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已有 68 次阅读2021-9-27 23:19 |个人分类:全球化

特色城镇像明珠一样撒在祖国的山川之间璀璨发光.  The characteristic towns are like bright pearls scattered among the mountains and rivers of the motherland.





特色城镇应该有很多的附加项目产业可以开发的  There should be a lot of additional projects in characteristic towns and industries that can be developed.

于是我又有了一些想法欧洲城镇像网状散布开来,人口分布比较均匀大城市虽然有高楼,但是人口密度有一定限制,很少有像上海挤地铁这样的情形中国的人口全都集中在大城市,拥挤吵杂,影响人的生活品质和下一代的成长那这些小镇的开发,是不是应该起到一个分散人口过密的功能?这样子的话,是不是要求某些产业,比如说文化或智能型的软件方面的不靠实体货物产品运输的,可以搬迁到远郊的中小城镇去?那边物业便宜,如果有足够的上网频宽,并配备一定的教育医疗资源的话,一定会有人愿意搬到那山清水秀的特色小镇居住.  还有,如果发展旅游业的话,既可以设计以一天为单位的自架或者巴士套餐线路,比如说在德国就有一条南北向的专门的“romantic road",  沿线把有文化传统古迹的城镇连起来,让自驾的可以沿着线路自己去探索体验,一路都有大小旅馆餐馆巿场.  应该有特别服务,按照天数多小为游客设计线路安排住宿,接送既然这些城镇是以文化为主打牌的,有没有考虑过像瑞典国王和俄国叶卡特琳娜女皇那样适当引进外来文化呢?这样既可让本国的游客对外来文化体验耕耘,同时也象美国这边一样提供不同国家的文化,为接待外来的有不同文化背景的客人做准备比如说有选择地开一系列德国木质小楼连锁旅店,可以有服务员专门讲德语,和提供德国餐,卖德国土产同时也可以专门设计文化主题,比如音乐为主题的连锁旅店,或专门为学龄小孩子集体外出开办的连锁旅店,各种各样的.  我在丽江看见有几个外国人开办的酒吧,是外国人到这边喜欢丽江的悠闲气氛和山清水秀,于是不辞长做岭南人,就在这开个酒吧,讨个当地老婆度余生了!中国现在兴起那么多的特色城镇,一定会有很多打拼一辈子有点积蓄的城里人,想寻找世外桃源养老,或者富裕国家的老年人,比如说日本,想到温暖地方找一个侠意的地方,来安安静静养老,那就会增加很多医疗方面的啊,服务方面的工作机会所以有了特色城镇,应该有很多的附加项目产业可以开发的.  亲爱的主席,88,亲密关系最基本的支撑是信任不管怎么样,你们每天跟Jackie沟通交流,关心她爱护她,再野花花,也花不到哪里去.  Jackie信任你们才会口无遮拦什么都告诉你们听的小孩子都信任你们,我为什么不?那个让Jackie受骚扰的墨西哥人办的托儿所,我以后再也没回去过有些东西一次就够了!外面风吹暴雨的,能安稳过日子就已经很福气了富裕带来安全感就怕什么一动不平衡生活又碎了一地的我怕,我没有那么坚强


So I have some ideas. European cities and towns are spreading out like a net, and the population distribution is relatively even. Although large cities have high-rises, the population density is limited, and there are few situations like Shanghai crowded subways. Chinese population is all concentrated in big cities, crowded and noisy, affecting the quality of life and the growth of the next generation. Should the development of these small towns serve the function of dispersing overpopulation? Does this require certain industries, such as cultural or intelligent, software, that does not rely on physical goods and products to be transported to small and medium-sized towns in the outskirts? The property over there is cheaper. If there is enough internet bandwidth and equipped with certain educational and medical resources, someone will definitely move to live in a characteristic town with a beautiful scenery. Also, if you develop tourism, you can design one-day  self-supporting or bus package line for the unit. For example, in Germany there is a special “romantic road” from north to south, which connects cities and towns with cultural traditions and historical sites, so that self-driving people can explore and experience along the line. There are large and small hotels and restaurants along the way. There should be special services, according to the number of days designed for tourists to arrange accommodation, transfers. Since these towns are mainly culturally based, have you considered the King of Sweden and the Russian Catherine the Great, how about introducing appropriate foreign cultures? In this way, not only domestic tourists can cultivate foreign cultural experiences, but also provide the culture of different countries like the United States, and prepare for receiving foreign guests with different cultural backgrounds. For example, selectively open a series of German wooden small cabin  hotel chain can have waiters who speak German, provide German meals, and sell German products. At the same time, they can also design cultural themes, such as music-themed  hotel chains, or hotel chains that are specially set up for school-age children. Various kinds. I saw several bars run by foreigners in Lijiang. Foreigners came here to enjoy the leisurely atmosphere and beautiful scenery of Lijiang, so they stayed and opened a bar here to find a local wife living the rest of my life! There are so many characteristic towns in China now, there must be many people in the city who have worked hard for a lifetime and have a little savings. They want to find a paradise for the elderly, or elderly people in rich countries, such as in Japan. They want to find a warm place have a quietly retired life. That will increase a lot of medical and job opportunities in services. So with a characteristic town, there should be a lot of additional project industries that can be developed. Dear Chairman, 88, the most basic support for intimacy is trust. No matter what, you communicate with Jackie every day, care about her and love her, no matter how romantic you can be, it cannot be too romantic. Jackie trusts you and tells you everything. Child can trust you, why can't I? The nursery run by the Mexican where Jackie got harassed, I will never let Jackie go back. For some things once is enough! It’s a blessing to be able to live a stable life with wind and rainstorm only outside. Wealth brings a sense of security, but I’m afraid of imbalances, and my life is broken again. I’m afraid I’m not so strong.






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