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已有 84 次阅读2021-10-17 00:01 |个人分类:北美生活



把事情讲清楚  Make things clear

后面的策划者,是想产生象上次湾区7千万美金保释的轰动效应,从反面追求世界政坛的宣传效果吗?嗯?Jackie一向嘴巴厉害,近来我发现她又更上一层楼了!以前她是强词夺理的,比如体育老师说她俯卧撑不行,她给回一句“ why don't you do it?". 现在她跟我吵架,英文明显进步很多,为什么?她可以一连串地说,又快又狠,举各种例子,找各种理由,甚至可以选我都不懂的英文词!有时候她甚至情绪激动而大喊大叫的她不可以这样子的过后我告诉她,有理不在声高用不着那么情绪激动,好好讲,把事情讲清楚就行了亲爱的主席,88,她嘴皮子是从你们世界政坛里练出来的吧?调皮捣蛋耍无赖是跟88学的吧?今天你们又护着她呀!你们一致说你们听得懂她,可是为什么我有时候就是搞不清了?是你们之间沟通频繁良好,所以没有误解,而我跟她有communication gap? 还是我期待她描述事情的重点跟你们不一样?今天他们州考考数学,早上我忍不住叮咛她一点,她很不耐烦告诉我,她已经做过预测了我紧盯着她又问啥时候做的?做的是什么” 她才补充说昨天晚上做的,是在网上找的八年级的州考题目” 看见吗,这就是我对她不满意的地方她讲话像挤牙膏似的,别人不问,她不告诉别人具体的来龙去脉,描述的事情信息不完整!这是一个思考方式的问题,做演讲和写作,是需要把事情条理清晰陈叙的会思考的人就能找出问题所在,进而找到怎么样解决问题方法不然就一辈子稀里糊涂胡搅蛮缠的亲爱的主席,88,我要求她,从一开始先想想,用简单的句子把整个事情讲完整!你们听得懂她蜻蜓点水那是你们的事儿,我没责任替她去挤牙膏!也请你们,可敬可爱的亲爱的主席,88,帮助我让她把事情想好了,从一开始就讲清楚!这才是我的小宝贝! 美国海军去朝鲜半岛的航母在大海上居然开错了方向,没有去朝鲜半岛!川普居然说,韩国是属于中国的!看来美国是在中国共产党的引领下奔驰在社会主义的康庄大道上了!哈哈


The planners behind wanted to create a sensational effect like the last time the bailment of $ 70 million in the Bay Area, and pursued the publicity effect of the World Political Forum from the reverse? Right? Jackie's mouth has always been fierce, and recently I found she has taken it to the next level! In the past, she was arrogant. For example, the physical education teacher said that her push-ups would not work. She gave back a request, "why don't you do it?". Now she quarrels with me, and that has improved  my English a lot. Why? She can say a series, fast and ruthless, give various examples, find various reasons, and even choose English words that I don't understand! Sometimes she even shouted with excitement. She couldn’t be like this. Later I told her that she didn’t need a loud voice, she didn’t need to be so emotional, just talk about it and make things clear. Dear Chairman, 88 did she learn from your World Political Forum? Naughty or rogue is learned from 88, right? Today you protect her again! You all agree that you understand her, but why do I sometimes get confused? Is your communication frequent and good, so there is no misunderstanding, and I have a communication gap with her? Or do I expect her to describe things differently than you? Today they have math test in the state test. In the morning I couldn’t help but remind her. She was impatient to tell me that she had done the pre-tests. I stared at her and asked "when did you do it?" She added that "I did it last night. It was the eighth grader I found online." Seeing the exam questions for the state "See, this is where I am not satisfied with her. She speaks like squeezing toothpaste. If others do n’t ask, she does n’t tell others the specific context, the information described is incomplete! This is a question of way of thinking. When speaking and writing, you need to make things clear and clear. People who can think can find out the problem and then find out how to solve the problem. Otherwise, they will be confused and confused forever. Dear chairman, 88, I asked her to think about it from the beginning and complete the whole thing in simple sentences!  You can understand her only a few words, that's your business, I have no responsibility to squeeze toothpaste for her! Please also, respectful and lovely dear Chairman, 88, help me and let her think things through from the beginning before talking! This is my little baby! The US Navy ’s aircraft carrier going to the Korean Peninsula actually went in the wrong direction on the sea, and did not go to the Korean Peninsula! Trump actually said that South Korea belongs to China! It seems that the United States is led by the Communist Party of China on the road of socialism! Haha






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