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已有 124 次阅读2021-9-20 22:26 |个人分类:北美生活

美国军工工程十有八九都是加钱和延期的,这是军工的潜规则和一种文化 In all likelihood, U.S. military engineering projects will add money and have delays. This is a hidden rule and a culture

这篇是讲美国在全球的军事基地每一个军事基地每年要花成千上万来维持,还有地勤人员,设备维修,保持正常运作,还不时要派飞机舰船出去巡行如果美军,美国这边的策划,可以把这么多的钱的一部分用在为世界各个层次的人员搞活动上面,如果大家和睦相处了,那以后就不用花那么多钱去维持军事基地了可以把这些基地,有些保留继续实行全球监测网的工作,别的改成旅游和办各种活动之地对了,搞活动要有专人负责领导,可以包给美国军方和好莱坞,或者轮流坐庄她还有四年才高中毕业,毕业以后如果读大学又有三到四年什么时候才能够真正工作呀?于是我就想让她去中国读大学,同时就可以为你们打工了! 今天我家的水管修理,终于请了一位美国人请的第一个中国工人,以前在国内搞大基建承包来这瞎胡搞既做错了又没做完还狮子大开口要加好多钱他还问我家住哪里,晚上要到我这里来有话跟我说,不知他安的什么心? 国内搞大基建工程承包的,以前听过有些中国人搞承包有一套诡计,先是报价低,然后一步一步地延期,扩大需要,等到工程结束,远远超过初始的报价,质量还不保证美国军工也是这样啊,多少亿的多少年的工程,十有八九都是加钱和延期的,不仅是因为工人素质差,这也是军工的潜规则和一种文化听说有些搞飞机项目的有近千亿的预算,几十年的不断更新,有工人工作一生到退休,就在做一个飞机机种!所以中国工人这样子,不到时完工拖拖拉拉,还来旁敲侧击算计我,讹我,是继承了美军文化!我甚至有种感觉,你们后面的某些手中握着别人命运有权调动资金的策划,跟那位中国工人是一丘之貉,也是这样对待剥削我的!所以在政府干事的一批人,承包项目,做派都有相似性的!我又请了两个中国人,一个是要让父亲来做的,另外一个香港人来看了拍拍屁股走人无可奈何我才去请以前来做过的美国公司,价钱跟中国人一样,可是质量过关,做完我还讨价还价了拿了$100折扣. Jackie从小跟着我跑来跑去,看我怎么跟房客工人打交道,以后Jackie长大,她会找谁来做大概是没啥疑问的这家水电公司名字叫某某和儿子,今天儿子也来了帮着做工!儿子才18岁,Jackie说就跟他们学校一个同学很像!像这种动手的水电修理,何必去上大学?比大学出来的人赚钱多,从小跟着干几年就很熟练了,就很有经验了,这边有的是装修活儿,拿一个contract license或者承接工程的执照跟某位建筑师相合作承接工程,收入很可观的!


This article is about the US military bases around the world. Each military base costs hundreds of thousands each year to maintain, as well as ground staff, equipment maintenance, and maintain normal operations. From time to time, aircrafts and ships must be dispatched. If the US military  planner on the American side can use part of this big money to carry out activities for personnel at all levels of the world, if everyone gets along well keeps peace, then you don’t have to spend so much money to maintain military bases. You can use some of the bases continue to implement the work of the Global Monitoring Network, and others can be converted into places for tourism and various activities. By the way, activities must be led by special personnel, which can be contracted to the US military and Hollywood, Or take turns operating. Jackie still has four years left to graduate from high school. After graduation, if she goes to college for another three to four years, when can I really work? So I want her to go to college in China and work for you at the same time! Today, I repaired a plumbing in my house and finally get an American contractor. The first Chinese worker who used to  do big infrastructure contracts in China came here to make a mess. Cost me a lot of money. He also asked where my family lived, and came to me at night to have something to tell me, I wonder what is his mind at? For large-scale infrastructure projects in China,  I have heard before that some Chinese people have a set of tricks in contracting. First, the price is low, and then step by step is postponed to expand the needs. When the project ends, it far exceeds the initial price. The quality is not guaranteed. This is also the case for military industry. In many cases, many billions of years of projects are added and delayed, not only because of the poor quality of the workers, but also the hidden rules and culture of the defense industry. I heard that there are some aircraft projects. There is a budget of nearly 100 billion yuan, which has been continuously updated for decades. Some workers have been working on an aircraft model all their lives until their retirement! Therefore, Chinese workers like this have not completed their work in a hurry, but they have come to knock me on the side and beat me, and they have inherited the American military culture! I even have a feeling that some of you in the back hold the plan of others' destiny and the right to mobilize funds. They are like a Chinese worker, and they treat me like this! Therefore, a group of people in government officials, contracting projects, and acting are similar! I invited two more Chinese people. One was for my father to do, and the other Hong Kong person came to see the ass and walk away. Helplessly, I went to invite an American company that has been here before. The price is the same as the Chinese. But the quality passed, and I finished the bargain and got a $100 discount. Jackie has been running around with me since she was a kid to see how I deal with the tenant workers. When Jackie grows up, there will be no doubt she knows whom she will look for. The name of this hydropower company is "So-and-so and son", and today the son is here to help with the work! The son is only 18 years old, Jackie said that he is very similar to a schoolmate in their school! Why do you have to go to college for such hands-on hydropower repairs? He even makes more money than people from college. He has followed since childhood and has been very skilled and experienced for several years. There is a lot of decoration work here, get a contract license or a contract to undertake the project, and cooperate with an architect to undertake the project, the income is considerable!






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