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已有 82 次阅读2021-10-16 00:47

世上很多事情又不是只是 0 在时间上也不是非要马上决断10不可的  Many things in the world are not just 1 and 0, and it is not necessary to immediately decide on 1 and 0.


Apr 18, 2017 at 5:53 PM


小孩子是要严格教育的,不好娇惯的  Children must be educated strictly and not spoiled

亲爱的主席, 我的存在会衬托让你的人物形象丰富魅力无穷,88,而且我还那么爱你,这个年龄了到哪里去找象我这样风流疯子啊,大家都眼巴巴地翘首以待看剧情,期待下回分解呢哈哈哈哈 开玩笑的亲爱的主席,88,非常谢谢你们! Jackie不知道怎么样清楚地描绘事情,因为学校有毕业社交舞,她的同学一位男生去邀请另一位女生,结果被女生当面拒绝她把过程录像下来就这么简单的事情她讲不清楚这次我还事先提醒她让她想清楚了再说,还是不知道从哪里开始,只是大声嚷嚷说她把所有都录像下来了,搞得我丈二和尚摸不找头脑,什么事情呀我家小女孩脾气太爆,缺少逻辑,不知道怎么把来龙去脉搞清楚不行,以后写文章作报告,象这样怎么可以混了!看亲爱的主席,88,你们的文章,思路清晰框架合理,她也得学会呀于是我停下车,告诉她如果她不能从头到尾清楚地讲一遍,那就下去,我自己一人开车回家就这么逼她,最狠的杀手锏我也没有别的好办法我告诉她讲事情有两个顺序,一个是时间的顺序,一个是逻辑的顺序今天的事情是逻辑的顺序,先要解释学校的promotion dance是怎么一回事,不是天下所有人都知道有这么回事儿了,要把时间地点和跳舞的规则讲出来因为有了这个条件原因,才会有男孩邀请女孩的事情发生,然后再讲她是怎么样为什么录像的她说她以为会有好的结果,没想到女孩子拒绝了,因为女孩子事先已经有人邀请了,可别人不知道,结果男孩子不好意思跑走了于是我趁机教育她,遇到这种事情,不能当面大庭广众之下拒绝男孩子,要顾人家的面子,要尊重别人的别人鼓起勇气来邀请是好意的,先要谢谢人家,“ thank you, it is an honor and pleasure", 然后说,"let me think about it"  不就有了一个转弯,有了一个余地,给自己和别人留下空间吗?世上很多事情又不是只是 0 在时间上也不是非要马上决断10不可的希望她能成熟学会怎么样适当地处人处事清楚地描述事情.  最好她有自己的感想.  亲爱的主席, 88, 你们每次跟世界领袖见面了,事后也请你们多问她,当然是无伤大雅的,因为分析人的背景性格,环境政治文化背景,了解人和人性胜过读圣贤书呢!也多问问她各个国家的情况,她能说出来就表示这些印在脑子里了,如她能清楚描述就有一个好的思维,将来就可以胜任做大事的呀!亲爱的主席,88,小孩子是要严格教育的,不好娇惯的,养不教,父之过,古话是不错的!


Dear Chairman, My presence will make your character rich and charming. 88, and I still love you so much. Where can  you find a madwoman like me at this age? Everyone looks forward to seeing the plot. Looking forward to the next time. Hahahaha kidding. Dear Chairman, 88, thank you very much! Jackie didn't know how to portray things clearly, because there was a graduation social dance at school, her classmate, a guy invited another girl, but was rejected by the girl on spot. Jackie recorded the process. She couldn’t explain the simple matter. This time, I also reminded her in advance to let her think clearly, then say it later. She still doesn’t know where to start, just shouting that she filmed everything, making me confused and unconscious, what is it? My little girl has a bad temper and lacks logic. She doesn’t know how to make the ins and outs clear. No, if she writes an article for a report later, how can she be promising if like this! See dear chairman, 88, your article, clear thinking and reasonable framework, she also has to learn it. So I stopped the car and told her that if she couldn’t say it clearly from beginning to end, then walk by herself. I drove back home by myself.  Just press her like this, the worst killer. I have no other good way! I told her that there are two orders of things, one is the order of time, and the other is the order of logic. Today's thing is the order of logic. First of all, explain the promotion dance of the school. Not everyone in the world knows about this. It is necessary to tell the time and place and the rules of dancing. Because of this condition, there will be a invitation of boy  to the girl. Then, she should talk about how, why and the video. She said that she thought that there would be a good result, but did not expect the girl to refuse, because the girl had been invited by another boy in advance, but others did not know. The boy was so shy and ran away. So I took the opportunity to educate her. In such a situation, she should not refuse the boy in person in the public. She must take care of others' faces and respect others. It is good for others to take courage to invite you. First of all, thank you, "thank you, it is an honor and pleasure", and then say, "let me think about it" Will there be a turn and a room for yourself and others? Many things in the world are not just 1 and 0, and it is not necessary to immediately decide on 1 and 0. I hope she can be mature and learn how to deal with people properly and describe things clearly. It is best that she has her own feelings. Dear Chairman, 88, every time you meet with a world leader, you are also to ask her more afterwards. Of course, it is harmless, because it is better to analyze people ’s background and personality, environmental politics, and cultural background, understanding people and human nature is better than reading the Holy Book! Also ask her about the situation in each country. She can say that it is in her mind. If she can clearly describe it, she has a good mind, and she can be competent to do big things in the future! Dear President, 88, children must be strictly educated, not good to spoil. Raising but not educating, it is father's fault, the old saying is good!






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