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已有 117 次阅读2021-9-20 22:24 |个人分类:北美生活

在美国因为人工贵,如果做护理装修修车比读书有出息.  In the United States, because labor is expensive, if you do nursing, decoration, car repair, it is better than earn an academic degree


Mar 12, 2017 at 10:09 PM


亲爱的主席,88,昨天我的短文讲到,我们这些在外边的,不太清楚你们后面总策划者对世界政坛这一个领袖级的社交平台,有什么长期计划和大构想你们天天世界政坛交流,这是一个非公开半官方半私下的比较具有人情味和满足个人,领袖们族群的社交,交流感情和互通有无,并介绍文化历史以满足部分娱乐需要的平台因为大家都住得远,天各一方,就是邻国也不可能每天相聚在一起的,所以空中平台是最好的形式可是如果大家都喜欢这些形式,互相沟通频繁了以后超音速飞机飞来飞去也不成问题了,势必会有需要大家聚在一起!大家在一起喝酒聊天面对面的感觉,大家胳膊相连一起跳舞的感觉,你看看我,我看看你,朋友家人孩子那种氛围,那种欢声笑语,那种酒醉人酣可以互动的感觉才印象深刻,才最有吸引力你们大人要搞活动,孩子也会有搞活动.  搞活动就要有人领头,就要花很多的钱.

Dear President, 88. My essay yesterday said that those of us who are outside, don’t know what long-term plans and big ideas you have for the leader-level social platform in the World Political Forum. Your everyday  communicate on World Political Forum, this is a non-public, semi-official, semi-private, relatively humane and satisfying individual, social networking of leaders, ethnic groups, exchanging of feelings and inter-operable, and introduction of cultural history to meet some entertainment needs. Because everyone is living far away, it ’s impossible for each side, even neighboring countries, to get together every day, so aerial platforms are the best form. But if everyone likes these forms and communicates with each other frequently, it will not be a problem to fly supersonic planes in the future, there will be a need for everyone to get together! The feeling of everyone drinking and chatting together face to face, the feeling of everyone joining arms together and dancing, you look at me, I look at you, friends, family, children, the atmosphere of laughter, the feeling of drunkenness and interaction,  impressed and most attractive. Your adults want to engage in activities, and your children will also do activities. Someone needs to take the lead and spend a lot of money.






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