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已有 79 次阅读2021-9-24 00:05 |个人分类:全球化

Mar 16, 2017 at 6:32 PM

见领袖衣着要适宜  When you see leaders, dress appropriately

天这边热起来了,一回到家,Jackie都换成汗衫短裤了在美国这就是最正常的了,可是你们昨天是跟沙特阿拉伯的老国王在一起呀,我记得以前提醒过你们,在他们的文化里边女孩子是不能抛头露面的像她这样露胳膊露腿大跳芭蕾,她还是个含苞待放少女了,我想老国王心里一定觉得不合时宜的,索性跳肚皮舞那就是另外一回事了我挺介意她在不同的文化族群人心里面的形象的,不好不合时宜的,因为她有一辈子要过了如果你们让她从头到脚用沙丽裹着跳Jackie式妖冶肚皮舞,也许还有喜剧效果呢!或者跳芭蕾还有个反差,一个正经一个搞笑,也会逗国王莞尔一笑吧!或让Jackie学国王的样子拄着拐杖走路!我已经把一块很大的深蓝色纱布拿出来放在外边我希望她能像裙子一样炫舞的时候把下面扎起来,结果她置之不顾今天她又要跟所有的UN见面了,我让Jackie请求蒋伯伯,再跟她复习一下她学的Salsa, Belly dance, Flamenco, Indian, Zumba , 如果她能在大家面前每一个都表演一段,毎小段都有味道的话,那蒋伯伯就没有白教,各国UN 的官员一定喜欢看见不同文化背景的舞蹈!她说太累了.  世界上的有传统的舞蹈就这么几种如果她费心每种学一二段,用心把它跳极致了,那就可以到处去蛊惑人心招摇撞骗了!哈哈哈 只是你们后面的策划要小心了,不要搞错对象表演不合时宜的舞蹈,不然观众会觉得是一种offend.  弹琴没有关系,越有激情越好!


It ’s getting hot here, and Jackie changes to undershirts and shorts as soon as she gets home. In the United States, this is the most normal, but you were with the old king of Saudi Arabia yesterday. I remember reminding you before that, girls in their culture can’t show their faces. She’s a ballet dancer with her arms and legs bare. She’s still a flower girl like buds. I think the old king must feel out of place in the heart, simply dancing belly dance is another matter. That’s it. I mind her image in the hearts of people from different cultures. It can not be improper, because she has a lifetime to show. If you let her wrap her head and toe in a sarri dancing Jackie-style  belly dance, maybe there are comedy effects too! Or there is a contrast in ballet dancing, one is serious and the other is funny, it will make the king smile. Or let Jackie walk like Saudi king! I have taken out a large piece of dark blue gauze and put it outside. I hope she can tie it up like a skirt when she dances, but she ignores it. Today she wants to meet all the UN again, I let Jackie ask Uncle Jiang, and then review with her the Salsa, Belly dance, Flamenco, Indian, Zumba. If she can perform a section in front of everyone, and if her small section has a cultural taste, then Uncle Jiangs teaching will not be in vain. UN officials of all countries must love to see dances of different cultural backgrounds! She said it was too tiring. There are only a few traditional dances in the world. If she bothers to learn one or two pieces for each one and dances it to the extreme, she could be tempting and pleasing people everywhere! Hahaha, just be careful with the planner behind you, Don't make mistakes when the object performs an out-of-date dance, otherwise the audience will feel it is an offend. Playing the piano doesn't matter, the more passion the better!






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