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已有 81 次阅读2021-10-19 23:06 |个人分类:中国

中国人有腐败的可能啊,我们想腐败都腐败不了 Chinese people have the possibility of corruption, but we cant even have chance to corrupt.



这两天我看网上讲郭文贵的事情,中国外交部陆慷居然还回应说,中国政府不信他讲的,有必要吗?我相信郭文贵爆料是有一定可信度的,但是中国政府的应对方式却让人觉得像是个不成熟的血气方刚毛头小孩子,就像以前的Jackie,急吼吼地在那里撕逼中国政府大可不必把自己屈尊到跟郭文贵平起平坐的地位啊!我会建议中国政府外交部可以这么说,中国政府注意到郭文贵的言论,政府一贯且正在逐步自我清理,包括现在出现的郭文贵事件“ 这样既有勇气面对现实承认可能有的弊端,又表示有行动会消除弊端,包括受清查而狗急跳墙的爆料人郭文贵. “不信他的话 ,什么意思?孩子气地气急败坏否认吗?作贱自己给人口实吗?政府后面的策划怎么这么愚蠢了?中国政府引领一带一路做世界领袖,这边外边已经听到有风言风语,觉得中国政府自己作风不正是不可以立信的像把VOA直播中断的事情,我觉得是下策,把马建的交代视频放出来,更是自毁!中国政府一直有这样子的行事作风,让人觉得,如果美国人是蛮横无理到处霸道秀肌肉的话,有时候中国政府就是年轻气盛冲动莽撞首先,VOA没有几个人看,其次,中国政府完全可以设置一个专门的渠道让这些人去爆料,可以爆这些贪官们这些年积累了多少财富! 他们托中国共产党的福,依靠中国政府中国智库行之有效的政策法律管理发的财!再附加一句,人腐败了,可是财富都在呀,易手就是了!你看美国大选爆出多少事情,我们美国民众都是拿娱乐新闻看了,川普四两拨千斤让观众对于美国大媒体集体失去信赖,中国政府外交部也可以四两拨千斤的说 “VOA是美国媒体,当然就有美国各大媒体胡说八道的做事方式了,还是请多多关注美国自己的领袖人物吧“ .  我觉得中国政府首先应该有通畅的管道让人发泄心中的不满爆料,这是平衡社会的政治能量的而且要通过正常的管道向民众告知,中国政府是如何处理这些爆料,有什么相应的更具体的法律措施亡羊补牢这是让民众安心的然后中国政府颁布具体的统计数字,显示腐败的案子的减少和规模的缩减,这才是真正有效向民众交代的不然中国政府就显得欲盖弥彰,孩子斗气和意气用事的后面的策划者是一群年轻人吧? 亲爱的主席,88,我觉得你们后面策划者有的时候是矫枉过正的,像我们这种应该按劳分配的情形,却不知道为什么被你们后面策划者毫无道理免了而且觉得你们后面中国政府内部权力机构的内斗厉害文化部央视一批,湖南卫视一批人,四川一批人,国安部一批人,总参一批人,广东,上海,又不同荣,鲁,刘,我特不明白怎么回事,好像如来佛宝殿各种佛和罗汉那样的,我是从来也搞不懂的就是问你们,你们也不会告诉我象郭文贵这样一介平民,能够在全世界大城市都有置产,我们这些奋斗了一辈子辛辛苦苦的,很羡慕,只有中国共产党中国政府才会让他这样了为了权力斗争去跟中国政府过不去,这种人就是忘恩负义人渣


In the past two days, I watch about Guo Wengui on the Internet. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lu Kan, actually responded, "The Chinese government does not believe what he said." Is it necessary? I believe Guo Wengui broke the news with some credibility, but the Chinese government's response made people feel like an immature child with a frizzy bristle head, just like Jackie used to be there. The government does not have to condescend itself to be on an equal footing with Guo Wengui! I would suggest that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Chinese government can say, "The Chinese government has taken note of Guo Wengui's remarks, and the government has been and is gradually clearing itself up, including the current Guo Wengui incident." There are actions that will eliminate the disadvantages, including Guo Wengui, the person who broke the report and jumped off the wall. What do you mean by "don't believe him"? Are you childish and rash and deny? Is it evidence? Why are the planners behind the government so stupid? The Chinese government has led the Belt and Road Initiative as a world leader. Some people have heard rumors outside here. Some people think that the Chinese government's own style of work is unreliable. Like someone interrupting the VOA broadcast, I think it is the next best thing. Putting out Ma Jian's explanation video is even more self-destructing! The Chinese government has always behaved like this. It makes people feel that if Americans are unreasonable and show their muscles everywhere, then sometimes the Chinese government is just young and impulsive. Firstly, few people watch VOA, and secondly, the Chinese government can set up a special channel for these people to break the news. They can tell how much wealth these corrupted officials have accumulated over the years! They entrusted the Chinese Communist Party, and relied on the effective policies, laws, and management of the Chinese government's Chinese think tank to make a fortune! I add another sentence, people are corrupt, but the wealth is there, just change hands! You see how many things broke out in the US election, and we in the U.S. all take these things as entertainment news. Trump easily made the audience lose trust in the large American media. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs can also easily say "VOA is American media, of course, there are major US medias  nonsense ways of doing things, please pay more attention to the United States " I think the Chinese government should first have unblocked channels to let people vent their dissatisfaction. This is to balance the political energy of the society. And to inform the public through normal channels how the Chinese government handles these leaks. What are the corresponding more specific legal measures to make up for it? This is to reassure the public. Then the Chinese government promulgated specific statistics to show cases of corruption. This is really effective to explain to the people. Otherwise, the Chinese government seems to want to show off, like child fighting and emotional affairs. The planner behind is a group of young people, right? Dear President, 88, I think the planners behind you are sometimes overkill. Situations such as ours, which should be paid according to work, do not know why the planners behind you have denied. And I think the internal fighting of the Chinese government's internal authority is powerful. The Ministry of Culture CCTV is a group, Hunan Satellite TV is another group, Sichuan another group, the National Security Ministry another group, the General Staff and another group, Guangdong, Shanghai, different people. Rong, Lu, Liu, I don't understand what is going on. It ’s like the Buddhas and Arhats in the Great Hall of the Buddha. I never understand. Even I just ask you, you won’t tell me. A civilian like Guo Wengui can be found in different big cities around the world having real estate properties, and those of us who have worked hard all our lives, are very envious. Only the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government can let him do this. He fights the Chinese government for power struggles, such people are ungrateful.






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