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已有 212 次阅读2021-5-7 23:15 |个人分类:全球化

运动与音乐色彩情感关系  Sports and music, color, emotion relationship

美国这边有太多的孩子,一提谈情说爱所想到的就是上床,就是形体的吸引力,就是打扮我觉得小孩子应该多跟宠物一起玩,因为小孩子之间不会抱,大人没有几个可以一直抱着孩子,但跟适合的宠物一起玩,宠物会给孩子提供一个支撑点,让他们学着互动和社交还不太会说话的孩子应该让他们多看和宠物在一起玩的录像,他们就会模仿视频中孩子的动作和声音还应该让他们看简单的物体运动录像,比如球怎么滚的,东西怎么滑下来的,让他们握各种形状的物体,立体的,球形的,锥形的等等那些物体运动时最好有配合那些运动的音乐伴奏因为很多古典音乐实际上表述的是一种能量的运动,旋律高低表示朝上和朝下走,而节奏快慢表示运动的速度和方式其深层的基础就是能量守恒一般孩子弹琴他没法想象可是有了运动的经验以后,一旦把运动的想象和量的增减加入音乐以后,音乐就有生命力了! 而色彩的变化就是化学作用每一个颜色不是静态,不是死的,所有的颜色都是三原色里变化出来的小孩子先要看的强烈色彩是 primary , secondary色彩 是从primary 调和出来的 . 色彩是有mode的,在primary color基础上,就像本来人是高兴悲哀生气,然后有别的情绪加进来,有大有小有多有少,颜色就开始变了,不同的比例会出不同的颜色,这就是mode.  I am gray, 就是灰头土脸灰心丧气,I'm blue,那就是非常沮丧忧郁了那就是不知是悲还是喜”. 


There are too many children in the United States, when you talk about love, what they think of is just going to bed,  the attraction of form,  dressing up. I think children should play more with pets because kids don’t hold each other. Few adults can hold their children all the time, but play with the right pets, pets will provide a support point for them to learn to interact and socialize. Children who are not very talkative should let them watch videos of playing with pets. They will imitate the movements and sounds of children in the video. Should also let them watch simple object motion videos, such as how the ball rolls, how things slide down, let them hold objects of various shapes, three-dimensional, spherical, conical, etc. those objects are best suited to have athletic music accompaniment, because many classical music actually expresses an energy movement. The melody level means upwards and downwards, the rhythm and speed indicate the speed and manner of movement. The deep foundation is the conservation of energy. The average child can't imagine scene when playing the piano, but after the experience of sports, Once the imagination and quantity of movement are added to the music, the music will have life!  The change of color is chemical. Each color is not static, not dead. All colors are changed by the three primary colors. The strong color that children first look at is primary, and the secondary color is blended from primary. There is mode, on the basis of primary color, just like the original person is happy and sad, and then there are other emotions added, there are many big and small, more and less, the color will start to change, different proportions will be different colors, this is mode. I am gray, that is gray-faced and frustrated, I'm blue, that is very depressed and sad. That is "I don't know if it is sad, or happy."






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