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已有 81 次阅读2021-10-20 22:30 |个人分类:全球化

我和Jackie想去这土耳其俄国旅游,普京和埃尔多安和手言欢正儿八经要开始合作  Jackie and I want to travel to Turkey and Russia. Putin and Erdogan and Yan Yanhuan are going to start cooperation.


Apr 23, 2017 at 10:00 PM


亲爱的主席,88,你们厉害呀,你们行啊!昨天普京和埃尔多安两个人还在互相火药味很浓,你踹我一脚我给你一胳膊地撕逼呢就因为我和Jackie想去这两个国家旅游,说实在话,如果他们那样大打出手的话我们还真的不太想去了,谁知道什么时候他们给你出其不意来一下呀,像上次山西的车祸,我坐在飞机巴士里边还提心吊胆的今天Jackie告诉我,这两位老兄已经坐在一起和手言欢了,并且已经答应从今以后再也不会有恶言相向了!他们正儿八经要开始合作了!ISIS听了一定气坏了,因为他们没有生存的空间了!你看,有你们两个大人在,活菩萨呀,只要Jackie想去哪里你们都会帮她搞定的!我也看来,小Jackie跟他们一起合奏音乐是有效果的!虽然普京的小提琴不是最棒的,埃尔多安的笛子吹得horrible, Jackie的眉头都皱起来,哈哈哈哈哈,可能他们两位都没有意识到而自我感觉良好的,唉,只要他们开心就行!不看僧面看佛面,有啥好吵的呀,让小女孩好好地开开心心地来旅游,享受这两个国家特别的文化和优美的风景,这不是平日里他们两位兴致盎然向Jackie点点滴滴介绍他们文化的用意吗?两位做大人的,尤其是音乐知音和做叔叔的,是应该心平气和地互相协作的!哪有他们介绍了半天不创造条件让别人来,还从中作梗的呢?并且,跟随她脚步的浩浩荡荡接踵而来的是千百万中国人,腰缠万贯脑满肠肥!因为有好多好东西吃啊!嘿嘿嘿,中国富豪们出手阔绰比我有本事,能上天入地到处乱窜,豪购腐败啊傻瓜白痴才去制造动乱不让他们来了! 亲爱的主席,88,我怎么样才能有能力?我也想去尽兴腐败呀,帮帮我呀,我每次都穷游的我还在为明年青黄不接担心了! 小时候看过一个童话故事,“姆指姑娘”那么一个小不点儿姑娘坐在树叶做成的船上,在河里一路漂流,在外边游历,遇见了一连串的探险故事我觉得Jackie也像那位拇指姑娘一样啊,如果她到一个地方就可以把大家串联起来,那下次应该去哪里呢?伊朗伊拉克叙利亚?我觉得以后也许可以拍一部电影了,也讲现在的童话故事!是不是?亲爱的主席,88,你们太神通广大了,不费吹灰之力,两三下就把这两位火气旺盛的对头就这么给搞定了!也许你们也可以在电影里面作为某种形象出现,小拇指姑娘凭着你们的尚方宝剑所向无敌.  哈哈哈 也许ISIS那位还可以在电影里边反串一个角色,那可能要去找Steven看看,有什么创意可以想的太棒了!


Dear Chairman, 88, you are amazing, you can do it! Yesterday, Putin and Erdogan were still fill each other's with gunpowder,  you kicked me and I gave you an arm to fight. Just because Jackie and I want to travel to these two countries, to be honest, we really don’t want to go if they are so aggressive. Who knows when they give you a terrible surprise, like last time in Shanxi our car accident. I was still in a panic while sitting in the plane bus. Jackie told me today that the two dudes have sat together and talked with each other, and have promised that there will be no evil words from now on! They are about to cooperate! ISIS will be furious when they hear this, because they have no room for survival! You see, there are two of you masters, living Buddha, as long as Jackie wants to go, you will help her get it done! In my opinion, Jackie played music with them, and that was effective! Although Putin plays violin that is not the best, Erdogan blows flute  horrible, making Jackie's brows frown, hahahahaha, maybe both of them didn't realize this and felt good about themselves, oh, as long as they are happy, that's it! If don’t look at their faces but look at the Buddha ’s your faces, what ’s so trouble? Let the little girls happily travel and enjoy the special culture and beautiful scenery of these two countries. Isn't this their intention?  On weekdays, the two of them were so interested in introducing Jackie to their culture! Two masters, especially music connoisseurs and being uncles, should cooperate with each other calmly! How could they have introduced culture for a long time, but did not create conditions for others to come, and still stumped from it? And, following her footsteps, millions of Chinese are coming in, so rich! Because there are so many good things to eat! Hey, hey, the Chinese are rich and more generous than I am. They can roam everywhere and buy corruption. Fool idiots are going to create turmoil and keep them from coming! Dear Chairman, 88, how can I be capable? I also want to enjoy corruption! Please help me, I always travel poorly. I am still worried about my life next year!  I saw a fairy tale when I was a kid, "Thumb Girl". Then a little girl sitting on a boat made of a leave, drifting in the river, was traveling outside, and met a series of adventure. I think Jackie is also like that like Thumbelina, if she can connect everyone in all places, where should she go next time? Iran, Iraq, Syria? I think maybe she can make a movie in the future and also tell the fairy tale now! Is not it? Dear Chairman, 88, you're so amazing, you don't have to waste any effort. Just two or three times, you can put these two fierce opponents together. Maybe you can also appear in the movie as some kind of image, Little Thumbs Girl is invincible with your powerful sword. Hahaha Maybe ISIS can also cross-line a character in the movie, then you may want to go to Steven and see what ideas  he could think about. Great!






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