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已有 108 次阅读2021-4-15 23:52 |个人分类:全球化

人类是地球资源的消费者,人类也是地球的一种资源在世界一体化的过程中,如何合理分派应用资源才是人类真正的大智慧.  Human beings are the consumers of the earth's resources, and human beings are also a resource of the earth. In the process of world integration, how to properly allocate application resources is the real great wisdom of mankind.



Aug 24, 2016 at 11:03 PM


亲爱的习和王, Jackie和普京是有KGB之盟的,她无论说什么,普京是不会在意的可是,我没有跟普京有任何协定啊,要我说俄国的领土,那是一定会得罪俄国人的!俄国人从维京人进入俄国这块土地,罗斯大公,伊凡雷帝,彼得大帝,斯大林,干的最漂亮的一件事儿,就是扩张领土,世界上没有任何一个国家,像俄国那样对领土如此的贪婪地佔有二次大战以后,中国作为战胜国,外蒙古还是被苏俄挖了出去.  有土地好啊,土地下所有的资源土地上所有的资源都归我有啊!俄国的一大部分经济收入来自于出售石油和天然气!中国需要依靠他们的石油,以后几十年都需要!欧洲需要他们的天然气,一断气,欧洲冬天就完蛋了!所以俄国人有恃无恐!可是,如果再过几年有新的绿色能源出来,比如核能,俄国和沙特阿拉伯的经济来源就会大大地打折扣!还是未雨绸缪为好有土地好啊!入侵者要纵深多远,才能够打到莫斯科?在精疲力竭之际,又遇上俄国北方无与伦比的,零下二三十度的酷冷寒冬,不管是拿破仑还是希特勒,谁都没有老毛子的抗寒能力,在地理气候双重的自然不利因素攻击下,再加上本土军队的重击,谁还有多少可以苟延残喘振作反击的? 我的土地,我怎么会愿意让给别人呢?怎么会愿意跟别人一起分享的?即使没有人住,那一片片连绵的森林,就像地球的肺,是多少生物动物的家呀,没有人住又如何?可是这个地球是整个人类的地球,当亚洲人穿过白令海峡去美洲大陆的时候,当维京人进入亚洲大陆的时候,从来没有人想过有个东西叫做国界,他们想的就是如何去生存繁衍后代!人类是地球资源的消费者,人类也是地球的一种资源在世界一体化的过程中,如何合理分派应用资源才是人类真正的大智慧北欧人,俄国人,也许比较富裕吧,不是那种愿意分享的人,也许比较偏僻吧,不是愿意以开放的心胸整体看世界的这就要看你们怎么宣传了,怎么去打动人心告诉Jackie,解决问题不能这样跟别人对着干,普京是不会接受的,得想一个绕弯的办法Jackie这一代,能否改变这个现状今天网上说韩正不适合进中央,说韩正扬雄上海帮只有束手待缚最近网上都是讨价还价的,有人把蓝色眼镜戴着赤膊上阵,连金星秀都说要带蓝色美瞳隐形眼镜,啥意思?然后你们来个ISIS, 希拉里,再来一个can-can.  同意什么了?最近上海,东北的车祸,撞的都是黄色车子,还涉人命的威胁吗?残暴吗?困兽犹斗吗?中国复杂呀!  Jackie 这样的年轻人来干吧,那些该隐退的就隐退,没必要去跟他们罗嗦!庆父不死,鲁难未已,真是的,灭了!心态软了会变东郭先生.


Dear Xi and Wang, Jackie and Putin are all KGB alliances. Putin will not mind what she says. However, I have no agreement with Putin. If I talk about Russian territory, it will definitely offend Russians! The Russians went from the Vikings into the Russian land, Ross Grand Duke, Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Stalin. The most beautiful thing to do is to expand the territory. There is no country in the world, like Russia, so greedily possessing the territory. After the Second World War, China was a victorious country, and Outer Mongolia was dug out by Soviet Russia. It is good to ownland, all the resources under the land, all the resources on the land are owned by me! A large part of Russia’s economic income comes from the sale of oil and natural gas! China needs to rely on their oil and will need it in the next few decades! Europe needs their natural gas, and when it is cut off, it will be finished in winter in Europe! So the Russians are fearless! However, if new green energy comes out in a few years, such as nuclear energy, the economic sources of Russia and Saudi Arabia will be greatly reduced! Still precautions are good. It is good to own land! How far does the intruder have to go to get Moscow? In the exhaustion and tire, it also encountered the unparalleled cold in the north of Russia, the cold winter of minus 20 or 30 degrees. No matter whether it is Napoleon or Hitler, no one had the cold resistance ability of the old Russian. Under the attack of the natural unfavorable factors of geography and climate, coupled with the heavy blows of the local army, who could still retaliate and fight back? It is my land, how can I be willing to give it to others? How would you like to share it with others? Even if no one lives there, the piece of forest, like the lungs of the earth, is the home of many biological animals. If no one is living, sowhat? But this earth is the earth of the whole human being. When Asians cross the Bering Strait to the American continent, when the Vikings entered the Asian continent, no one ever thought that there was something called a national border. What they thought was how to go survive and progeny! Human beings are the consumers of the earth's resources, and human beings are also a resource of the earth. In the process of world integration, how to properly allocate the applied resources is the real great wisdom of mankind. Nordic people, Russians, maybe richer, not the kind of person who is willing to share, maybe it is more remote, not willing to see the whole world with an open mind. It depends on how you publicize, how to impress people. Tell Jackie that solving problems can't be done by going against others. Putin will not accept it. You have to think about a way around. See if the Jackie generation can change this situation.  Today, ininternet it said that Han Zheng is not suitable for the Central Committee, saying that Han Zheng Yang Xiong Shanghai Gang should be only tied up. Recently, online is aboutbargaining. Some people wear blue glasses in a shirtless manner. Even Jin Show said that he wanted to wear blue beauty contact lenses. What do you mean? Then you come with ISIS, Hillary, dance another can-can. What do you agree on? Recently, car accident in the northeast , Shanghai all hit a yellow car, but also involved in human life. Threat? Cruel? Are the beasts fighting? China is complicated! Let young people like Jackie to do it, those who are retiring will be retired, there is no need to talk to them! If the ghost is not dead, there willbe endless troubles, really, demolish them! If the mentality is soft, you tolerate evils.






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