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已有 187 次阅读2021-9-24 23:42 |个人分类:全球化


Mar 18, 2017 at 5:00 PM



今天看到这几篇文章,我又忍不住想说几句这篇讲的是,人类的科学技术进步了,生孩子不一定需要人体的子宫来孕育了亲爱的主席,88,你们一辈子可能都不觉得科学技术对你们的职业有什么影响,去年一整年,以你们这样的年龄为了全球化的大项目,全世界各国的共同目标,你们全世界到处飞,甚至要在阿拉斯加长期居留我以前是做通讯行业顾问的,也是全美国到处飞的,虽然我没有你们那么好的条件坐特别的飞机,还有休息的地方,可我是深深知道飞来飞去的辛苦的!就是几个月前,超音速的飞机正式进入运行阶段,北京到巴黎只有一个半小时,到阿拉斯加也只有两个小时。 这样子的高科技,我看清楚了,感觉到了,这是人类文明科学发展高科技所带来的对人类衣食住行中的行的进步!这完全改变了你们的飞行生态,很多时候都不一定需要在外留宿,什么时候要见谁上飞机就可以走了!这是不是对很多系统的设计会改变其基本的结构,作业的流程,会大大提高效率!对于像你们这样台面上的政治人物,某些公共场合的出现,和你们背后策划的举足轻重的决定,会和以前不一样了!要问科学有什么用,整个fundamentally change life! 不是吗?以前曾看见过人造孵小鸡机器,当时心里就想说,是不是也可以制造一个容器也孕育人类的受精卵呢?现在有人造的孕育器出现,象中国法律所规定的不能代孕,根本就不成问题了!而且这种方式对小孩子的孕期生长,要比在母体里健康许多,因为可以随时调整观察,如果一旦出现有大的遗传性的或者功能性的障碍,就可以不再继续,这样就会为将来的父母省掉很多的麻烦,同时因为代孕所带来的许多法律与家庭婚姻等各种困扰,也迎刃而解了!当然这也会牵扯到一系列的其他法律方面的问题,因为这种技术可以成批大量生产婴儿,当然可以为肖建华省很多的晚上床上运动时间但如果一旦被误用,比如有专门目的的人为了制造特别功能的孩子,把受精卵进行孕育的话,这些孩子谁来承担养育责任呢?还是说,这个国家有专门的机制,为了特别的功能,而要培养一批特别适合这些功能的孩子呢?

After reading these articles today, I can't help but want to say a few words. This talk is about the advancement of human science and technology, and the birth of a child does not necessarily require the human womb to conceive. Dear Chairman, 88, you may never feel that science and technology have any impact on your career. Last year, at your age, for the Globalization of large projects, for the common goal of all countries in the world, you fly all over the world, even long-term in Alaska as residence. I used to be a consultant in the communications industry, and I fly all over the United States. Although I don’t have such a good condition to take a special plane and have a place to rest, I know the hard work of flying around!  Just a few months ago, the supersonic plane officially entered the operational phase. Beijing to Paris is only one and a half hours, and to Alaska is only two hours. This kind of high-tech, I can see clearly, I feel, this is the progress of human civilization in the development of high-tech civilization and human life! This has completely changed your flying ecology. In many cases, you don't necessarily need to stay overnight. Whenever you want to see someone, get on the plane, you can go! Isn't it that the design of many systems will change its basic structure? The operation process will greatly improve efficiency! For political figures like you, the appearance of certain public places and the pivotal decisions behind your planner will be different from before! To ask what is the use of science, that is the entire fundamentally change life! Isn't it? I have seen artificial chicken hatching machines before, and I wanted to say at the time, could it be possible to make a container to fertilize human fertilized eggs? Now there are artificial incubators. Although it is impossible to surrogate as stipulated in Chinese law, it is not a problem at all!  And this way, the growth of a child during pregnancy is much healthier than in the mother's body, because the observation can be adjusted at any time. If there is a large genetic or functional obstacle, it can no longer continue, which will be in the future, parents will save a lot of trouble, and at the same time, many legal and family marriage problems brought about by surrogacy will be solved! Of course, this will also involve a series of other legal issues. Because this technology can produce a large number of babies in batches, of course, Xiao Jianhua can save a lot of night bed exercise time. But if it is misused, for example, a person with a special purpose will fertilize the fertilized eggs in order to produce a special function child. Then, who will bear the responsibility of upbringing these children? Or does this country have a special mechanism to train a group of children who are particularly suitable for these special functions?







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