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已有 129 次阅读2021-9-16 00:08 |个人分类:创意

我的每一篇短文都是创新,因为都是我原创的,不是抄的  Each of my short articles is innovative, because they are all original, not copied

Mar 6, 2017 at 9:38 PM



Jackie又要我写短文.  我在帕萨迪纳的房子啊,与热水器连着去向basement的管子漏水,请人要花大功夫修呢,又在屋子下边要爬进basement去很不容易,要花几千元.  做房地产的,只要动一动修浴室,修屋顶,做地板,就是几千块钱我给你们脑力劳动,不值多少钱吗?你们后面策划怎么这么抠门,这些中国中产阶级的子弟,每年为美国贡献268亿我为你们做宣传,在最特别的领域,有最深远的影响,你们怎么对待我的? Shame on you!  就像大秦帝国之崛起里面,后来秦王逼迫白起去攻打赵国,白起不情不愿最后白起离开秦国时,白起对秦王说白起一心为秦国大业,秦王让白起心寒。罢了.  如果你们后边的总策划是这边的人,借了20万亿却用一群废物,竖子不足与谋,把国家经济搞那么糟的这边有多少孩子家里是拿得出学费的?多少人借学生贷款上学,一辈子都付不清的.  那些拉丁子弟根本不读大学,照样霸佔社会资源说好的我的赔偿呢?亲爱的主席,88,你们跟着他们,会有啥好结果?真是神之乌之瞎折腾.  如果策划者是你们那边的,何必这样对待我呢?你们可以让那些孩子轻飘飘一年撒268亿,让那些贪官几千亿资金外流,也撒给我1%,我教你怎么样可以物有所值.  我以前大公司工作年薪10万,所用的脑筋,花的心思,还不如现在每天给你们写短文历害!这种创意性的工作,价值要高多了想问一声,你们是中国人吗?88,你的亲侄子来美国读中学,你知道这边的语言和课业,如像这样一下子跳进来,那是上不了好大学的这儿一般大学你也不见得能学到什么东西,毕业了也不见得能找到好工作,是真的,真是的!还不如请这些老师,各个国家的好老师,到中国去教因为外面有很多年长的,有经验的,象我们这样的,被排挤的,是真正能教一些实际的东西的,而不是天花乱坠凑学时骗教费的,或者纸上谈兵写paper . $268 亿,中国人为什么不知道怎么去联合起来闯天下,又为什么对外边的中国人这样不支持和吝啬?还是只对我存心这样?你们想做一带一路的领袖,如果这样分利,让我做样板,让别人怎么能满怀希望跟着你们了?


Jackie asked me to write another essay. In my Pasadena house.  Pipe of the basement connected to the water heater leaks. It takes a lot of work to repair it. It’s not easy to climb into the basement under the house. It costs a few thousand dollars. For real estate, as long as you move to repair the bathroom, repair the roof, make the floor, it is a few thousand dollars. I give you such a wonderful brainpower, is it not worth much money? Why is you planner behind so stupid, these middle-class children in China contribute 26.8 billion dollars to the United States every year. I do publicity for you, in the most special field, it has the most profound influence. How do you treat me? Shame on you! Like in the "Rise of the Great Qin Empire", later Emepror Qin forced Bai Qi to attack Zhao state, Bai Qi was reluctant. When Bai Qi left Qin Kingdom, Bai Qi said to Emperor Qin, "Bai Qi devoted himself to the cause of Qin Kingdom, but Qin King made Bai Qi dissapointed " Forget it! If the chief planner behind you is from here, the US borrowed 20 trillion but used a bunch of  bullshit, and these bastards are not worth to plan together with! They make the country's economy so bad. How many children here can get tuition from home? How many people can borrow a student loan to go to school, then they can't pay it off all their lives. Those Latin children don’t go to college at all, yet they dominate social resources. What about my compensation? Dear Chairman, 88, what good results will you follow if you follow them? It's a mess. If the planner is on your side, why treat me like that? You can let those children easily distribute 26.8 billion a year, and let those corrupt officials hundreds of billions of capital outflow.Then if you also give me 1%, I will teach you how to be good value for money. I used to work in a large company, with annual salary $100,000, the mentality used in work, and the thought of spending is not as good as my writing short essays for you every day now! This creative work is much more valuable. I want to ask, are you Chinese?  88, your relative and nephew came to the United States to go to middle school. You know the language and schoolwork here. If kids jump in like this, then they can’t go to a good university. They don’t necessarily learn anything from a university here. Graduation they don’t have to find a good job, it ’s true, really! It’s better to ask these teachers, good teachers from various countries, to teach in China. Because there are many older, experienced, like us, excluded, they can really teach some practical things, not fancy messing up to cheat on time and teaching fees, or to write papers only talking on paper. $ 26.8 billion, why didn’t the Chinese know how to join forces to break the world, and why did  not support  Chinese outside of China? Or is it just for me? You want to be the leaders of the Belt and Road Initiative. If this is a profit sharing, let me be a model otherwise how can others follow you with hope?






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