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已有 83 次阅读2021-4-14 22:51 |个人分类:全球化

社交需要技巧  Social needs skills

Aug 22, 2016 at 3:05 PM


亲爱的习和王, Jackie是真地喜欢听你们讲故事,讲那些历史人物今天早上她还和我说,她都记得住有兴趣就容易记住啊.中国孩子大多是应试教育出来的,问什么就一本正经答什么记得去国外的美术馆看画,我说的是油画,基本上所有的画框,都是雕花的,有的时候甚至觉得画框比里边的画还好看!希望Jackie讲话,尤其是跟世界级的大人物交流的时候,我希望她能够学着加镂花,而不是那么直截了当学院派似地描述她可以问普京,给他选择题,是谁这么做........ 其中一个选择可以是普京,也可以是Jackie,这样就不太锋利可以先从冬宫的画讲起,讲那幅伊凡弒子的油画,再讲伊凡雷帝,反正别那么血淋淋的也可以用段子或者是讲笑话的方式,当然她可能还没有到那个段位!我是希望人家一看见Jackie,她还没开口就惹大家想笑了或者一开口别人就笑倒一大片觉得好玩,有趣,想听这样不会伤人,交流起来gracefully ! 不管什么事儿要悠着点儿讲,生动有趣地讲,让人开心地讲除非有人真地跳出来当面攻击,那就不客气一剑封喉. Jackie 不是玛杜萨,不会看人一眼就要人命的吔你们也应该参加呀,增加领袖间的互动不是吗?你们才是最调皮的!都是你们教的,现在要看你们三个人一台戏了,哈哈哈哈哈 要讲法国,Jackie喜欢看雨果的音乐剧,“les miserable "(悲惨世界)我看了十几分钟就跑了,她一直看下去,三个小时呢, 还会哼里面的歌!她喜欢罗浮宫,凡尔赛宫,知道拿破仑,印象派怎么编路易十六故事的高潮,那要看88的功力了!不同国家,不同人,不同文化,不同背景,不同性格,不一样啊,要有分寸啊,it is mainly for fun, Ok? 古装戏法开场了,太扎劲了!有意思!


Dear Xi and Wang, Jackie really likes to listen to your stories,those historical figures. She told me this morning that she remembers most of them. It is easy to remember when interested. Chinese children are mostly exam-oriented, answer on whatever asked. I remember to go to the art museums abroad to see the paintings. I am talking about oil paintings. Basically all the picture frames are carved. Sometimes I even think that the picture frames are better than the pictures inside! I hope when Jackie talks, especially  she talks to world-class people, I hope she can learn to add fancywords, instead of being straightforward and descriptive. She can ask Putin question to give him an option, who is doing this. ....... One of the choices can be Putin or Jackie, which is not too straight forward. She can start with the paintings of the Winter Palace, telling the painting of Ivan's killing his son, and then talk about Ivan the Emperor. Anyway, don't be so bloody. She can also use a paragraph or a joke, of course, she may not have reached that level! I hope that when people see Jackie, she will make everyone laugh even she doesn't speak. Or when she opens her mouth, people would keeplaughing. It feels fun, interesting, and people want to listen. This will not hurt people, and it will communicate gracefully ! No matter what she should talk in a smooth way, talk vividly and interestingly, let people talk happily. Unless someone really jumps out and attacks in person, then he could be shut. Jackie is not Medusa, it doesn't matter if people look at her ornot. You should also participate, increase the interaction between leaders, isn't it? You are the most naughty! It’s all you teach. Now it’s up to three of you to play a show. Hahahahaha w Talk about France, Jackie likes to watch Hugo’s musical drama, “les miserable” (I’m miserable) I sit for ten minutes, left. She has been watching it for three hours, and she will sing the song inside! She likes the Louvre, Versailles, knows Napoleon, Impressionism. How to compile the climax of the Louis XVI story, it depends on the skill of 88! Different countries, different people, different cultures, different backgrounds, different personalities. All different, have to be proper, it is mainly for fun, right? The costume drama has begun, too fun! So interesting!






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