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已有 119 次阅读2021-9-24 23:45 |个人分类:全球化

教育人是为了让孩子长大首先有人性的  Educate people to make children grow up with humanity first


这篇文章讲的是对孩子教育的目的!文章说教育的目的是对生命的尊重!也就是培养人性!当然对孩子教育的看法是因人而异的,以前我也会觉得说,一定要父母优秀,配在一起才会生优秀的儿女!但是这个优秀的标准,不同的人是不一样!看了这篇文章,现在的我,深有同感,教育人是为了让孩子长大首先有人性的! 无论科学技术多么地发达,多么地接近上帝,可是那个不是目的!我们的宇宙浩瀚无垠,有太多的星球和在星球上各种的物质,及其运动这些物质形态以及规律,千百亿年都是这样存在着,跟人类没什么关系的,而且人类也是其中一种生物,是能量存在的一种形式!但是因为有了人类,某些特别的物质形态及其规律,被发现,而能够用来改善人类的生活为人类服务,才是其目的我想肖建华后面的策划,因为肖建华是受早教的神童,让他和各个高校的高层女生结合怀孕生子,是为了生产聪明的下一代!策划的目的是在于聪明下一代,这是一个很功能性的标准!怎么才算聪明呢?聪明了又如何呢?可是这些孩子的生长环境,可以预见父母不能给予完整的爱,或者适当的爱,一个不是在爱的环境中长大的孩子,情感的成长和完备是会有问题的也许没有足够的爱,使他们的脑神经没法正常发育到聪明的程度,即使他们够聪明,某方面专业很强,因为缺爱在心理上情感上是偏斜不平衡不健康的孩子会缺乏人性! 肖建华后面的策划,会不会因为是在中国过去30年穷追猛赶世界先进水平的环境中,对功能性的过分强调,对自然科学的过分注重氛围中,以功能的标准被挑选出来和培养的,所以他们对肖建华的策划,也是完全功能性的,以聪明为主,而不是以小孩子的人性,爱,情感心理健康平衡为主! Jackie是单亲家庭出身,从小就不是很聪明我用音乐艺术丰富她的情感,用幽默笑话来平衡她的性格,早期启发式教育来提高她的智能,就是这样,我还是可以感觉说,她跟别的孩子在情绪控制上是不一样的,她比较情绪化的,性格不太平和的,有时候会很狂躁的如果不是遇见你们天天跟她交流,无时不刻一有机会就跟她嘻嘻哈哈,让她欢声笑语,她现在是怎么样,是不是能安心学习,都很难说!

This article is about the purpose of child education! The article says that the purpose of education is to respect life! That is to cultivate humanity! Of course, the views on children's education are different from person to person. I used to think that parents must be excellent, and together they can produce excellent children! But this excellent standard is different for different people! After reading this article, I now feel the same way. Educating people is to make children grow human first! No matter how developed science and technology, how close to God, but that is not the purpose! Our universe is huge and vast. There are too many planets and various substances on the planet and their movements. These material forms and laws have existed for hundreds of billions of years. They have nothing to do with humans, and humans are among them. A creature is a form of energy! But because of human beings, some special material forms and their laws have been discovered and can be used to improve human life. Serving humanity is the purpose. I think the planner behind Xiao Jianhua, because Xiao Jianhua is an early-educated child prodigy, so let him and the girls of various colleges conceive and have children, in order to produce a smart next generation! The planner's goal is for those "smart" children, which is a very functional standard! How can you be smart? What about being smart? However, the growth environment of these children can be foreseen that parents cannot give complete love, nor appropriate love, a child who has not grown up in a love environment, emotional growth and completeness will be problematic. Maybe they don't have enough love, so their brain nerves cannot develop normally to "smart" level. Even if they are smart enough and professional in a certain field, but lack of love will make them psychological, emotional, skewed, unbalanced, unhealthy. Children will lack humanity! Are the planners behind Xiao Jianhua, because they are in the environment of China's pursuit of the world's advanced level in the past 30 years, because society has overemphasized on functionality, and it has placed too much emphasis on natural science in the environment, so they are selected and cultivated  based on functional criteria. Therefore, their planning for Xiao Jianhua is also fully functional, focusing on intelligence rather than children's balance of humanity, love, and emotional health! Jackie came from a single parent family and was not very smart since she was a child. I enriched her emotions with music art, balanced her personality with humorous jokes, and improved her intelligence through early heuristic education. That’s it, I can still feel that her emotional control is different from other children. She is more emotional, not very peaceful, and sometimes very manic. If she doesn’t meet with you every day, talk to you every day,  giggles and laughs, how she is now, whether she can study with peace of mind, it is hard to say!






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