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转折点的个人空间 http://enewstree.com/discuz/?12005 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]



已有 81 次阅读2021-6-14 00:17 |个人分类:全球化

把整个世界都做成VR, 有空间漫游功能,有商业功能,有娱乐功能,教育功能,医疗功能,法律功能,航太,民众可以根据需要花钱去一项一项预定,按功能进入其空间! Make the whole world into VR, have space roaming function, have commercial functions, have entertainment functions, education functions, medical functions, legal functions, aerospace, people can spend money to book one by one according to the needs, enter its space by function !


VR有很多应用  VR has many applications

今天在网上看见马云宣布,VR购物上市了,只要进入buy+, 败家网,然后把手机放进特别的VR眼罩,一戴起来就可以进入三维的VR店在里面挑选喜欢的物品,比如衣服啊鞋子啊,甚至可以虚拟试穿,看看穿出来的效果当然前提是你要把自己的身材尺寸信息全部输进去!接下来马云的结论是,实体店要完蛋了! VR是一个界面跟全息影像一样,一个是在特定眼镜罩里,一个是在敞开空间中. VR购物其实是在小范围里面的,是在有限空间里的,是在与人接触最亲近的那一部分的VR实现. VR购物只是在一个商业运作的有限平台上的一个功能.  VR技术有广阔的空间比如在旅游方面,就像我两天前说的可以把各地的旅游景点做成静态VR 让人们可以在旅游地点上空自由移动变换角度来欣赏美景.  也可以漫游,把所有google map二维的移动做成三维的VR空间,那就可以从更多地角度来探索一定位置周围的环境,甚至可以把与城市主干道相连的各个商业点以及不同的建筑,按他们的功能和开放程度也做成VR.  在探索主干空间的时候,可以点击进入这些相关的空间进行浏览!比如路边有一个图书馆,点击进去就是图书馆的VR 可以在图书馆的VR空间里,进入他们的藏书VR. 或者进入他们有关的功能,比如影视,游戏VR.   VR还可以有教育功能有很多理工科的基本课程,数学物理化学都是抽象的,而且不可能所有的实验都能在学校里做给学生看的!但是在VR空间里就可以!有许多的抽象数学概念,如果用形象化的动画模拟来表现的话,比如概率分布求平均,比如几何的概念,比如二次方程,函数等等很多物理的概念,牛顿定律,光学流体力学,电磁场电路等等,如果有了一个流动的动画的表述,那就很容易就理解了!现在都是老师在课堂上讲,黑板上写,同学在下面记笔记如果讲历史,讲文化,某些概念,也用VR, 那是更容易明白和记住的还有一些是属于动作类的,运动啊,机械操作呀,如果可以在VR中尝试,就像飞机的飞行模拟器那样,就可以练习并很快学会


Today, I saw Jack Ma announced on the Internet that VR shopping has started on the market. Just enter buy+, byja.com, and then put the phone into a special VR eye mask. Once you wear it, you can enter the 3D VR store and pick the favorite items, such as clothes. shoes, you can even try on the virtual look at the effect of wearing out. Of course, the premise is that you have to enter all the size information of your body! The next conclusion of Jack Ma is that the physical store is going to be finished! VR is an interface, like holographic images, one in a specific eyeglass cover and one in an open space. It is the VR implementation of the part that is closest to people. VR shopping is just a function on a limited platform for business operations. VR technology has broad room for development.  For example, in terms of tourism, as I said two days ago, you can make the local tourist attractions into static VR, so that people can move around the tourist location to change the angle to enjoy the scenery. You can also travel around and put all the two-dimensional Google map to make a three-dimensional VR space, you can explore the environment around a certain location from more angles. It is even possible to make various commercial points and different buildings connected to the main roads of the city into VR according to their functions and openness. When exploring the main space, you can click to enter these related spaces to browse! For example, there is a library on the roadside. Clicking on it is the VR of the library. You can enter their library  in the VR space of the library. Or enter their related functions, such as video and video game VR. VR can also have educational functions. There are many basic courses in science and engineering, mathematics, physics, and chemistry are abstract, and it is impossible for all experiments to be done in school by students! But in the VR space you can! There are many abstract mathematical concepts that can be represented by visual animated simulations, such as averaging of probability distributions, such as geometric concepts such as quadratic equations, functions, etc. Many physical concepts, Newton's law, optics, fluid mechanics , electromagnetic fields, circuits, etc., if you have a visual animation, it is easy to understand! Now all the teachers are talking in class, writing on the blackboard, classmates taking notes on class. If you talk about history, culture, certain concepts, also use VR, it is easier to understand and remember. Some classes need actions, sports, mechanical operation, if you can try in VR, just like the flight simulator of the plane, you can practice and learn quickly.

VR也可以用作医疗可以建立三维人体模型,或者针对病人的某些病变器官特征建立VR模型那医生就不必一定要实时检查病人远程的专家都可以一起来会诊也可以帮助练习外科手术接生等等.  VR可以用来社交,有了VR, 在与远方的朋友交流都可以像近在眼前,而对方的周围环境,也都可以一目了然!当然如果有人存心只用VR里的抽象频道,比如只有text来鸿雁传情,就好像弹钢琴只用一只手,而且只能在一个八度内弹,那表现力肯定不够呢可是对于深入人心的旋律,怎么弹都好听是不是? Jackie刚上完法语课,就嚷嚷肚子饿了,要吃hash brown, 还马上要回去跟你们交流!问她,”你怎么老吃这个,吃不厌吗?” “No, for hash brown I will never 吃厌!” 哎呀,真是妈妈的小棉袄呀,听了真真开心啊!是在从心里边笑出声啊!88,哪一天如果她老盯着你们一起嘻嘻哈哈,见不到你们就心里落慌告诉你们说,“ I would never feel bored being with you" 那她就是你们真正的小棉袄了,我看快了吧?  VR有很多的应用购物只是一个很小的功能!我在想是不是可以把整个世界,一块一块的都做成VR, 有空间漫游功能,有商业功能,有娱乐功能,教育功能,医疗功能,法律功能,航太,民众可以根据需要花钱去一块一块预定,按功能进入其空间!除了静态的VR, 还可以有动态的,甚至互动的把不同的VR按功能做出来,再以一定的方式连接,还可以以此为基础开发新的功能,哇哇哇,这可不得了,这是超级超级大工程了,你们可是有事情做了!


VR can also be used as a medical treatment. A three-dimensional human body model can be established, or a VR model can be established for certain diseased organ characteristics of a patient, so that the doctor does not have to check the patient in real time, and the remote experts can come together for consultation! VR can also help with surgery, delivery baby, and so on.  VR can be used for social, with VR, with friends in the distance, you can be close to the eyes, and the surrounding environment can also be seen at a glance! Of course, if someone only uses the abstract channel in VR, such as only text to convey the feeling, it is like playing the piano with only one hand,  only within one octave, the expressive power is definitely not enough. But for melodies deeply rooted in the heart, no matter how you play it, its nice. Is not it?  Jackie just finishes the French class, she is hungry, wants to eat hash brown, and soon has to go back and talk to you! Ask her, "How do you always eat this, dont you get bored?" "No, for hash brown, I will never feel bored!" Oh, shes a mothers little cotton jacket, Im really happy! Im laughing out of my heart! 88, one day, if she is staring at you all the time, haha, if she can't see you, is so panic and tells you, "I would never feel bored being with you" Then she is your real little cotton jacket, is it soon ? VR has a lot of applications, shopping is just a small feature! I wonder if I can make the whole world into VR, piece by piece, have space roaming function, have commercial functions, have entertainment functions, educational functions, medical functions, legal functions, aerospace.  The public can spend money to order one by one according to the needs, enter the space according to the function!  In addition to static VR, you can also have dynamic, even interactive VRs. Different VRs are made by functions, and then connected in a certain way, you can also develop new functions based on this, wow wow!  This is a great deal, this is a super super big project, you really have something to do!






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