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已有 69 次阅读2021-4-13 23:08 |个人分类:全球化

在美国, legal system 也是犹太人的天下  In the United States, the legal system is also the Jewish world.

听说明泽想来加州做法律,挺不错的,不知道是哪一方面? 美国这边中国人圈子里做法律,其实不那么复杂大多数是做移民的还有的是做劳工伤害的车祸什么的中美有那么多贸易,商业贸易纠纷却不是很多,连那么会做生意的台湾人,凡是遇到跟美国这边的纠纷,大都是吃进肚子里的其实美国法律分很多种,民亊,刑事因为中国人圈子小没有那么多的法律案件所以有的律师就做很多类型在加州要考律师执照很不容易的我有一个朋友以前在国内是读英文的在律师楼也做了好多年,在法学院读了四年毕业了却没敢去考知道考不过还是用了犹太老律师的执照开了律师事务所,其实很多这边的中国人律师楼,诊疗所都是这样做的,因为她手上有很多的移民客户却没有执照,也算合作吧不知道明泽是有兴趣赚钱吗?还是想做政府间的政治如果以后中国政府和这边政府有许多的交流互动的话,是需要后边有律师来规范定义起草很多法律文件和政策的!会有很多的政府间的交涉,要认识很多各方面的人物,也可能会枯燥那些律师写document , 就像88写长篇八股文一样,可以写几百页的官样文章!律师看文件一目十行懂得哪里去找关键词,懂得怎么跟人交涉,掌握法律条文玩得漂亮!在美国, legal system 也是犹太人的天下所以你要了解规则他们是一大帮人在洛杉矶的犹太人律师,就创头组织了一个洛杉矶律师的交响乐团,在比华利山因为律师是个体行业,像医生一样,不太容易有好的社交,他们组织活动是让同行们在一起,交朋友,找对象的!我去听过一次他们的音乐会,也有中国年轻律师参加,都是精英,乐队水平很不错的!这次92号他们又聚在一起唱6-70年代的歌如果明泽来,欢迎也可以一起去参与,会认识很多这边的青年才俊律师们!


I heard that Xi Mingze wants to come to California to do the law. It is quite good. I don’t know in which aspect? The law practice in the Chinese community in the United States is actually not so complicated. Most of them are immigrants. Others are doing labor injuries, car accidents. There are so many trades in China and the United States, but there are not many commercial trade disputes. Taiwanese who do business, when they encounter disputes with the United States, they mostly swallow. In fact, there are many kinds of laws in the United States, civil, criminal. Because the Chinese circle is small, there are not so many legal cases, so some lawyers do a lot of types. It is not easy to get a lawyer's license in California. I have a friend who used to study English in  China, also worked in the law firm for many years. She studied in law school for four years and graduated. She didn’t dare to go to the exam, but she didn’t know how to pass it. She used a license of the Jewish lawyer to open a law firm. In fact, many Chinese lawyers’ offices and clinics do businessthis way because they have a lot of immigration customers,. Even they have no license, but also do business bycooperation. Do not know if Mingze is interested in making money? Still want to do intergovernmental politics? If there are many exchanges and interactions between the Chinese government and the government here, it is necessary to have lawyers behind to define and draft many legal documents and policies! There will be a lot of intergovernmental negotiations,to know many people in all aspects. It may also be boring.Those lawyers write documents, just like 88’s long formattedarticles, you can write hundreds of pages of official articles! Lawyers look at the documents, read between lines, know where to look for keywords, know how to deal with people, master the legal provisions to play beautiful! In the United States, the legal system is also Jewish dominant, so you have to understand the rules, they are a large group of people. The Jewish lawyers in Los Angeles have organized a Symphony Orchestra of Los Angeles lawyers in Beverly Hills. Because the lawyer is Individual industry like doctors, are not easy to have good social interactions. They organize activities to let their peers get together, make friends, and find mates! I went to listen to their concerts, and some young Chinese lawyers participated in the convert. They are elites and the band level is very good! On September 2nd, they gathered together to sing the songs of the 6-70s. If Mingze comes, welcome to participate together, and you will know many young talent lawyers here!






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