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已有 80 次阅读2021-10-20 22:39 |个人分类:全球化

有什么好“soul”的?What's so good about "soul"?

Apr 25, 2017 at 4:19 PM


亲爱的主席,馊88,你们又去睡觉了?你们刚才讲话的,怎么也不跟床上一起睡觉的,每天实实在在可以见面,可以触碰,可以尽兴上下其手真实把握的,也来玩soul soul一下呀? 是谁的馊主意,把我放到这边来,把我当猴耍的?政府出那么一大笔钱供养着你们了,上天入地想怎么玩,爱怎么玩,就怎么玩你们怎么不纯玩soul, 立立牌坊,坚定地不要花国家一分钱呢?跟我来玩 soul?  Jackiesoul? 啥目的呀?千万个0也抵不过一个1,能soul出一个真实的baby吧?能soul 出实实在在的亲子感情吗?soul 出父母子女才有的无条件的信任吗?能soul 出爱吗?能soul出全世界对你们的仰望尊重信赖吗?帅哥美女日子封闭无聊是吧也想找点新鲜乐子拿我开心是吗?只跟我玩soul,如没有实在东西,那是要维护自己的既有实体利益是吧?别出心裁来玩 soul 我们小百姓要实实在在过日子的. You are so .............. ridiculous! 亲爱的主席,馊88,边上策划者小年轻讲话轻飘飘的,以为自己是什么玩意儿这世界上难道只有你们的soul need是最最重要,是要满足而我和Jackie的凡人生活需要是可以罔顾的. Soul 你个鬼!在你们每天见面的圈子里,我,一个做妈妈的生活每天一个人承担着,地位最低最没报酬人在做,天在看,物理层次睡够了是吧?想找高级一点的soul game? 我实实在在地问你们,为小孩换过尿布吗?喂过奶吗?带小孩出去锻炼吗?陪小孩练琴吗?看得懂五线谱吗?知道怎么抱孩子吗?这是实实在在的你们每天告诉我,啊,“我们知道怎么做,你不用烦”想把我排除在外?啥意思啊?我都不知道你们在教些什么?效果真正如何?那帮年轻人策划者啥目的呀?到底想干什么呀?馊88又要说了,“比没有好!” 我真还要180度鞠躬,谢谢你们是吧? 我和Jackie,要过日子,需要爱,你们每天用我们,我们花时间陪伴你们,还为你们提供高品质特别的精神需要,你们也要给出我们要的东西啊!就这么简单到底是谁在后边,是谁呀?想做什么呀? 那些国外的领袖们,有些或者有时,也是冒名顶替的吗? 政治游戏被玩成这样了?你看,我们每天还算有交流,我连你们都将信将疑的天下大概只有小孩子Jackie,才懵懵懂懂相信真是你们吧!好像有点聪明反被聪明误的为什么这样啊?


Dear Chairman, so 88, have you gone to bed again? What you just said, why don’t you with the one sleep with in the bed, you can meet each other, touch and have a real grasp of your hands, and also come to play soul soul? Whose uncle's idea put me here and played me like a monkey? The government has given so much money to support you guys. If you want to play heaven and earth, you can play as much as you like. Why are you not playing soul? You just set up a Tori, and you don’t want to spend a penny of your country? Come play with me of soul? Play soul with Jackie? What's the purpose? Thousands of zeros are less than one, can soul make a real baby? Can soul have real parent-child relationship? Can soul have unconditional trust that only parents and children have? Can soul make love? Can soul look up to you, respect and trust the whole world? The days of handsome guy and beautiful women are enclosed and boring, right? You guys also want to find some fresh fun to make me happy? Just play soul with me. If there is no real thing, then you have to protect your existing physical interests, right? Do you have the ingenuity to play soul? Our little people are really living. You are so .............. ridiculous! Dear Chairman,  88, the planner is little and young, they talk fluttered. What he thought he wasIs it only your soul need in this world that is the most important and is to be satisfied. And Jackie and I have mortal life needs that can be ignored. Soul ghost! In the World Political Forum you meet every day, my life, a mother's life, I bear it alone, with the lowest status and the least reward. No matter whatever the person is doing, the heaven is watching.  You have enough sleep at the physical level, right? Looking for a more advanced soul game? I sincerely ask you, have you changed the diapers for your children? Have you ever fed? Do you take kids out to exercise? Do you practice piano with children? Can you understand the staff? Do you know how to hold a child? This is real. You tell me every day, ah, "We know how to do it, you don't need to worry". Want to exclude me? What does it mean? I don't know what you are teaching? How effective is it? What's the purpose of these young planners? What do you want to do? So 88 is going to say again, "Better than nothing!" I really bowed 180 degrees, thank you, right? Jackie and I need to live and need love. You use us every day. We spend time with you and provide you with high-quality and special spiritual needs. You have to give us what we want! It's that simple. Who is behind and who? What do you want to do? Are some of the foreign leaders, or sometimes they have been impostors? Was the political game played like this? You see, we still have a communication every day, but I'm even doubtful about you. Only Jackie, a kid in the world, can't understand and believe that it is you! It seems a bit clever but it is wrong. Why?






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