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已有 206 次阅读2021-10-18 22:31 |个人分类:领袖精英

Apr 22, 2017 at 5:02 PM


亲爱的主席,88,今天你们让Jackie去见Target CEO, Brian Cornel, 我也不知道怎么帮她准备是不是让她讲怎么跟Disneyland CEO, Knotts Berry Farm CEO, Bill Gates 等见面的情形原来 Brian也是单亲家庭出身是在祖父母的养育下生长的美国这边有太多单亲的我无法得知他们的人格,但是这些从贫穷家庭出来的孩子,或在有很多人生经验的长者教育下,从小就要进入成人世界,必定比别的同龄孩子早懂人生的. Jackie从襁褓时就已经知道察言观色取悦人了,因为不然阿姨不抱她呀!接她时孤儿院阿姨告诉我的. Jackie去看Brian, 他第一句话就问Jackie, “喜欢 Target?  还是喜欢Walmart多些? 每次我去沃尔玛都是人山人海的,大家迫不及待地买这个买那个,付款处总是排着长队,而相比之下Target人稀稀拉拉的沃尔玛的规模大,物品种类多,而且价格比较便宜如果要什么基本生活用品的话,我去一趟沃尔玛基本上就可以搞定了据说Brian跟沃尔玛的CEO相处不好,那肯定的,同行竞争吗!如果现在不是因为沃尔玛没有那么多的分布密度,有些地方是靠Target作为补充的话,很可能Target也跟Kmart一样会消失呢!而且现在沃尔玛做很多的网上销售,沃尔玛的货物运转率很快,库存率少,大大有利资金的周转虽然沃尔玛货物价格低,利润小,但是周转快就会带来很大的收益如果Target没有办法在货物上成为沃尔玛的互补,或者在销售手段上比沃尔玛更先进从而降低货品的价格话,Target前景是黯淡的. Brian80年代去UCLA学的企业管理,虽然他有很多大公司的CEO主管经验,可是他对Jackie说,他喜欢Target,不停地转换公司不是一个好的现象,而且在他的知识结构上,缺少现在最先进的网络大数据的e销售背景于是我就在想,中国人可不可以投资把它买下来,变换销售方式,Target主要是卖生活用品,衣服化妆品电器卫生用品等,比如在Target引进量体定制服装的服务项目,为个人或家庭终年或长短期整套设计服装配备服务,引进对个人形象设计服务,寻找配备适合的个人的化妆品以及卫生用品. Target 可以和全世界的旅游地以及特产店挂钩,引进他们特别设计的产品,不像沃尔玛那样只卖大路货. Target甚至可以跟药房合作,提供特别的个人健康监测服务,运动项目设计,以日常实时的监控来确保人的生理运作健康.  因为美国这儿大的药店,基本上也是卖食品的这些是新的服务, 都需要通过大系统新设置来完成的.  不知道Target有这个意愿创新吗?


Dear Chairman, 88, today you asked Jackie to meet Target CEO, Brian Cornel, and I don’t know how to help her prepare. Is it to let her  tell  how she meets with Disneyland CEO, Knottsberry farm CEO, Bill Gates, etc.? Brian was born in a single-parent family and grew up under the care of his grandparents. There are too many single parents here in the United States. I can’t know their personalities, but these children from poor families, or under the education of seniors who have a lot of life experience, they will enter the adult world from an early age, and they must understand life earlier than other children of the same age. Since Jackie's death, she has known to watch, feel, pleasing others, otherwise aunt nanny wouldn't hold her! When I picked her up, the orphanage aunt told me about it. Jackie went to see Brian, and he asked Jackie in the first sentence, "Do you like Target? Or do you like Walmart more?" Every time I go to Wal-Mart, people are crowded. Everyone can't wait to buy this and that. There is always a long line in cashier. In contrast, Target is sparsely with shoppers. Wal-Mart is large in scale, has a large variety of items, and is relatively cheap. If I want basic daily necessities, I can basically get it at Wal-Mart. It is said that Brian and Wal-Mart CEOs don't get along well, sure, they compete with each other!   If it is not because Wal-Mart does not have so many distribution densities, and some places rely on Target as a supplement, it is likely that Target will disappear like Kmart! And now Wal-Mart does a lot of online sales, Wal-Mart's cargo operation rate is fast, and the inventory rate is small, which greatly facilitates the turnover of funds. Although Wal-Mart's goods have low prices and small profits, fast turnover will bring great benefits. If Target has no way to complement Wal-Mart in the goods, or more advanced sales methods than Wal-Mart to reduce the price of goods, Target's prospects are bleak. In the 1980s, Brian went to UCLA to study business management. Although he has a lot of CEO experience in large companies, he told Jackie he likes Target. It is not a good phenomenon to constantly switch companies, and in terms of his knowledge structure, he lacks the most advanced Internet big data e-sale background. So I was wondering whether the Chinese can invest in Target to change the way they sell. Target mainly sells daily necessities, clothes, cosmetics, electrical appliances, sanitary products, etc. For example, you can introduce tailor-made clothing service items at Target, or provide individuals or families with a full set of clothing design services year-round or short-term, or introduce personal image design services, find and equip personal cosmetics and hygiene products. Target can be linked to tourist destinations and specialty stores around the world, and introduce their specially designed products instead of selling general goods like Wal-Mart. Target can even cooperate with pharmacies to provide special personal health monitoring services, sports program design, and daily Real-time monitoring to ensure the health of people's physiological operations. Because the big drug stores here in the United States also basically sell food. These are new services that need to be completed through large system new settings. I wonder if Target has the willingness to innovate? 






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