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已有 208 次阅读2021-9-24 23:48 |个人分类:全球化

我希望Jackie有理科的背景,这样她才知道敬畏上帝,知道做事是应该有分寸和界限的 I hope Jackie has a science background so she knows to fear God and knows that there must be a sense of degrees and boundaries

因为学校功课压力很重,而如果由我一直教她的话,她会有抵触情绪!就像美国这边很多的夫妻,住得疏离,因为缺少丰富的文化活动,每天又受工作压力和小孩压力他们被困在有限的空间,非得互相面对一个处理不好,他们情绪会崩溃的,关系会破裂的,而且缺少家庭亲友周围环境的资源来支持的! 纵观世界,一般国家的领袖人物,最高层的决策人物,都是文科出身的,因为丰富的社会经验,相比与理科出身多与上帝打交道,文科背景深厚的人更通人性比如Jackie从小跟你们在一起,耳濡目染,听你们和世界领袖讲述世界各地的历史文化,潜移默化地,自然而然地,她以后长大在高层从事决策性工作时,就会参照历史的案例尊重文化的习惯,从人性出发,设身处地为当地的大众着想如果她又有理科的背景,她就会按照上帝的法则,在具体安排实施中科学地有效地服务!这也是为什么我希望Jackie有理科的背景,这样她才知道敬畏上帝,知道做事是应该有分寸和界限的.  象文革时候提出的口号,人有多大胆,地有多大产与天奋斗,其乐无穷,与地奋斗,其乐无穷,与人奋斗,其乐无穷 人是没有办法跟天对着干的,人要服从上帝,上帝才会让你成功!个鬼啊!当年毛主席一批团队,文科背景强大,科学基础不够,才会有大跃进文革,以意识形态为主超越自然发展规律的破坏性灾难当时社会整个结构产业经济结构失衡.  而近30年,有点过度注重自然科学和強调功能性!虽然经济高度发展,可是社会精神文明层次,如果肖建华后面策划都像是从饲养场出来的,那全国大多数老百姓的平均水平也不怎么样的美国这边从来文科要重过理科,所以很多国家层面的决策以意识形态为主,而犹太人比较注重商业,赚钱是大目标,以这样的目标处理全球、社会的事情有时候会走极端我上面问,各个国家是不是有这种机构,为了特别的功用,特别的方式,孕育生产并专门培养特别的孩子?也就是象蜜蜂社会那样?这样,也许对整个社会来说是有用的,可是我很希望,亲爱的主席,88,你们后面策划不要这样对待Jackie!请多多给她爱,健康而适当的爱!在她成为一个很有用的特别工具之前,先成为一个人有时我觉得,你们不知道怎么正常健康地爱她,有点溺爱,我还得花力气来纠正!我也明白你们为什么这么做,非常感谢你们.


Because school homework is very stressful, and if I keep teaching her, she will have resistance! Just like many couples in the United States, they live alienated. Because of the lack of rich cultural activities, they are also stressed by work and children every day. They are trapped in a limited space and have to face each other. If one does not handle well, their emotions will collapse, relationships will break down, and they lack family resources of relatives and friends around in the environment to support! Throughout the world, the leaders of the general country and the highest decision-making figures are all from the liberal arts. Because of the rich social experience, people with a deep background in the liberal arts are more humane, compared with those with a scientific background who deal with God more. For example, Jackie has been with you since childhood, listening to you and world leaders about the history and culture of the world. Imperceptibly, naturally, when she grows up at the senior level in decision-making work, she will refer to historical cases and respect cultural habits . She will start from human nature, will be in the place, and will think for the local people. If she can have a background in science, she will serve scientifically and effectively in the implementation of specific arrangements in accordance with the law of God! That's why I hope Jackie has a science background, so that she knows that she fears God and knows that there should be a sense of limits and boundaries in doing things. Like the slogan proposed during the Cultural Revolution, "How bold are people and how productive are the land", "Fight with heaven, endless joy, fight with the earth, endless joy, fight with people, endless joy. " There is no way for people to fight against heaven. If people obey God, God will make you successful! Why "fight"? In those years, Chairman Mao had a team with a strong background in the liberal arts and insufficient scientific foundation. Only then could the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, as well as the catastrophic disaster that transcended the laws of natural development based on ideology. At that time, the entire structure of the industry and the economic structure of the society were unbalanced. Although the economy is highly developed, but at the level of social spiritual civilization, if Xiao Jianhua's planner seems to come from the breeding farm, the average level of most ordinary people in the country will not be very good. The liberal arts in the United States has been more important than the sciences, so many decision-making at the national level is based on ideology, and Jews are more focused on business. Making money is the big goal. To deal with global and social affairs with this goal, sometimes it will go to extremes. I asked above whether each country has such an institution, for special functions, special ways, to conceive and produce special children? Just like the bee society? This may be useful to the whole society, but I very much hope, dear President, 88, your planner do not to treat Jackie this way! Please give her a lot of love, healthy and proper love! Becomes a person before she becomes a very useful special tool. Sometimes I feel that you don’t know how to love her normally and healthily, a bit of spoiling her, and I have to work hard to correct it! I also understand why you do this, thank you very much.






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