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已有 94 次阅读2021-9-20 22:17 |个人分类:中国

Jackie脑子挺清醒的问我去欧洲怎样接Wi-Fi? 我说有小盒子,于是才想起来当时是在国内租的 Wi-Fi欧洲通我上网一查国外机场都没有租,在网上租比国内贵多了我这次定的是中国人的旅行社,去的都是中国人,他们都有自己的小盒子!我想到时候问一下,反正是无限流量的可以跟他们分享,然后付给他们一点钱不就行了吗?对他们又没有一点损失我晚上去旅馆,旅馆都有wifi. 这次侨办办的寻根之旅,是专为国外的中国孩子的,虽然收一点报名费,基本十几天的是免费的!谢谢侨办,中国人太有钱了!美国,欧洲从来没有这些东西!可是每一个孩子今年只能参加一个团!我本来打算让她去三个的,侨办会有记录,不让多去!于是我就在想,侨办为什么不这样收费,第一个是免费的,第二个要加点钱,第三个再多加些钱!同时开放国内有钱人的孩子可以一起来参加,当然他们收费可以高一点,这样孩子们在一起了解交流,国内的孩子长大也想出国留学,有这样有的联络,互相了解,孩子可以开扩人脉,那以后不就方便多了吗?而且也可以办得大一些,为侨办增加开支,弥补资金的不足同时他们也可以为外国人孩子开办,象领袖的孩子们,也希望到中国来学点中文中国文化的一直想带Jackie去河南去看,少林寺,龙门石窟我上次去山西,那边文化比我想象的要丰富得多,而且感觉山西很富裕!我以前去过河南,对那边的中原文化印象深刻!我记得在嵩山少林寺看塔林和柏树,就想起小时候看的连环画 孙悟空三打白骨精,以前一直以为那些奇形怪状的松柏是画出来的,到了那边看那些古柏,我才感受到,原来几百年上千年的生命就是这样挣扎扭曲中求生存的!Jackie无知,我希望她能多感受一下中华民族不屈不挠源远流长,中国文化的博大精深丰富深远!我希望她回来不要一身少林新功夫,更是丫小句野孩子,连跳舞都变成功夫芭蕾才好!哈哈哈


Jackie was sober-minded and asked me how to connect to Wi-Fi in Europe. I said there was a small box, so I remembered that I was renting Wi-Fi in China at that time. When I checked the Internet, I didn’t rent it at any foreign airport. Online the rent is much more expensive than domestic. I booked a Chinese travel agency this time, and all of them are in China. Visiters all have their own small boxes! When I think about it, maybe I can ask them, is it possible to share unlimited traffic with them, and then pay them a little money? There is no loss to them. I went to the hotel at night, and the hotel has Wi-Fi. This root-seeking summer camp by the Overseas Chinese Office is specifically for Chinese children abroad. Although it costs a little registration fee, it is basically free for more than ten days!! Thank you Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, the Chinese are so rich! The United States and Europe have never had these things! But each child can only participate in one camp this year! I was going to let her go to three, but the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office will keep a record. So I was thinking, why doesn’t the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office charge such a fee, the first one is free, the second one needs some money, and the third one adds more money! At the same time, the children of rich people inside China can participate together. Of course, their fees can be higher, so that the children can understand and communicate each other. The children in the country also want to study abroad when they grow up, expanding contacts, wouldn't it be more convenient then? It can also increase the expenses for the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office and make up for the lack of funds. At the same time, they can also run for foreign children, like the children of leaders, who also want to come to China to learn Chinese and Chinese culture. I always wanted to bring Jackie see Henan, Shaolin Temple, Longmen Grottoes. Last time I went to Shanxi, the culture there was much richer than I thought, and I felt Shanxi was rich! I've been to Henan before and I'm impressed by the Central Plains culture over there! I remember watching Tallinn and Cypress in Songshan Shaolin Temple, and I thought of the comic book "Sun Wukong Three times fights with White Bone Ghost" I saw when I was a child. I used to think that the strangely shaped cypresses were drawn, and when I looked at those ancient cypresses, I realized that this is how hundreds of years and thousands of lives struggled and twisted to survive! Jackie's ignorant, I hope she can feel more about the indomitableness of the Chinese nation and the profoundness of Chinese culture! I hope she does not come back just with a new Shaolin Kung Fu, but even a little wild child, even dancing can become a successful Kung Fu ballet! Hahaha






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