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已有 121 次阅读2021-4-17 23:01 |个人分类:北美生活

Aug 26, 2016 at 9:10 PM

美国的医药费  Medical expenses in the United States

今天在网上又看见一则故事,一位父亲有一个五六岁的男孩,那个男孩儿又有习惯性脱臼在国内的时候,脱臼了就带孩子去看医生这是骨科大夫的基本功,医生一分钟就能把事情搞定了,收了¥100人民币这次来美国玩,不料又出事儿了,就挂急诊去这边洛杉矶的儿童医院,结果等了四个小时才看上医生,换了四个医生才最后把骨头推上,最后那个医生还不知道已经做成了,还不能马上结帐,要过几天回来,花了四个多小时才把帐结出来,总共要¥1700多美金! 记得 Jackie的钢琴老师,以前一直在微信发贬低中国大陆的文章有一次她自己的女儿生病了去看急诊,是急诊哪,结果在医院等了六个小时才看上病,人还不算很多,只二十多个吧从此不再发那些贬大陆的文章了很多很多大陆人,是不明白美国这边的医疗系统的!上面所说的是再正常不过的了我父母每次去看医生,去的路上要两小时,在诊所要等两小时,10分钟到二十分钟就完了,回来又是两小时,都要大半天才回来还好是有保险的! 两年前父亲生病住院,第一个月的医药费就是十万美金,九个月看病回到家,总共医疗费是超过二十万的,而且因为床上躺久了走路都不行有一次爸爸早上走路被狗咬伤皮,光打电话911请救护车,将爸爸送到附近的医院急诊室,后来送来的账单就是一千多美元,还不算医院治疗的费用.  这边的医疗保险,年轻人如果有工作的话一个月也是一百多块年纪大了像我们这样也要几百块了!每次看医生还有co-pay, $40-50,像挂号费一样,很多药保险都是不包的,或者只付有限的在美国一生病,那真的是吃不消啊!还有那些医生会联合起来刮你的皮抽你的筋的老年人要等到65岁以上,才可以享受到联邦政府的医疗保险所以千万不能生病的呀在网上查了一查,好像中美高中交换生,基本上都是从中国到美国来的很少看见有美国去中国的除非去大学读书北大什么有暑期语言课,六个星期要8000人民币,年龄要18岁以上请教你们一下,你们有谁知道给高中生的交换生项目?比如说是培养未来领袖的?肯定有的,可我到哪里去找啊?


Today, I saw another story on the Internet. A father has a boy of five or six years old. The boy has habitual dislocation. When he is in the country, he takes the child to see a doctor. This is the basic skill of the orthopedic doctor. The doctor can get things done in a minute, and receives ¥100. This time thefather came to the United States to visit, but unexpectedly thechild got dislocation again. He went to the emergency room of Children's Hospital in Los Angeles. He waited for four hours to see the doctor. After changing four doctors, the doctor finally pushed the bones up. Finally, the doctor didn't know that it had already been done. He couldn't check it out immediately. He had to come back in a few days. It took him more than four hours to get the account out. More than $1,700 US dollars! I remember Jackie's piano teacher, who used to post a low opinion on China on WeChat. Once her own daughter was sick to see the emergency department. It was an emergency. The result was that she waited for six hours in the hospital to see the doctor. Not too many patients, only more than 20. Since then, no more articles on the mainland have been published. Many mainlanders do not understand the medical system on the US side! The above is normal cases. My parents go to the doctor every time. It takes two hours on the way to go, two hours in the clinic, 10 minutes to 20 minutes tosee the doctor, and two hours back. At least it takes half dayfor a trip. Fortunately, they have insurance! Two years ago, my father was hospitalized. The first month of medical expenses was $100,000 US dollars. He went home after nine months of medical treatment. The total medical expenses were more than $200,000, and it was impossible to walk because he  was lying in bed for a long time. Once, my father walked in the morning and was bitten by a dog. I called 911 to call an ambulance and sent my father to the emergency room of a nearby hospital. Later, the bill sent was more than a thousand dollars, not counting the cost of hospital treatment.Here, medical insurance, if a young person has a job, it is more than one hundred a month. As old as we are, there are hundreds of dollars! Every time I see a doctor, there is co-pay, $40-50. Like the registration fee, many medicine insurances are not included, or only limited. In the United States, you cannot afford being sick! There are also doctors who will unite to scrape your skin and pump your ribs. Older people have to wait until they are 65 years old to enjoy the federal government's medical insurance. So don't get sick. Check it online, it seems that Sino-US high school exchange students are basically from China to the United States. It is rare to see the United States going to China unless they go to college. There is the summer language course at Peking University, 8,000 RMB for six weeks, age 18 and over. Ask you, who do you know about the exchange program for high school students? For example, is it to train future leaders? There must be some, but where can I find it?






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