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已有 94 次阅读2021-9-22 23:25 |个人分类:全球化

如果机器人配有人工智能的话,那机器人就是上帝了  If the robot is equipped with artificial intelligence, then the robot is God

Mar 14, 2017 at 1:53 PM

亲爱的主席,88Jackie小时候我带她去Disneyland,  其中有一个地方是讲智能化居住环境控制的那儿在进门的地方,放个像人体那样的眼睛嘴巴手脚都可以活动的机器人形态非常地逼真,而且因为他的关节控制复杂,动作很平稳如果不是因为有机器人的外壳而是人的外形的话,动作非常熟练,就跟人一样啊!我当时就惊叹,原来现在造机器人的水平这么高了呀!我记得里边还有显示房,可以智能控制房间内灯光亮度,温度,甚至可以帮你挑衣服,站在镜子边一边挑选存在电脑里的壁橱里现有的服装,镜子里会VR显出你穿上每件衣服的样子,甚至会帮你配衣服有一年JPL举办周年庆组活动,为了吸引广大的科技爱好者和小朋友们,不但介绍JPL 的火星计划甚至专门展览了各种各样的机器人,尤其是会行走的各种大小各种功能的机器人我当时看见机器人的灵活行走平稳,因为有很多腿,可以在高低不平的路上行走,甚至朝上攀爬当时我就看得目瞪口呆.

Dear President, 88, I took Jackie to Disneyland when she was a kid. One of them is about intelligent living environment control. There is a robot that can move with eyes, mouth, hands and feet like a human body. Very realistic, and because his joints are complicated to control, the movement is very smooth. If it is not the shape of the robot but the shape of the human, the movement is very skilled, just like a human! I was amazed at the time, the level of building robots is so high now! I remember there was a display room inside, which can intelligently control the brightness and temperature of the lights in the room, and even help you choose clothes. Standing next to the mirror, you can choose the existing clothes in the closet stored in the computer. The mirror will show you what you wear. The image of each piece of clothing will even help you to match your clothes. Once, JPL organized the anniversary group event. In order to attract the majority of technology enthusiasts and children, not only introduced JPL's Mars plan, and even specially exhibited a variety of Robots, especially robots of various sizes and functions that can walk. I saw that the robot's flexible walking was smooth, because it had many legs, could walk on uneven roads, and even climbed upwards. At that time, I was stunned. 




Here it introduces robots with four legs, two of which are wheels, or a robot like an animal dog, or even a two-legged person. They can not only move smoothly on uneven roads, but also perform various tasks, movements and functions. It’s not easy to walk on uneven roads. There was an earthquake in China. The last Wenchuan earthquake broke the highway, the army couldn’t get in, and supplements could not be carried in. If so, it’s not a problem to cross a mountain or a Vally. Send a batch of robots, or send supplies, or carry people out. Robots can go anywhere. How awesome! The robot introduced here can even do housework and put the cups in the dishwasher for washing. Then it should be possible to do laundry and clean up! Especially the cleaning of public streets in the city, the cleaning of the external walls of housing buildings, the remodel and smooth flow of sewers, many things people are not convenient to go, and are unwilling to work. Because of the flexibility and maneuverability of robots, they can show their skills. Of course also one of the more widely used areas is war, sending robots to fight, just like cavalry against infantry, the advantage is very obvious, and robots can not be killed. If used in joint operations, in space and ground monitoring attack system to guide war is invincible. For example,  street battles in cities, if robots use laser weapons and infrared detection, the enemy is obvious at a glance, and eliminating the enemy is effortless, it is a handy task, do not fight at all. Last time artificial intelligence “GO” has defeated humans, this is for sure, because the human brain has physiological limits, but the computer can calculate N kinds of chess pieces at the same time, each of which has many subsequent processes. The computer can choose the most excellent plan, how does the human brain compare? If the robot is equipped with artificial intelligence, then the robot is God. Although it is not omnipotent, the individual light robots surpass humans. If they are integrated into a system, they are close to omnipotent! In addition, the robot's gestures to mimic humans have been perfected. I remember when I went to Dunhuang last time, in the museum in Yangguan (Sun Gate), the soldier model over there had very high-tech artificial  skins, just like real people. If humanoid robots are also equipped with these artificial skins and put on clothes to make them move, it is impossible to see whether they are real people or robots!






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