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已有 112 次阅读2021-4-15 23:40 |个人分类:领袖精英

王和普京性格不同王会细心布局,最后一网打尽普京会用铁腕大力打击!  Wang and Putin have different personalities. Wang will carefully layout, and the last one net covers all. Putin will use the iron fist to fight hard!


Aug 23, 2016 at 11:23 PM




Dear Xi and Wang, Jackie told me about Putin's event. Today she spoke to Putin. I think Putin is a very characteristic person. He is not leaving his profession in three sentences. He is also showing off KGB's super weapon with Jackie. If you are a normal person, you will feel strange, why do you talk about these subtle and exquisite things? But it is a very interesting topic for him, because this is his pride and experience. Putin has a very strong personality, doing things with a big punch, nothing impossible! In Jackie's strong character, there is a small part that fits well with Putin's character, that is, the feeling of giving heavy punch! Completely different from 88, Wang’s character. Wang would think twice, will break down the energy, will do the destruction, strong wind blowing, just like a building to be exploded, scattering the explosives to each node, to ensure these points are key points, and with an explosion the whole building is gone! Yet Putin prefers to use the round huge iron ball to hit the wall, in his method the results every time are obvious. Wang may have to spend more time and patience, but thoroughly! I think that Putin's character should  be easy to get along with. If you get along with him, he will become your iron buddy. If you can't get along with him, he may not have a chance to talk for more than half a sentence! Jackie seems to get along with him. Jackie has a hard side like boys. Putin even knows that I used to work at Boeing! Their Russian spies are powerful. Last time I was bullied by a large group of “black”gang, one of my Russian doctor friends actually knew! Even asked me what happened during that time. I was shocked! The Russians also have a good sense of humor. You see their soldiers of honor guards walking and leaning forward, just like the way Jackie sometimes temper with me!  Chinese should be as hard as  Russians!






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