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已有 89 次阅读2021-10-7 23:51 |个人分类:中国

开放互联网开放头脑  Open internet, open mind



前几天我看中国文艺介绍傣族舞蹈家刀美兰,讲到她20几岁时演出招待缅甸来的王公,那位王公非常中意她并向当时周总理要人,想娶她做王妃当时周总理却以她小什么都不懂,过两年再说为理由给婉拒了!王公当时想抢人,于是剧团连夜把她送回北京我觉得当时中国政府narrow minded, 这样子的好事很难遇到,女孩子只有一生,为什么不支持鼓励她去做王妃呢?古时都有昭君出塞呢,去做王妃既为了爱情也为国家!泰姬是Jpur 街上的印度教卖花女子,嫁给伊斯兰教的印度国王,生儿育女,恩爱和睦!人间美事啊!中国又不缺刀美兰,要找民族舞蹈家,有的是,只要有舞台给机会就会出人才我今天看耳畔中国,有很多各民族的歌手唱跟流行乐不一样的歌有蒙古的呼麦,维吾尔族的节奏感动人的载歌载舞,秦腔的高昂,南方少数民族的清亮,等等,在我看来,不知道比那些流行乐在艺术上,情感上,音乐上,视觉上,要高级太多了!当时坐在评审位置上的中央音乐学院的院长,有感而发说,这些东西不是学院里教出来的,是不是要专门设立一个小组对这些天才奇才怪才进行研究,探索他们的发音方法和技巧音色.  我觉得他好没水平.  这是别的种族千百年来积累起来的文化,你怎么可以用汉族的一管之见去削足适履呢,就像刀美兰的傣族舞蹈汉族人很难跳出其韵味杨丽萍曾去中央舞蹈学院,他们让她踮脚跳芭蕾,她感觉不对,脱了芭蕾舞鞋不去练功,自己在宿舍跳自己风格的舞后来她的孔雀舞赢得全国大奖,因为她没有对手美国人无知,不尊重别人的文化,鲁莽行事到处碰壁的! 这边美国人做事也是脑子僵化得很,就跟小Jackie每天穿衣那么疙瘩别扭一条筋的中国的文化人要了解懂得这世界上文化的丰富性,不光是中国少数民族的文化,而且是世界各地太多不同种族的文化.  不是靠一两天去研究,去学会,如你不在那个文化环境中生长,可能学不到那个原汁原味的风格那些人不是天才奇才怪才,在他们的文化中,这就是他们崇尚的,花努力修炼成的艺术家,少见多怪的才说人家天才奇才怪才权威人士要尊重别人,要给予舞台,让不同文化中的佼佼者去秀就好了所以开放互联网开放头脑很重要


A few days ago I watched Chinese literature and art program introduce the Dai dancer Dao Meilan. She said that when she was in her 20s, she performed and entertained the prince from Myanmar. The prince liked her very much and asked then Premier Zhou to allow marry her as a princess. Premier Zhou declined on the ground that she didn't understand anything, and said wait after two years! The prince wanted to grab her, so the troupe sent her back to Beijing overnight. I think the Chinese government was narrow minded at the time. Such a good thing is hard to come by. A girl has only one life. Why not support and encourage her to be a princess? In ancient times, beauty Zhao Jun went out of the way to be a princess for love and for the country! Taj was a Hindu flower seller on Jpur Street, married to an Islamic king of India, having children, loving and harmonious! Beautiful things on earth! China is not short of Dao Meilan. If you want to find a national dancer, there are talents if you can provide opportunity and stage.  I watch "China on the Ear" today, there are many singers of various nationalities singing songs that are different from pop music, such as Mongolia's Humai, Uygur rhythm and dynamic song and dance, high Qinqiang , the southern minority's singing is clear, and so on. In my opinion, this is really much more advanced than those pop music artistically, emotionally, musically, visually! The dean of the Central Conservatory of Music, who was sitting in the jury at the time, felt that these things were not taught in the college. Is it necessary to set up a group to study these geniuses, wizards, and geeks, and explore their pronunciation methods and skills? I think he has no level. This is a culture that other nations have accumulated over thousands of years. How can you use the insights of the Han people to judge? Just like Dao Meilan's Dai dance, it is difficult for the Han people to dance out of its charm. Dancer Yang Liping used to go to the Central Academy of Dance. They told her to learn ballet. She didn’t feel right. She took off her ballet shoes and practiced her own skills. Later her peacock dance won the national award because she had no opponents. Americans are ignorant, do not respect the culture of others, and act recklessly everywhere! The Americans here are also very rigid in their minds, just like the little Jackie dresses up every day. Chinese cultural people need to understand  the richness of the culture in this world, not only the culture of Chinese minorities, but also the culture of too many different races around the world. It is not a day or two to study and learn. If you do n’t grow up in that cultural environment, you may never learn that original style. Those people are not geniuses, wizards, or geeks. In their culture, this is what they admire and spend their efforts to cultivate. It ’s rare and weird to say that people are geniuses, wizards, geeks. Authorities should respect others, give the stage, and let the best in different cultures show. So it is important to open the Internet and open your mind.






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