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已有 105 次阅读2021-9-24 00:11 |个人分类:全球化


Mar 17, 2017 at 1:26 PM



有数学头脑的人脑子清醒,看事情更深入,跟别人不一样的  A person with a mathematical mind is awake and sees things deeper, unlike others

今天网上有两件事情,我忍不住想说几句.  这篇文章讲的是大尺寸模特审美,是蘑菇青菜各有所爱个人的喜好,别人是没有办法说什么的,也大可不必只是每个人不可能都长成一样,不可能是标准的漂亮!这个标准是有问题的,就像我以前说的,任何事情都有一个概率分布也许不同文化发展到一定程度,社会上会有一种主流审美观就女孩子的体型来说,北欧基督文化比较喜欢女孩子像铅笔那样瘦长型的,喜欢跳芭蕾舞女孩那样骨感而南欧拉丁文化就喜欢女孩子丰满又性感我看穆斯林国家女孩子,骨架大而匀称,不是欧美细瘦形的印度宝莱坞选电影演员,甜美充满活力,能歌善舞,不是跳芭蕾舞哦印度女明星跳舞要肌肉的,要露腰的,要丰润衬珠宝首饰的,不能秀排骨的,哈哈哈哈 日本女孩从小注重锻炼的,身体健康结实,象爱子公主减肥到瘦骨嶙峋的样子实在大可不必,多跳跳芭蕾就行啊.  我们学画画的知道,人体在美在比例竖向的比例,当然腿长漂亮,横像的比例以性别特征为主,该突出的,该收进去的,线条弧线顺滑的,那就是美的老师教我们画卡通,夸张人体的时候,就要从这几个方面来放大来增加美感. Betty Boop, Jackie小时候别人有这么叫过她,因为她的眼睛跟Betty一样朝上翻,Betty的身体就是夸张型的突出性感的而上面这一位肥感的女模特横向比例也是很适中的,所以才会性感满满,她是有一定的观众的看优美的人体和性感的人体,在人的脑中兴奋区域是不一样的今天早上我坐在车子里上学,当跟她讲到钻石吧高中有很好的数学科学教学项目的时候,Jackie问我,我不喜欢数学,这以后对我有什么用呢....” 亲爱的主席,88,听见没有,这完全是你们的话呀,就是你们的价值呀!我皱着眉头告诉她,你可以不喜欢数学,但是你的数学一定要好,因为有数学头脑的人脑子清醒,看事情更深入,跟别人不一样的” 就算以后她做时装,她一定会对人体形状的概率分布有一个基本的了解,南欧,拉丁美洲以及美国大部分地区有很大一部分人是肥壮的,这就是市场,而好的设计师,是知道怎么样,扬长避短,设计衣服的,在空间可以创造出横向的比例和优美曲线,把他们打扮美的!而这些比例就是数学的,这些曲线就是性感的,综合的变换就是艺术的!这样才能有利润呢,才是有影响力的艺术大师!世界上的事情可以有很多的变换,希望她能开阔眼界,见多不怪,不顽固不化.

There are two things on the Internet today, I can’t help but want to say a few words. This article is about large-size models. Aesthetics, mushrooms and green leave vegetables have their own lovers. For personal preferences, there is no way for others to say anything, but also not necessary. It's just that everyone can't be the same, it can't be standard and beautiful! If so, this standard is problematic. Like I said before, everything has a probability distribution. Maybe when different cultures develop to a certain degree, there will be a mainstream aesthetic view in society. As far as the body size of girls is concerned, the Nordic Christian culture prefers girls who are thin and tall like pencils, and likes skinny ballet girls. Southern European Latin culture likes girls to be plump and sexy. I think girls in Muslim countries have large and well-balanced skeletons, not as thin as in Europe and America. Indian Bollywood chooses movie actress, sweet and energetic, can sing and dance, not ballet. Indian actresses need to be muscular, to show their waists, to be plump and lined with jewelery, not to show ribs, hahahaha Japanese girl has been focusing on exercise since she was a child. She is healthy and strong. It is unnecessary to look like princess Aiko to lose weight to be thin skinny. It’s not necessary to dance ballet. People who know how to draw, the human body is beautiful in proportion. For vertical proportion, of course long legs are beautiful, and the proportion of the horizontal body  is mainly based on the gender characteristics. The highlights, the retracted ones, and the smooth arcs are the beauty. The teacher taught us to draw cartoons. When exaggerating the human body, we need to zoom in on these aspects to increase the beauty. Betty Boop, Jackie has been called by others when she was a child, because her eyes are turned up like Betty. Betty ’s  body is exaggerated, highlighting her sexual image. The fat female model above is also very moderate in horizontal ratio, so it will be full of sexy, it has a certain audience. Look at the beautiful human body and sexy human body, the excitement area in the human brain is different. This morning I sat in the car to take her to school. When I told her that Diamond Bar High School has good math and science teaching projects, Jackie asked me, "I don’t I like mathematics, what will it do to me after this ... " Dear Chairman, 88, I hear 
no, this is all your words, your value! I frowned and told her, "You can dislike math, but your math must be good, because a person with a math mind is clear-minded and sees things deeper, and is different from others." Even if she does fashion in the future, she will definitely have a basic understanding of the human body's probability distribution. A large part of people in Southern Europe, Latin America, and most parts of the United States are fat. This is the market, and good designers know how to avoid their weaknesses and design clothes. In the space, you can create horizontal proportions and beautiful curves, and make them beautiful! And these proportions are mathematical, these curves are sexy, and the comprehensive transformation is artistic! Only in this way can it be profitable, and it is an influential master of art! There can be many changes in things in the world. I hope she can broaden her horizons and see no wonder.






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