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已有 101 次阅读2021-5-5 22:45 |个人分类:全球化

请世界精英讲将来的行业发展和就业机会  Ask the world elite to talk about future industry development and employment opportunities

亲爱的主席,88,不过看来你们的眼光不光只是在世界的政治领袖上,你们野心勃勃,世界所以的顶尖人才和精英们都在你们会面的list上,对吧?很棒!那按行业分就有好多种了哎,我怎么觉得,你们可以这样没完没了地ever lasting一直做下去的呀!因为人太多了,而且新人又不断冒泡的!嘿嘿嘿嘿 这次杭州开G20,全世界的老百姓最关心的还是经济啊,人是要过日子的我很想看你们能不能请到一些财长,经济学家,美联储的,大银行行长,大财团里的CFO,搞金融的,等等等等来讲他们对世界经济的看法,用最简单的语言教小孩子懂得经济当然还有世界首富什么的,比尔盖茨,巴菲特,扎克伯格,马云,王健林,等等讲他们的产品和他们未来规划,免费为他们涨股票!也让年轻人们知道,将来的行业发展会怎么走,就业机会在哪里再介绍对人类发展有贡献的那些发明创造者,发现探索者,霍金斯他们,航天航空团队还要请宗教领袖,娱乐界人士,可能大家最爱看的是这个,最好把那些娱乐界的和宗教领袖能够拉在一起,看看宗教情怀能不能让娱乐界的人不要放浪形骸吸毒而有一个高尚的精神追求!当然还要留给小孩子特别的空间,让他们来对世界上的大人物提问题,让孩子们来说他们对将来有什么期许,让他们来showoff 亲爱的主席,88Jackie说你们不太说话的你们可是主持人呢,要把话题提出来那客人才会滔滔不绝地讲呢 .最好你们事先告诉Jackie你们想了解些什么,Jackie也可以帮着你们问客人. Jackie小,对人物文化什么都没啥概念,词汇也不够,英语中有很多是话中有话的,她还不太懂呢。 她还要多学着去欣赏别人,去帮别人搭台,去挑大家有兴趣的八卦来问不过可以想见,如果她以后长大了谁有事要去找哪位大人物,可以让Jackie出面去套近乎,哈哈哈哈哈



Dear President, 88, but it seems that your eyes are not only on the political leaders of the world, you are ambitious, the world’s top talents and elites are on the list you are going to meet, right? Great! There are many different types of people according to the industry. Hey, how do I feel that you can endlessly last in this way! Because there are too many people, and new people are constantly bubbling up! Hehehe This time, Hangzhou opened the G20. The people of the whole world are most concerned about the economy. People want to live. I really want to see if you can get some finance ministers, economists, the Federal Reserve, the big bank presidents, CFOs in big consortia, financial, etc.,  in terms of their views on the world economy, teach children in the simplest language to understand the economy. Of course, there are the richest people in the world, Bill Gates, Buffett, Zackenburg, Jack Ma, Wang Jianlin, and so on to talk about their products and their future plans, free stocks advertise for them! It also lets young people know how future industry development will go, where  the employment opportunities are. Introduce those invention creators who have contributed to human development, discover explorers, Hawkins, and aerospace teams. Also ask religious leaders, people in the entertainment industry, maybe everyone likes to watch this. It is best to bring together those entertainment and religious leaders to see if religious feelings can make people in the entertainment industry to let go of drugs and have a noble spiritual pursuit! Of course, we must leave a special space for children to ask questions about the big guys in the world, let the children say what they expect from the future, let them showoff! Dear President, 88, Jackie said that you are not talking much. You are the moderator. If you want to ask the topic, then the guests will talk about it. It is best to tell Jackie in advance what you want to know, Jackie can also help you to ask the guests. Jackie is little, there is no idea of character, nor culture, her vocabulary is not enough. There are many words in English, she still does not understand. She still has to learn to appreciate others, to help others set up the platform, to pick the gossip topic that everyone is interested to ask. But I can imagine that if she grows up and who has something to find other resources,  can let Jackie come forward to make contact, hahahahaha Trump said that if he is the president, he will add money to the defense budget, Hillary began to give way. Firstcough, then 911 again dizzy. We were also smiling at the side watching. How many people in mainland China come to the United States? A large number of people are throwing money here, they told me that the United States is politically democratic. Democracy? In fact, Jackie and I really want to see the people behind whom Hillary and Obama serve. I really want to see them!






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