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已有 149 次阅读2021-4-17 23:08 |个人分类:北美生活

学校是培养人才的地方,可是美国的政治现在越来越变成表面上的平均主义 Schools are places to train talent, but American politics is now increasingly becoming superficial egalitarianism.



无独有偶,最近有另外一个法案,是把亚洲人按来源地细分,以此作为大学录取的基本比例!这对学习好的中国人来说又是无形中的一种限制学校是培养人才的地方,可是美国的政治现在越来越变成表面上的平均主义为什么呢?因为拉丁裔人多势众,这样对他们有好处!所以政府机关大公司里充斥着一大堆拉丁语背景的身处高位而没有才华的人,他们只要随着他们后边的政治集团的指挥棒走,为非作歹就行了!这个国家的政治结构有大问题!因为有众多的亚裔反对,这个方案修改成为不针对教育现在是这样,可是天知道,哪年哪月他们就会以这个为基础,来应用到教育上! 美国的政治,以拉丁裔为主的政治集团,是唯我独尊的,自私自利的,眼光短浅的,损人不利己的,没有大智慧的,鲁莽而卑劣的,靠拳头唯护自己利益的,与靠智慧守护发扬大家利益的政治是天壤之别孰优孰劣,孰胜熟负,已经很明显了! 川普和那些拉美人,那是在低层次上的较量,是没什么意思也不会有什么好结果的!如果他们想去流血,那就多流些,世界上如果能少些黑帮野兽,好事儿!你们所做的,是为全人类的幸福,所以得道多助!所以希望你们多交朋友,多赢得人心,让更多的人来唱同一首歌!明天再继续多讲一些.


Coincidentally, there is another bill recently that divides Asians by source as a basic proportion of college admissions! This is an invisible restriction for Chinese kids who are goodat school. Schools are places to train talents, but American politics is now becoming more and more superficial egalitarianism. Why? Because Latino people are majoritynow, it is good for them! Therefore, the large number ofgovernment agencies are filled with a large number of Latin-speaking people who are in high positions without talents. They only need to follow the baton of the political group behind them, and they will do nothing! The political structure of this country has big problems! Because there are so many Asian-American oppositions, this program has been revised to not target education. Now it is like this, but God knows which year, they will use this as the basis applying education! The politics of the United States, the Latin American-dominated political group, is the only one who is self-sufficient, selfish, short-sighted, and harm to others. Without great wisdom, reckless and despicable, relying on fists to protect their own interests, and compared to the politics of guarding and promoting the interests of all people by wisdom in the world is of huge difference. It is already obvious that which is better or worse, who is win or lose! Trump and those Latin Americans, that is a contest at a low level, it does not mean anything, there will be no good results! If they want to see blood, then it will flow more. If there are fewer gangster beasts in the world, a very good things! What you have done is for the happiness of all mankind, so you can help! So I hope that you can make more friends, win more hearts, and let more people sing the same song! I will continue to talk more tomorrow.






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