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已有 149 次阅读2021-4-17 22:58 |个人分类:领袖精英

李克强是一个很有趣的人,英文不错,会讲笑话  Li Keqiang is a very interesting person. He speaks English well and tells jokes.



Aug 26, 2016 at 1:07 PM


习主席,88Jackie说你们这两天特别高兴,又有啥好事体呀?是不是美国这边两大势力达成协议了,让世界可以太平一点了?88Jackie又高兴又得意,因为你们告诉她,因为她跟普京交谈了,“ they are very proud of me!" 88,你不觉得Jackie有王歪歪仔的性格吗? 我要特别谢谢你们,是因为你们教育了她,她才有资本可以侃侃而谈,是因为你们给她提供机会去认识这些世界级的大腕,她才自信满满"信口雌黄危言耸听"地,去unease 他们! 哈哈哈哈!如果没有你们天天花那么多时间,花那么多精力去找那些著名历史人物,给她讲世界上不同的国家历史文化,甚至,投其所好她怎么会有那么sick嗜血所好呢,喜欢看这些暴君心惊胆战的事,怀疑你们后面策划是不是也是脑子有问题的习主席,88,还有后面策划,辛苦努力有回报,而且在世界大人物圈,掀起波澜,坏了坏了地,很可以呀!如果你们因为她的自信口才还为她骄傲,那我要说你们功劳大大的!但大可不必为她说的内容而鼓励她就普京来说,我宁愿她不讲Ivan the terrible torture story, 宁愿她可以跟普京一起玩,如果普京弹一首曲子,她可以马上说我知道这首曲子,或者跟普京见面时可以和普京来一个duet, 或者用俄语给普京来一段俄国歌曲或者笑话什么的,或者拿出一张可以和俄国国宝级艺术家相媲美的画,或者跳上一段有专业水平的芭蕾,那我才真正地proud of her! 揭人短不算本事!还有,问普京问题,Jackie确实动了脑筋!可是那是小孩子的动脑筋,她只是表面地看问题,她不知道在世界上所有的大国关系领土纷争后面,都有历史文化原因,都有一些合约,都有规则的!因为她不知道,所以才会问一些无知的,别人一言难尽,没法直接回答的问题!是不是应该告诉她有很多事情的解决不是表面看上去那么简单,要真正了解事情的背景,还有当地历史文化,人们的观念才行!不然她就会说,象隋炀帝灾荒年说的那种为何不食肉糜之类的不现实话如果让她去做决策者,她就会像美国这边的无知小屁孩,盲目发动战争,会被现实砸个稀烂的!你们后面策划有没有美国这边无知小屁孩? Jackie脑子还不错,挺管用的,谢谢你们,也拜托你们好好从长计议调教她!想听她多多甜言蜜语

President Xi, 88, Jackie said that you are particularly happy these two days, and what good things? Is it possible for the two major forces in the United States to reach an agreement, so that the world can be peaceful? 88, Jackie is happy and proud, because you told her that because she talked to Putin, "they are very proud of me!" 88, don't you think Jackie has the wacky character of Wang? I want to thank you especially, because you have educated her, she has the knowledge to chat, because you give her the opportunity to know these world-class big names, she is confident that "talkingnonsense", go to unease them! Hahahaha! If you don't spend so much time every day, spend so much energy to find famous historical figures, tell her about the different national history and culture in the world, and even please her, how can she is so sick bloodthirsty? She likes to watch the horror stories of these tyrants, and wonder if the planner behind you is also has problem with his mind! President Xi, 88, and the planner behind, your hard work has paid off, and in the world's big figures circle, generating waves, so bad, but very good! If you are still proud of her because of her confidence, then I want to say that you have done a great job! But don't have to encourage her for what she said. As far as Putin is concerned, I would rather she doesn't talk about Ivan the terrible torture story, preferring that she can play with Putin. If Putin plays a song, she can immediately say “ I know this song”, or when you meet with Putin, she can come to Putin with a duet, or use Russian to talk to Putin a Russian song or a joke, or come up with a painting that can be compared with a Russian national treasure artist, or dance a professional level of ballet, then I am really proud of her! Also, when asked  Putin a question, Jackie did use her brain! But that is the brains of the children. She only looks at the problem on the surface. She does not know that there are historical and cultural reasons behind all the territorial disputes in the world. There are some contracts and rules! Because she doesn't know, she will ask some questions that are ignorant, others can't just simply explain, and can't answer directly! Should I tell her that there are many things need to be solved, not that it seems so simple on the surface, better to really understand the background of things, as well as local history and culture, people's minds! Otherwise, she would say unrealistic words, like the Emperor Sui YangDi said in the famine year "Why don't you eat grounded meat?"   If she were a decision maker, she would be like an ignorant kid on the American side, blindly launching a war, would be ruined by reality! Amongplanners behind you, is there any ignorant kid in the United States? Jackie's brain is not bad, it works, thank you, and please, please let me know your long-term plan! I want to hear her a lot of sweet words.


大李哥,昨天你排除万难给Jackie讲你的印度经历,怎么你们去印度都是灰头土脸的不愉快经历呢?真可恶!下次如果碰见印度总统,让Jackie跟他们说什么呢?说他们一边在恒河里放死尸,一边在恒河里沐浴吗?还是说Jackie喜欢印度菜,喜欢宝莱坞的歌舞?对了给大里哥一个建议,您是不是经常熬夜,还是户外锻炼晒太多太阳了?因为有时候你会脸色暗一些,最好能在眼睛边上打一点浅色粉底,人看上去就会显得更精神!Jackie告诉我你是一个很有趣的人,英文不错,会讲笑话请求你,如果下一次习主席和88,暗示Jackie让她去对世界领袖们进行惊愫刺激演讲的时候,如果一看到苗头丝不对,请替Jackie兜着点,马上开口说段子,别让那些大人物太难堪,记恨Jackie的,嘿嘿嘿 大李哥,你是中国的大总理呢,我们李家的大哥呢,中国下面的事情,都由你管的上次你们和美国的十万学生交换计划,是哪一个部门负责做的呀?能请你帮帮忙吗? Jackie 也希望能够参加这个计划,高中来中国学习一段时间呢,她会说些中文但是不太会看汉字,想学习中国的文化,历史, 结交中国的朋友们或者,国内,上海或北京,有什么单位愿意雇用我做临时顾问什么的我可以短期回国,顺便让Jackie也可以就读中国的学校国内各种各样资源多,让她多长见识增加经历的一年就好好不好?最近看网上希拉里和川普撕逼,有越来越炽热化的倾向,越来越多的肮脏的丑陋的内部材料被披露出来互相指责用词也越来越刺骨觉得看美国大选就像看一场大庭广众之下的骂街秀,劳民伤财的一点意思也没有一点正能量也没有什么狗屁!我觉得反正美国人民也习惯了谁做总统对真正国家的运行并不有太大的影响只要大家能够有工作有钱赚,能过日子就好了!像我现在要找一个适合的工作都不容易!而那些人却花掉那么多国库的钱来搞这种秀!


Big brother Li, yesterday, you ruled out all the hardships to tell Jackie about your Indian experience. Why were you going to India to be an unpleasant experience? Really hateful! Next time, if you meet the President of India, what will Jackie say to them? Say they are bathing in the Ganges while hanging dead bodies in the Ganges? Or  Jackie likes Indian food and like Bollywood songs and dances? A suggestion to Bigbrother Li, do you often stay up all night, or do you exercise too much  in the outdoor sun? Because sometimes you will have a darker face, it is best to put a light foundation aroundyour eyes, you will look more spiritual! Jackie tells me that you are a very interesting person, good English, and can tell jokes. Asking you, if  next time Xi and 88, suggesting that Jackie will go to the world leaders to give a thrilling speech, If you see that her speech goes wrong, please cover Jackie by immediately talking jokes, don't let the big guys feel too embarrassed. Big brother Li, you are China's great prime minister, our Li family's big brother, China things are all managed by you. Last time you had exchange students plans with 100,000 students in the United States, which department is responsible for doing it? Can you please help me? Jackie also hopes to participate in this program. She has been studying Chinese for a while. She will speak Chinese but she will not read Chinese characters. She wants to learn Chinese culture, history, and make friends with China. In China, Shanghai or Beijing, what units are willing to hire me as a temporary consultant, I can return to China for a short term, so that Jackie can also attend Chinese school. There are many kinds of resources in the country, so that she can get more experience. A year is good, right? Recently, watching Hillary and Trump on the Internet, there is a tendency to become more and more hot, more and more dirty, ugly internal materials are revealed, and the accusations of each other are getting more and more biting. I feel that watching the US election, it’s like watching a street fighting show in the crowd, hurting people wasting money, no meaning at all. There is no positive energy. What a bullshit! I feel that the American people are used to it anyway. Whoever becomes the president has no great influence on the operation of the real country. As long as everyone can have a job, have money to earn, and be able to live! It’s not even easy to find a suitable job for me now! And those people have spent so much money from the national treasury to make this show!






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