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已有 72 次阅读2021-4-12 21:09 |个人分类:北美生活


*中国人以为上好大学就可以有好工作,可美国不是这样的价值!好大学只意味着你要付更多的学费,并不一定有好工作犹太人的价值是,读书的最终目的是为了赚钱,不是为了追求学位. The Chinese think that they can have a good job from a good university, but the United States is not such a value! A good university only means that you have to pay more tuition fees, and not necessarily have a good job. The value of Jews is that the ultimate goal of studying is to make money, not to pursue a degree.



Aug 19, 2016 at 10:09 PM


亲爱的习和王, Jackie说王给她讲拿破仑谢谢你,亲一下几年前在军工上班时候,当时有位印度的manager ,讽刺中国人是拿为什么因为在美国的印度人,有一种认识,认为中国是加拿大,往家里拿很多技术和专业知识是不劳而获的,所以中国才会发展得那么快另一方面他们觉得中国人的知识背景不够,不能够完全消化别人的知识而且这边的人也狡猾,不会把所有信息都放在网上,所以中国人拿的只是部分不是全部,拿所以在美国做工程的,最高层是白人,中间层几乎都是印度人,中国人只配做下层边角末料,不让接触全部整个系统可我是做整个大系统设计的呀小时候听父亲讲拿破仑,觉得他是一个大英雄!贝多芬为他写交响曲,虽然后来因为拿破仑复辟恢复帝制,才改了曲名,但是英雄交响乐雄壮威武,充满英雄气概!在维也纳的艺术博物馆,有大卫的拿破仑油画,佔据了整个一面墙画中,拿破仑威风凛凛地骑在马上,收紧缰绳马腾空跃起,阿尔匹斯山的山风吹起了他的大氅,马的长鬃毛也随风飘荡我站在画前驻足良久,看着他,这么横扫欧洲的英雄,这么受欧洲人崇拜的英雄,却还是斗不过俄国人! 当我知道约瑟芬是他的爱人,我怎么也想不通!当时在我小小的脑子里,从来都认为,而且满眼所见,中国的婚配取向,都是男人娶比自己小的女人,甚至越年轻越好的男人找配偶,都是找比自己小几岁的,甚至纳好几房小妾从古到今,从来如此!可是约瑟芬比拿破仑大,而且还有孩子,我怎么也不理解,想不通到了美国以后我发现,很多事实大大出乎我的意料西方的配偶观和中国的真的不同,他们不把年龄太太太看重的我弟弟的太太就比他大三岁他有两个姐姐,从小在心理上依赖惯了我有恋父情结吗?这边有好多根本在外表上看上去完全不配的人,却实实在在地在一起!当然拿破仑以后又有了政治联姻,可是我知道他心里面真正喜欢的是约瑟芬!


Dear Xi and Wang, Jackie said that Wang told her about Napoleon. Thank you, kiss. When I was working in defense a few years ago, there was an Indian manager who satirized the Chinese to take "broken" things. Why? Because in the United States  Indians have an understanding that China is a "Canada" which in Chinese pronunciation for secretly taking a lot of technology and expertise home, so that is why China  developed so fast. On the other hand, they feel that the Chinese people’s knowledge background is not enough, can not completely digest the knowledge of others. And people here are also embarrassed, will not put all the information on the Internet, so the Chinese can take only part, not all, take "broken" information. So in the United States engineeringindustry, the highest  layers are white, the middle layer is almost all Indians, the Chinese are only equipped with the lower  and the bottom of the whole system. But I am doing the whole system design. When I was a child, I heard Napoleon from my father and thought he was a big hero! Beethoven wrote a symphony for him. Although he changed the title because of Napoleon's restoration and restoration of the monarchy, the "hero symphony" is majestic and full of heroism! In the art museum in Vienna, there is David's Napoleonic painting, which occupies the entire wall. In the painting, Napoleon rides on the horse, tightens the reins and leaps up, and the mountain winds of the Alps blew him. The big robe, the long mane of the horse is also drifting in the wind. I stood in front of the painting for a long time, watching him, such a hero sweeping the  of Europe, such a hero worshiped by Europeans, but still failed in fighting Russians! When I knew that Josephine was his lover, I couldn’t figure it out! At that time, in my little mind, I always thought, and with all I have seen, China’s marriage orientation is a woman who is younger than her hubby, even younger and better. Men looking for spouses are looking for a few years younger than themselves, and even getting a few concubine, from ancient times to the present, always! But Josephine was older than Napoleon, and with child. I didn’t understand it. I couldn’t figure it out. After I arrived in the United States, I found that many facts were far beyond my expectations. The Western spouse view is really different from Chinese. They don't value the age of women too much. My brother's wife is three years older than him. He has two older sisters who he has been psychologically depended on from childhood. Do I have an electra complex? There are a lot of people here, people who seem completely unworthy on the outside, but they are really together! Of course, after Napoleon, there was a political marriage, but I know that what Napoleon really loved in his heart was Josephine!


88,王能告诉我王怎么想的?为什么呀? 对了,下次如果你给Jackie讲各种人物,能不能也问她,她是怎么想的,为什么会这样?也可以问她,如果她是这个角色,她会怎么做还可以问她用什么音乐,去形容每一个人物就像上次她用辛德勒的名单背景音乐去形容上乐理课,或者用哪一种颜色色彩,去表现那个人物?让她用各种方式,各种角度,各种可能的感官,多联想,联起来想! 好吗?再亲一下!原来习主席是阿塞拜疆人!怪不得器宇轩昂的想起以前北魏整个族群汉化呢!您算穆斯林呢?还是基督徒?我觉得是穆斯林的可能性大一点,因为陕西哪儿都是清真的!握握手!Jackie一定是新疆人!很想看你们两个以后一起跳舞,跳突厥舞,哈哈 今天请客从大陆来的大学同学,他们来这儿看在美国上学的儿子!怎么说呢,觉得中国父母的心里的最高目标,都是希望儿女上好大学!他们以为上好大学就可以有好工作,可美国不是这样的价值!好大学只意味着你要付更多的学费,并不一定有好工作犹太人的价值是,读书的最终目的是为了赚钱,不是为了追求学位所以孩子要学会各种生活技能社交技能创业技能组织管理能力太多东西学校里是不教的,我觉得中国的教育系统也应该灵活现实一些,而且中国人出来最好先要了解外边世界的价值中国政府封闭互联网我觉得,他们就是因为无知,被这种留学风潮胡弄,受骗上当的,一大批中国的傻子家长!



88,  can Wang tell me what Wang thinks? Why? Yes, next time if Wang tells Jackie about various characters, can Wang ask her, what  she thinks, why is this? You can also ask her if she were this character, what would she do. Wang can also ask her what music she uses to describe each character, just like last time she used the "Schindler's List" background music to describe the feeling for music lesson. Or, which color is used to represent that character? Let her use various ways, various angles, all kinds of possible senses, multiple associations, and think in combined way! OK? Kiss you again! Originally President Xi is an Azerbaijan! No wonder

tall and straight. Think of the entire Southern Wei Dynasty ethnic group all were converted to Han ethnic group! Are you a Muslim? Still a Christian? I think it is more likely that Xi is a Muslim, because Shaanxi is halal! Shake hands! Jackie must be a Xinjiang girl! I really want to see you two dance together, dance and sing, haha. Today, I am treating university students from mainland China. They come here to see their son who goes to school in the United States! How do you say that the highest goal of Chinese parents is to hope that their children will go good  college! They think that they can have a good job from good university, but the United States is not such a value! A good university only means that you have to pay more tuition fees, and you don't necessarily have a good job. The value of Jews is that the ultimate goal of studying is to make money, not to pursue a degree. So children must learn various life skills, social skills, entrepreneurial skills, organizational management skills. Too many things are not taught in the school. I think China's education system should be flexible and realistic. And when Chinese people come out, it is best to understand the value of the outside world first. The Chinese government closes the Internet, I I feel that they are ignorant, fooled deceived by this wave of studying abroad. What a large number of Chinese fool parents!






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