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已有 123 次阅读2021-4-18 23:04 |个人分类:北美生活

88,听说你要Jackie去跟默克尔讲奥斯维欣集中营的事犹太人是非常记仇的,他们每个月都有节日,而基本上这些节日,都是在他们的历史上受过的屈辱和灾难,所以他们每每地铭记想复仇!Jackie跟德国人又没有仇习主席,88,如果有人刚刚认识你们,就在你们面前大讲三年自然灾害和文革,你心里会有什么感觉?我不知道你们后面的策划是谁?是怎么想的?我告诉Jackie,待人接物的第一条准则,是要尊重别人!Jackie是丫小句,是需要调教训练的,中国的三字经里有一句话,养不教,父之过”, 是父之过吔.  88 你可是有责任的哟! 又要说你们后面策划,一开始就让你们跳美国街头那些只有小年青才跳的hip hop, 唱那些歌词粗鄙流行歌,现在又要让 Jackie 去扮鬼打别人脸是故意的!  是肚子里没货少教育,还是受人操纵?美国人为什么走遍天下都遭人恨了,因为他们不尊重别人的文化,粗鲁野蛮,到处惹是生非的!所以颜色革命,花钱花时间,世界走一轮没有一个成功的. 88, 你们的大戏才开场既使国家间针锋相对让孩子出面是要建立友谊来化解矛盾因为无论再伟大的世界领袖,现在的所作所为,不都是为了孩子们有个美好的将来吗?干嘛要学美国人犹太人的样子?游戏不带这么玩的,中国人不这么傻的网上又掲露好多希拉里的内幕,比如她的女儿不是克林顿的女儿,又比如还有更多的邮件泄露出来而川普好像也在调整他的反对非法移民的政策,给人以更宽容的感觉我从来不太喜欢美国的选举,在我的想法里,治国应该是一批治国专家,聚在一起具体讨论和分析,制定战略和方法的每隔四年搞一次,拿一个不着边的人放在总统位置,既不是治国专家,更不知道这个国家真正要什么也就是花钱让一般民众高兴的吧!

88, I heard that you want Jackie to talk to Merkel about the Auschwitz concentration camp. Jews are very vengeful, they have festivals every month, and basically these festivals are humiliation and disaster in their history.  So they always remember to think about revenge! Jackie has no enmity with the Germans. President Xi, 88. If someone just knows you, let me talk about the three-year natural disaster and the Cultural Revolution in front of you. What do you feel in your heart? I don't know who is planning this behind you? What did you think? I told Jackie that the first rule of dealing with people is to respect others! Jackie is a wild girl, who requires training. There is a sentence in China's "Three letter bible". "Only raise without educating, it is father’s fault", is the father's sorrow. 88, you are responsible! Also, let's talk about theplanner behind you. At the beginning, let you dance  US streetdances, only hip hops for young age, sing those rough lyrics, and now let Jackie go to play other people's faces, it is intentional! No good, less educated, or manipulated? Why are Americans hated when they travel all over the world?

Because they do not respect the culture of others, rude and barbaric,  is irritating everywhere! So the color revolution, spending money and time,  go around the world, no success. 88, your wonderful show is only opening, even if the country is tit for tat, let the child come forward, is to establish friendship, to resolve conflicts. Because no matter how great  world leaders are, what they are doing now, aren’t all for the children to have a bright future? Why do you have to learn Americans’, Jews’way? The game doesn't play like this, the Chinese are not so stupid. The online scene reveals a lot of Hilary's inside story. For example, her daughter is not the daughter of Clinton, and there are more emails leaking out. Trump seems to be adjusting his policy against illegal immigrants giving people a more tolerant feeling. I never like the elections in the United States. In my thinking, the country should be ruled by a group of experts in the country, gather together for specific discussion and analysis, and formulate strategies. Get it every four years, take a person who is not reliablein the position of the president. He is neither an expert in ruling the country, and he does not know what the country really wants, that is, spending money to make the general public happy!


再说一下这边美国的民主,Jackie说他们的同学和家长,今天都去抗议了!因为他们不希望那个学区的方案通过如果那提案通过了, Jackie学校现在总共有一千多学生,有一半人要离开,一半学生要离开呀!据说学区还要每个星期去家访,看学生是不是住在那儿!今天抗议的里边有一位墨西哥妈妈,她气得发疯,向提议的那些人投石块,结果被警方拘留!我觉得美国这些拉丁裔的政客们,太卑鄙了,他们可以支持大赦千百万的非法移民,却不让在美国的小孩子,尤其是亚洲孩子,不让他们接受好的教育!这些孩子都已经在学校里那么多年了,这个学区是在加州前五名之内的,学校的好排名主要是靠这些亚洲孩子支撑起来的!美国现在有一股针对亚洲孩子的歧视打压风潮,这边有一位亚洲团体社长的孩子,三个SAT都拿满分,却没有一个常春藤学校和全美20名之内的好学校录取他!背后一定是有人搞鬼的,就像这次学校提案一样,说不定是同一个鬼这是赤裸裸的明目张胆的歧视!学生能够做到这样,还不录取,那要怎么样?记得Jackie在小学的时候,那个学校拉丁裔佔多数,老师也是拉丁裔,校长是一位黑人. Jackie成绩不错,我向班主任申请希望Jackie能跳级,结果那位拉丁裔老师居然对我说,”Jackie的社交能力和人际关系不好!所以不能让她跳级,这算什么TMD理由?別的孩子大多会讲西语,一个年级大概只有五位亚洲人我一气之下把Jackie送到离家远的,亚洲人多一点的,白人做校长的学校上学,宁愿每天开车自己接送她,结果Jackie当上了学生会并列主席见他的鬼什么社交能力不够,人际关系不好!美国人,尤其这边拉丁裔,对中国人是有很大偏见的,只维护自己族群利益的,怎么会诚心诚意来为你培养孩子?他们录取的也就是一般性的外国学生,目的是收他们的几万块钱一年的学费,在美国混几年日子,也找不到工作,就回去,真正是浪费青春!如果质量好的学生,那你得先做狗他们才给你机会的.


Let's talk about democracy in the United States. Jackie said that their classmates and parents have protested today! Because they didn't want the school district's plan to pass. If the proposal passed, Jackie School now has more than a thousand students, half of them are leaving, and it is half of them are leaving! It is said that the school district also has to visit home every week to see if the students really live there! There was a Mexican mother inside the protest today. She was so angry that she threw stones at the proposed people and was detained by the police! I think these Latino politicians in the United States are too despicable. They can support millions of illegal immigrants, but they will not allow children in the United States, especially Asian children, prevent them from receiving good education! These children have been in school for so many years. This school district is among the top five in California. The school's good ranking is mainly supported by these Asian children! There is now a wave of discrimination against Asian children in the United States. There is a child of the Asian group president here, all three items in SAT he  gets full scores, but there is no Ivy League school and top 20 good schools in the United States accept him! There must be some ghosts behind, just like who madethis school proposal, maybe the same ghost, this is straightforward and blatant discrimination! Students can achieve upto this degree, still not get admitted, what then? I remember when Jackie was in elementary school, the school had a Latino majority, the teacher was a Latino, and the principal was a black woman. Jackie scored well. I applied to the class teacher and hoped that Jackie would jump grades. As a result, the Latino teacher actually told me," Jackie's social skills and interpersonal relationships are not good! So I can't let her jump." What was the damn reason! Most of the other children speak Spanish. There are only five Asians in a grade.Then I sent Jackie another school away from home, and the Asians were a little more. The principal of the school was awhite woman. I would rather drive her every day and pick her up. Jackie became a co-president of student club. Damn it!! What social skills are not enough?! Interpersonal relationships are not good?! Americans, especially the Latinos here, are very biased against  Chinese. They only protect the interests of their own ethnic groups. How can they sincerely train your children? They admit general foreign students, for the purpose of collecting their tens of thousands of dollars a yeartuition. In the United States for a regular few years, can not find a job, go back,it is really a waste of youth! If you are a good quality student, then you have to be a submissive dog before they give you a chance.


最近有一个把亚洲人细分的法案,虽然已经把跟教育有关的拿走了,可是加州的议员里大多数都是民主党的,以拉丁裔做后盾的,只要再加两个名额他们就是超级多数,他们提的任何方案都可以因为多数而通过!抗议也无能为力呀! 做生意的人知道,做生意是需要本钱的,要有代价的,如果有生意做一半的利润会花在费用上!最近看见很多做微商的,太多了,我觉得这样子乌合之众,多头出击,是得不到什么市场,赚不到什么钱的我又想起88,早在20多年前就头脑清醒地提出的理论,要集权才能成功!中国人这样子人人创业,既分散能量, 又分散资金,分散资源,很难成功的!为什么没有一个专门的集团来规划综合,安排布置,就像韩国人那样,更容易站住脚,不浪费资源,更容易打开局面了!怎么就不想想呢?


Recently, there is a bill that subdivides Asians. Although it has taken away education-related issues, most of the California lawmakers are Democrats, backed by Latinos. As long as they add two more seats, they are majority, any bill they mention can be passed because of the majority! There is nothing to be said about the protest! The person who does business knows that doing business is costly, and there is a price. If there is a business, half of the profits will be spent on expenses! I have seen a lot of people doing micro-business on wechat recently. I feel that this kind of arbitrarily, too much, like mob, you can't get any market, you can't make any money.

I remembered that 88 soberly proposed theory more than 20 years ago, power must be centralized to succeed! It is difficult for Chinese people to start a business like this, dispersing energy, dispersing funds, and dispersing resources. It is very difficult to succeed! Why is there no special group to plan the integration and arrange the arrangement? Just like the SouthKoreans, it is easier to take roots, not to waste resources, and it is easier to open the market! Why don't you think about it?






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