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已有 52 次阅读2021-5-6 23:37 |个人分类:全球化

让那些有经验的退休者来为你们设计和教年轻人,那可是拣了大便宜  Let those experienced retirees design and teach young people,  a big advantage*综合全球资源养老  Integrating global resources to run a pension industry

而当将这些老年人吸引来后,因为他们有儿女,那不连带把他们的儿女人脉也拉过来了吗?如果从中可以有一些新的business机会的话,不是挺美的一件事儿?这些老年人年纪大了,儿女也长大了,所以他们牵挂少就可以到处跑如果他们自己还有点钱,那就可以走穴养老,一个地方住一阵再去别的地方曾经有人告诉我,养老最好的地方是在游艇上因为住船舱要比陆地上付房租便宜,也不用交什么水电费,也不用烧饭做菜,还有医务室,更好的是可以走遍世界各地哈哈哈,也是一种选择吧!而真正老了,跑不动了,不管有伴没伴,如果能和几个谈得来的年龄相似的住在一起,在天气温和的地方,医疗照顾花费不那么贵的地方,也挺好的.  每次回到中国,看着大城市里面熙熙攘攘人来车往的,大家都心急火燎地赶着奔着要完成什么事情,要去挣钱要越挣越多可是在别的地方,很多地方,生活是悠哉悠哉的在丽江,甚至有从法国过来的游客,待下来就不想走了,因为喜欢上这个地方了,自己开个酒吧还娶了当地的女子,平日里就看人来人往在新疆大草原上,10岁的男孩子就会骑着马带着客人去山顶上看风景,客人走了就骑着马回自家帐篷,一天也见不到多少人,这就是他们的生活很多人除了现在自己住的地方,或自己故乡,不知道还有什么地方可以去,因为没有人脉,又不熟悉环境,其实知道了可去之处也不一定会去的可是现在不一样了,如果你们可以在世界范围内按照老人的条件,还有世界各地的设施天气文化等等各种因素来合理安排资源的话,世界上总有许多地方是可以让人安心,安静,并提供适合的服务让人养老的.  而像欧洲这些国家,我知道斯堪的纳维亚国家的出生率越来越小,很多人继承了父母的祖父母的房子,自己根本是没法去住的,也没钱去修缮,更是没有多少人会来租,所以就这么闲放着,长年累月地生虫发霉烂掉我在欧洲许多小城镇里走,那儿是出奇的安静,晚上有的地方更是黑漆漆一片因为那些公寓和townhouse都没有人住啊可是看看香港,上海,大多数亚洲大城市人都挤在那么有限的空间里,孩子们都没有一个可以伸展拳脚的地方应该可以做点什么让这种情形改变,人尽其能,物尽其用.


And when these old people are attracted, because they have children, can they not bring their children's  together? If there are some new business opportunities out there, isn’t it a pretty thing? These old people are older and their children are growing up, so they can run around with less concerned. If they still have some money, they can hop different locations, stay in one place and go somewhere else later. Someone told me that the best place to have pension is on the cruise line. Because the cabin is cheaper than rent on  the land, there is no need to pay for water nor electricity,  without trouble for cooking, and with clinic. It is even better to travel around the world. Hahaha, it is also a choice! If you are really old,  not movable, Regardless of whether you are accompanied or not, if you can live with a few old people of similar age, it is also good where the medical expenses are not so expensive. Every time I go back to China and watch the bustling people in the big city come and go, everyone is eager to rush to do something, to earn more and earn more. But in other places, many places, life is leisurely and easy. In Lijiang, there were even tourist coming from France who settled down without willing to leave. Because he liked this place, so opened a bar and married a local woman. On the Xinjiang prairie, the 10-year-old boy would ride the horse and take the guests to the top of the mountain to see the scenery. When the guests left, they would ride their horses back to their tents. They would not see many people in a day. This was their Life. Many people, besides where they live now, or in their hometown, don’t know where else to go. Because there are no connections and they are not familiar with the environment. In fact, even they know where they can go, and they don’t necessarily go.  But now In the same way, if you can arrange resources in the world according to the conditions of the elderly, facilities, weather, culture and other factors around the world, there are always many places in the world that can make people feel at ease and quiet. And provide suitable services caring for people. And in countries like Europe, I know that the birth rate in Scandinavian countries is getting down and down. Many people inherit the parents' grandparents' houses, they can't live there at all. There is not enough money to repair, and there are not many people who will rent, so it is so idle. They got rotted by pests for many years. I was walking in many small towns in Europe, there were surprisingly quiet, there were places at night even darker. Because those apartments and townhouses had no one to live in. But look at Hong Kong, Shanghai, most Asian cities, people are crowded in such a limited space, and none of the children can stretch their fists in these places. It should be possible to do something to make this situation change. Let people perform their best, and make the best use of it.






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