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已有 111 次阅读2021-9-22 23:35 |个人分类:全球化

这世界上女人地位如此之低,Jackie去搞啥政治呢? The status of women in this world is so low. What politics does Jackie to play?

Mar 15, 2017 at 5:09 PM


这是日本的一间旅馆,所有的服务员都是机器人怎么样,怕不怕?也许再过几年,一定百分比的旅馆的服务员也会都换成机器人像换床单,拿行李,扫地清理卫生间,这些简单的活动机器人都可以做,因为可以远程控制,所有的一举一动质量保证,还省钱甚至可以做许多人所不能做的工作和特别的服务,中南海要不要考虑一下?而且没有法律纠纷今天Jackie说,88,你指定要她穿黑色的短裤这么说是真的了?要几层呀?会穿多久啊?是因为这个原因最近连给Jackie$20也免了?是最近才开始的,还是一直都这样子的?你们有资源,配置那么多的variety extra服务,为啥对我这么薄情?为什么呀?我是最基本过日子的需要啊! 没有孩子就可以多多布尔乔亚,不在外经风雨当家如何知道柴米油盐贵呢,是不是,88  这是沙特召开的妇女第一次会议,参加的全是男人,哈哈哈这世界上女人地位如此之低,Jackie去搞啥政治呢?这次如果碰见沙特的国王让Jackie问他,是不是想移民中国?据说他带了1500人来中国,506吨的行李, 或者哪位王子想移民中国,有会对Jackie有兴趣的,以后Jackie可以嫁给他!哈哈哈哈 伊斯兰教是不让女人出头露面的,出门女人都要把头巾包着虽然女人的地位低,但是女人受到很好的保护的.  前两天,曾嫁给加拿大律师的中国影星袁立发感慨说,嫁了外国人才知道中国男人好!其实她说的不对,她的丈夫对她是很不错的,只是国外没有像国内那么多的人力资源,有,也要花大钱. Jackie的大陆同学到这边来,几百万现款买房子的,在国内家里是开医院的,母亲带两个孩子住在这边上学,要用三个佣人,一个开车一个烧饭,还有一个清理。那么大房子,全都住在家里.女主人平时上街扫货,锻炼,去美容院,过几个月回国一趟还不用提平时请的各种家教, 每个月的花费就是过万美金袁立在国内,所有事情有经纪人助手佣人将其生活全部打理得顺顺当当,国外哪有这样好事?外国人家里是没有这种习惯请那么多佣人的,因为人工很贵,工薪阶层长久请不起的长期照顾人,有些是保险公司付的,外国孩子从小长大都比较自立的袁立又不是总统级的请佣人还会有事, 你看我们的阿诺州长袁立应该象金星那样,找一个外国男人在中国过日子,这样才会有好生活或者找一个中央级的男人,那可以象刘奇葆那样衣食无忧,worry free, 每天想方设法让自己美丽优雅,不食人间烟火,以色侍人就可以轻松度日了!


This is a hotel in Japan. All the waiters are robots. How about it, afraid? Maybe in a few years, a certain percentage of hotel waiters will be replaced by robots. Such as changing bed sheets, taking luggage, sweeping the floor to clean the bathroom, these simple mobile robots can do it, because they can be remotely controlled, all the quality guarantees. It also saves money. You can even do jobs and special services that many people can't do. Would Zhongnanhai like to think about ? And there is no legal dispute. Today Jackie said, 88, you specified that she should wear black shorts. Is this true? How many layers? How long will it last? Is it because of this that even $20 for Jackie has been waived recently? Did it just start recently, or has it always been like this? You have the resources to deploy so many variant extra services, why are you so indifferent to me? Why? I need the most basic life! You can have a lot of Bourjoya without children. How can you know that tea, rice, oil, and salt are expensive without going through the storm? 88? This is the first women's meeting in Saudi Arabia. All men are participating. Hahaha. Women are so in low position in the world. What politics is Jackie going to do? If you meet the Saudi king this time, let Jackie ask him if he wants to emigrate to China? It is said that he brought 1,500 people to China with 506 tons of luggage, or which prince would like to immigrate to China and would be interested in Jackie. Jackie can marry him in the future! Hahahaha Islam does not allow women to show their heads, and women have to wrap their headscarves when they go out. Although women's status is low, women are well protected. Two days ago, the Chinese movie star Yuan Li, who was married to a Canadian lawyer, said with emotion , "Only if you marry a foreigner will you know that Chinese men are good!"  In fact, she was wrong. Her husband was very nice to her, but there were not as many human resources in abroad as in China, and they also cost a lot of money. Jackie's mainland classmates came here to buy a house with millions of cash. At China, her family runs a hospital. The mother takes two children to live here to go to school. Three servants are hired, one for driving, one for cooking, and one for cleaning. Such a big house, all live at home. The hostess usually goes to the streets to buy goods, exercise, go to the beauty salon, and return to China in a few months. Not to mention the various tutors that they usually find, the monthly cost is more than 10,000 US dollars. When actress Yuan Li is in the country, and everything is handled by her agent, assistant, and servant. How can she do such a good thing abroad? Foreigners do not have the habit of hiring so many servants at home, because labor is very expensive, and the working class can't afford it for a long time. Long-term caregivers, some are paid by insurance companies, and foreign children have grown up independently since they were young. Yuan Li is not your presidential level, can not afford for so many servants. Look at our governor, Arnold. Yuan Li should find a foreign man to live in China like Jing Xin, so that she can have a good life. Or find a central government official, then she can dress and eat like Liu Qibao, worry free, every day to find ways to make himself beautiful and elegant, without living a life on the earth, she can have an easy life!








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