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已有 119 次阅读2021-10-18 22:28 |个人分类:全球化


主席,88,你要我写俄国,还是普京? 因为普京是来你们论坛最多次的人, Jackie还叫他叔叔呢, Jackie 认识的人里有很多是俄裔的,希望她能有一点俄国的文化背景. Jackie一直嚷着要去以色列,所以也希望她能多一点中东的文化,土耳其那边东罗马帝国,拜占庭,奥特曼帝国,各种欧亚文化汇集,她从来没有经历过了我本来想去土耳其和埃及的,七月份的行程还没出来,埃及总统又说那边不安全,去伊朗以色列都很贵呀!我想领她去世界各地看看,读万卷书行万里路,眼界背景知识胸怀都会不一样的呢,下一次她在世界论坛跟各国领袖交流的时候就可以有话可说,比较容易获得共鸣她不能跟你们比呀,你们是走遍全世界的,出入都是最高尚的场合,希望你们多多教育她,谢谢我不是富裕的家庭,平时省吃俭用希望假期时候带她去看世界呀,我们家又没有一个全职在外赚钱的人啊,她更缺爱你们用她,是不是也应该给她这些培训费呀?为什么这样不正常地做事呢? 亲爱的主席,88,你们觉得呢?这是我能找到最便宜的了申请俄国签证太麻烦了在洛杉矶又没有俄国领馆,俄国也不能有电子签证,而且签证又贵,难道我们要人到旧金山去拿签证吗?匪夷所思的我爸爸在俄国待了五年,妈妈一直想去俄国看看,她老了没法去了我最想去看的是东宫的博物馆,那么大那么多的藏品啊俄国很有文化呀,又产美女啊! 如果我要讲普京,88,老实说我真不太了解普京,到底是怎么回事,他自己开心就好


Dear President, 88, do you want me to write about Russia or Putin? Because Putin is the person who has come to your World Political Forum the most times. Jackie also called him uncle. Many people Jackie knows are of Russian descent. I hope she can have a little Russian cultural background. Jackie has been thinking about going to Israel, so also I hope she can have a little more Middle Eastern culture, Turkey ’s East Roman Empire, Byzantium, Ottoman Empire, a collection of various Eurasian cultures, she has never experienced them. I originally wanted to go to Turkey and Egypt. The itenary in July had not yet come out, and the Egyptian president said it was not safe there. To Iran, Israel is expensive! I want to show her around the world, read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles. Then her vision, background, knowledge, and mind will be different. The next time she communicates with leaders of other countries in the World Forum, she will have something to say and it will be easier to resonate. She ca n’t compare with you. You have traveled all over the world, and you have entered and exited on the most noble occasions. I hope you can educate her a lot, thank you. My family is not a wealthy family. I usually save money hope to take her to the world during the holidays. There is no one in my family who makes money full-time, she lacks affection and love. Should you use her, should you also give her these training fees? Why do you do things this way?  Dear Chairman, 88, what do you think? This is the cheapest I can find. Applying for a Russian visa is too troublesome. There is no Russian consulate in Los Angeles, Russia cannot have an electronic visa, and getting visa is expensive. Do we want someone to go to San Francisco to get a visa? Unbelievable. My dad has been in Russia for five years, and my mother has always wanted to go to Russia to visit. She is too old to go. What I want to see is the Hermitage Museum, which is so big, so many collections. Russia is very cultural, it ’s beautiful! If I want to talk about Putin, 88, I honestly don’t know much about Putin, whatever going on is going on, he’s happy. 








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