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已有 135 次阅读2021-4-13 23:21 |个人分类:北美生活

在这边中国的男孩子要找对象,很不容易的美国人流动性大要遇见爱情,稳定家庭,有太多的变数了.  It is not easy for Chinese boys to find objects here. Americans are highly mobile. To meet love and stabilize the family, there are too many variables.

美国是移民国家,美国人又经常调动工作,人来人往,流动性大要遇见爱情,稳定家庭,有太多的变数了前两年发生过一件事儿,这边俄国人社区,有一位不适应美国文化的俄国医生,在美多年,依旧单身!俄国文化是有他自成一体的系统,俄国的文化比较美国来得高级精致,这边美国人对俄国人又不太友好这种情况在这儿太多了,越是从外来的,优秀的人才,在美国本土都难找到相融的人,尤其从欧洲来的人在文化上鄙视美国只有一大群傻逼中国人才追美国文化!简而言之,他在家乡俄国找了一位年轻女子,来美结婚以后生了孩子,也许这位老兄孤独惯了不会沟通,也许这个女子确实漂亮年轻,追求更高吧反正她眼这边马里布海边的一位有钱人勾搭上了,抛夫弃子,跟别人同居了!俄国人真是俄国人,那位丈夫觉得自己竹篮子打水一场空,气血攻心,把这个不忠女子和孩子全家杀了然后自杀,破罐破摔破釜沉舟这是一个极端悲剧的个例吧!为了生存这边有很多离婚家庭破裂这样的悲剧的因为文化不同啊,生活习惯不同啊,成长背景不同啊!很多中国的年轻人都觉得美国好他们年轻,他们不知道,人生社会家庭需要什么才能够支撑的在这边中国的男孩子要找对象,很不容易的! 印度人只能管HR没法管matching. 你看委内瑞拉有专门的训练美女program, 从小培养美女长大去选美竞赛国内的大学培养的是读书人,那最多也能找国内相似的读书人是不是也应该在学校之外,有人可以提供不同教育?从小来美国的小留学生,我说一句实在话,我本来以为来美国可以学好英文的,可是我发现来美国以后英文反而下降,因为没有人教你了,每天只是日常英文,在美国你听到的那些厘语你根本搞不懂,在中国还有专门老师教词汇语法写作什么的如果你们能多花一点精力,把这个择偶的HR握在手里这才是为人类做一天大的好事. 88, 你喜欢瑞典点心吗?我喜欢瑞典的国家不见得是那边的人..... 如果王跟Jackie face time 的时候,要问她问题,让她清楚essay的几个部分要写什么,一定要她写下来,然后朗读给你听的要写要讲的!要学会表达可不可以顺便教她几个吉他的chord? 对了先教她把音调准了


The United States is an immigrant country, and Americans often change their jobs. People come and go and have great mobility. To meet love and stabilize the family, there are too many variables. One thing happened in the last two years, the Russian community here. There is a Russian doctor who does not adapt to American culture. In the United States for many years, he was still single! Russian culture is a system of self-containedness. Russian culture is more sophisticated than the United States. Americans here are not very friendly to Russians. This situation is too much here, the more foreign, the outstanding talents, it is more difficult to find mates in the United States, especially those from Europe, who despise the United States in culture. There is only a large group of stupid Chinese talents to chase American culture! In short, he found a young woman in his hometown of Russia. After he got married, she gave birth to a child. Maybe this man is used to being alone and will not communicate well enough. Maybe this woman is really beautiful and young, pursue higher. Anyway, she hooked up a rich man at the seaside in Malibu  and abandoned her own son and lived with that guy! The Russian is really Russian. The husband feels that his happiness has been ruined, and he is of extreme anger. He killed the unfaithful woman and the child and commits suicide. It breaks through the boat. This is an example of extreme tragedy! In order to survive, there are many tragedies such as divorce and family breakdown. Because of different cultures, different living habits, different growth backgrounds! Many young people in China feel that the United States is good. They are young, they don't know, to support life, society, and family, what it really takes. It is not easy for Chinese boys to find mates here! Indians can only manage HR, there is no way to help others match. You see Venezuela has a special training program, from childhood to beautiful women to grow up for  beauty contest. Domestic universities are trained to bescholars, and at most can find similar domestic scholar. Is it not? Should there be outside the school, can someone provide different education? When I came to the United States from a young age, tell you the true, I originally thought that I could learn English well in the United States, but I found that after coming to the United States, my English has declined. Because no one has taught me, every day is just daily English. In the United States, you hear those idioms you don’t understand at all. There are special teachers in China who teach vocabulary, grammar, and writing. If you can spend a little more energy and hold this mate’s HR in your hands, this is a great thing for human beings. Super good things. 88, Do you like Swedish snacks? I like the country of Sweden, not necessarily the one over there..... If Wang and Jackie face time, ask her questions, let her know what parts of essay are going to write, be sure to write it down, Then read it to you. Write it! To learn to express. Can you teach her a few guitar chords by the way? I taught her to adjust the tone first.






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