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已有 85 次阅读2021-9-24 23:40 |个人分类:全球化

全球化需要和平,需要资金,不需要军事系统穷兵黩武去挑动各方神经 Globalization requires peace, requires funds, and military systems are not needed to stir up the nerves of all parties



美国在全球布置军事系统是应该有一个刹车  U.S. military system deployed globally should have a brake



This article is about US Secretary of State Tillerson going to Military Demarcation Line  of the Korean peninsula, saying that war is an option. It must be the behind-the-scenes planner who does not want to pay, lets him do it! The U.S. military has no money now. Just increasing its military expenditure by $54 billion, they want to go to war. It was a bottomless pit, and they might not win. In fact, the United States should have a brake on the global deployment of military systems. Globalization requires peace, needs funds. No military system is needed to stir up the nerves of all sides. I think either some people here, like Jackie, are obsessed with stubbornness or stupidity, or the upper levels are playing a political and military confrontation drama to the people of the world. The script has been written, is it? Otherwise, the King of Saudi Arabia will not mobilize people to come to Japan and China,  sign a big order of $64 billion. Which one is it? I wait for the climax of the next play. Playing politics will become like this in the future.






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