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已有 215 次阅读2021-10-25 23:03 |个人分类:全球化




用隐私要挟,伤人脸面nasty, 并不太触及筋骨如用利益危胁,那才是性命攸关的  Use privacy to threaten, hurt people's face and nasty, and not touch the bones. If you threaten with interests, it is life-threatening

以后应该更开发出智能的机器人能够积累经验和学会更高技巧这就是一种服务啊又有啥好大惊小怪的?就像车子和手机,是给人用的,满足人的不同需要的而且又没有道德问题,而且对人与人之间的关系,更在精神层次上,性格情爱方面,会要求更高更纯,没有啥不好的上次看见一个视频,一个非常高颜值的机器人,可以被控制显示各种的诱人表情于是就想,现在央视那些主播,也许不久的将来就可以用这些机器人代替甚至政治舞台的出面人物,或者陪伴人物,也可以用这些机器人来代替!因为大众看的就是一个人物形象,不用具体的性格才能,日常生活.  只局限于某些功能的满足,并不需要很多智力上的有创造性思维能动性的人来完成,机器人足够了!而且不会违背你的意思,多好!象Jackie这样,叛逆吵架的,多让我头疼不知道为什么我觉得你们国内的权斗好厉害这次国内夏令营,一开始Jackie想去北京,结果碰到重重阻碍!这次我们想去土耳其和俄国,好像又有人要我去迪拜和俄国我觉得国内这些单位后边,有人操纵跟我作对呢都是谁呀,我招惹你们了吗?看吧今天五一节,结果全美有反川普的大游行.  觉得川普可能还要一段时间才能稳定局势这个国家从这次美国总统选举就开始大大分裂。这儿有一部分人手里掌握着中共高层领导的隐私吧,挟持本钱以此讨价还价的中方又握有这些人在中国的商业利益,所以现在还在动态平衡中,还没有达到一个稳定点还是那句话,用隐私要挟,伤人脸面nasty, 并不太触及筋骨如用利益危胁,那才是性命攸关的,你死我活为啥不能退一步海阔天空,换一种思维,改变行动方向,大家都能活呢 ?做事太下流愚蠢了这是讲如何培养孩子的。亲爱的主席,88Trillion and Billion, 虽然你们不是Jackie的亲爸爸,我还是恳求你们,请尊重我支持我,跟我和睦相处不能有事脚底抹油溜的,不能在Jackie后面,不讲是非盲目支持她的,不能太宠她的。就是做戏,也要跟我友好相处关爱我的因为只有这样,她长大才会在婚姻关系,人事关系中,知道如何去经营,赞美尊重,相亲相爱,互助和睦,不抬高自己贬低别人,或者有事一走了之逃避责任的是不是啊?


In the future, more intelligent robots should be developed, which can accumulate experience and learn higher level skills. This is a kind of service. What's so fuss about? Just like a car and a mobile phone, it is for people to meet different needs of people. And there is no moral problem, and the relationship between people, more on the spiritual level, personality and love, will require higher and cleaner, nothing bad. Last time I saw a video, a very high-value robot, can be controlled to display all kinds of attractive expressions. So I thought, now the CCTV anchors may use these Robots in the near future  instead. Even the characters who come out on the political stage, or people accompany them, can also be replaced with these robots! Because the public is looking at a character image, without specific personality talents, daily life. It is limited to the satisfaction of certain functions, and does not require a lot of intellectually creative thinking active people to complete, robots are enough! And it won't go against what you mean, how good! Like Jackie, the rebellious quarrels caused me a lot of headaches. I don’t know why, I think your domestic power struggle is so powerful. At the beginning of this domestic summer camp, Jackie wanted to go to Beijing, but she encountered obstacles! This time we want to go to Turkey and Russia. It seems that someone wants me to go to Dubai and Russia again. I think behind these domestic units, some people do things against me. Who are you, did I provoke you? Look. Today ’s May Day, the result is that there is a large anti-Trump march across the United States. I think Trump may have some time to stabilize the situation. This country has been greatly divided since the US presidential election. Some people here have the privacy of the top leaders of the Communist Party in their hands. They can use their capital to bargain. And the Chinese side has the commercial interests of these people in China, so it is still in dynamic balance and has not reached a stable point. I It ’s still that sentence, threatening with privacy, hurting people ’s faces is nasty, and doesn’t touch the bones too much. If you threaten with interests, it ’s life and death. You can’t take a step back and change your mind?  Change the direction of action? Then everyone can live!  It's too foolish to do things. This is about how to cultivate children. Dear Chairman, 88, Trillion and Billion, although you are not Jackie ’s dads, I still beg you, please respect me supporting me and living in harmony with me. There can be nothing fishy. You can’t just slip by. You can’t just blindly support her behind Jackie without talking about right and wrong, and don’t spoil her too much. Even if you are acting, you must be friendly with me and love me. Because only in this way will she grow up and know how to behavier in marriage and personnel relations, praise and respect, love each other, help each other. She cannot elevate herself devalue others, or evades responsibilities goes away when something comes up, right?









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