辛苦的大家看得出他性格的改变,他比以前要自然幽默chill多了这跟享受他的儿女家庭天伦是有关系的吧也许他年龄大了看开很多事吧,也许男人成熟了豁达了吧.  他们自己的事啊,我不问了只是他看上去比亲爱的主席,88,老许多呀,你看有钱也是一种累赘呀他说他想做VR,   嘿嘿嘿,是我跟88这样的VR吗?哈哈哈,那应该去找mark zukenburg 一起做才好开玩笑了我上次说到,如果大家都一窝蜂地在VR网络世界里竞争,一开始那么多的应用会五花八门眼花缭乱的,就像市场上有很多的零售商后来觉得这些都是自成一体的小规模,为什么不开一个大的商场把东西集中起来展示昨天我正说到这儿呢记得一年多前,我刚认识你们的时候,你们问我要三维加时间的设计实现,来对全社会中相关的选择对象和每个个体进行监控,并可以施行有关的各种关系处理优化等等功能操作,并可以在VRdisplay. 因为这个世界是相连的,你看我们现在有些综合网页,打开后会有很多的link是跟别的网站相连你看这个网站, 里面却有特别棒的专门给小孩教育的网站。 我以前教Jackie的英文数学,全都是从这网上拿的材料.

I thought Bill Gates is a software engineer, no, he is a businessman. He saw that I had used a PC for many years, and his first feeling was that if I kept it for a few more years, I could sell it with an antique price. This is the only PC that doesn’t have Internet access, because other computers have been infected by on line viruses for a few years and cannot be used. Some computers or even batteries have burned. The iPad I bought before can be used on line The screen went blank for a while, and it didn’t die. So I firmly refused to let that computer go on line, but it still works today! It is said that Bill Gates also has a lover, because his mother did not like her, so he did not have a good relationship with her. I can see that the current wife is relatively low-key, supple, virtuous, maybe the lover is talented and exposed, so he can’t get older lover pregnant. Who knows, the mother did not like her. It is said that Bill Gates spends a month with his former girlfriend every year. Yesterday I didn’t dare to ask Jackie to ask him about it. He has three children and it’s hard to raise children. Yes everyone can see that his character has changed. He is more natural and humorous than before. Is this related to his enjoyment of the family relationship of his children? Maybe he is older and sees a lot of things, maybe the man is mature just be open-minded. I’m not asking about their own business. It’s just that he looks much older than Dear Chairman, 88. He’s much older. You see, money is also a burden. He said he wanted to do VR, hehehehe. Is it a remote VR like 88 and me? Hahaha, you should go to Mark Zukenburg to do it together. I was kidding. I said last time, if everyone is competing in the VR on line world, so many applications will be dazzling at first, just like in the free market there are a lot of retailers. Later, people will think that these are small and self-contained. Why not open a big shopping mall to display things together? Yesterday I was talking about it here. I remember that I just met you more than a year ago. Then, you asked me for the concrete realization of the three-dimensional plus time global AI management design to monitor the relevant selection objects and each individual in the whole society, and can implement various related relationship for processing and optimization, etc. their  function operations, and can be displayed in VR. Because this world is connected, you see that we have some integrated web pages. After opening, there will be many links to other websites. You see this website, but there are special great website dedicated to children's education. I used to teach Jackie ’s English, mathematics, all from the on line textbooks.






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