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已有 36 次阅读2021-4-12 21:05 |个人分类:全球化

美国是插花展览厅,不是花生产基地中国有大市场,应该也成为插花展览厅  The United States is a flower arrangement exhibition hall, not a flower production base. China has a big market and should also become a flower arrangement exhibition hall.


Aug 18, 2016 at 10:43 PM


亲爱的习和王好像还有点话犹未尽的美国主要是在东西海岸的产业分布利润高,尤其是东北,纽约,波士顿新泽西和西南加州还有芝加哥,德州基本上都在交通方便有港口的地方,便利货物流通美国在短短两百年就成为世界大国,无论是在政治经济文化引领世界先进水平美国之所以发展如此迅速,如此强大,因为美国是一个大的插花展览厅,把全世界的鲜花聚拢来,陈设出百花争艳的胜景有市场的地方就是舞台! 中国现在人口众多,有人的地方就有市场,有市场的地方就是舞台其实美国是想把全世界的文化精髓都带到美国来的,可是因为人口有限,不是所有文化都可以在这儿开花盛放的比如说中国的书法,中国的乐器,也只有在中国人圈子里边还有一点不成气候的市场,在主流社会根本连昙花一现的机会都没有! 可是中国不一样啊,中国有几千年的文化和那么多不同的种族中国也可以把内地的市场作为一个大舞台,尤其是文化的大舞台

Dear Xi and Wang, it seems that there is still a lot of things Iwould like to say. The United States mainly distributes profits on the east and west coasts, especially in the Northeast, New York, Boston, New Jersey, and Southwest, California. There are also Chicago, Texas. Basically, in the convenient transportation and port area, it facilitates the circulation of goods. The United States has become a world power in just two hundred years, leading the world in politics, economy and culture. The reason why the United States is developing so rapidly  so powerful, is because the United States is a large flower arrangement exhibition hall, which gathers the flowers of the whole world and sets up a scene of flowers exhibition. The place where the market is is the stage! China now has a large population. When there are markets there are stages. In fact, the United States wants to bring the essence of the world to the United States, but because of its limited population, not all cultures can bloom here. For example, Chinese calligraphy, Chinese musical instruments, and only a bit of influential market in the Chinese circle, there is no chance for a mainstream society to have accepted it! But China is different. China has thousands of years of culture and so many different ethnic groups. China can also use the mainland market as a big stage, especially the big stage of culture.


比如像中亚,南亚,东南亚,西亚这些文化,历史悠久,文化璀璨可是美国这边是以欧洲文化为主的每年过节,中国人还组织一些国内的文艺团体来这边演出,对那些越南人泰国人或者尼泊尔人,巴基斯坦人,基本上是没有什么代表团到这儿来演出的,除非是在这儿水准低下的本土团体我知道中国央视现在新增设了少数民族频道,这是给国内少数民族的而央视的国际频道大多是介绍中国文化的能不能再增设一个文化交流频道,提供一个舞台,让不同国家的文化艺术可以来中国展示作秀可以让更多的中国孩子去学习这些文化,可以走出去也可以请进来,跟他们同台表演,让中国在文化上有更多的variety.  对于这些国家来说,他们不但提供机会给中国的技术,资本,基础建设,有一个投资和发展的环境,如果他们的文化能够借用你的平台在世界上扬名发光的时候 ,你的市场就有巨大的吸引能力,你的国家地位在他们心目中就不同就像你把所有好吃东西摆在桌子上秀给Jackie看那样,他们会一往情深向往之你们的舞台会成为世界的百老汇和卡内基大厅不同的文化之间的交流能够把人们的心拉近,那你在外面投资就更能顺利进行深入人心受人欢迎!美国这边大学有很多的东亚研究院,文化研究所说一句很老实的话,在美国是没有什么大出息的因为离开了这些文化的根,在这边也没有可以适合生长的土壤如何根深叶茂啊? 中国不一样啊,你们的一带一路是直接和这些国家紧紧联系在一起的,是休戚与共的,你们给他们的文化提供舞台,就是给你们自己打开通向亚洲深处的大门了,你们不缺会设计规划制造建设打基础的人才,但我觉得你们缺能够跟当地土生土长的人交流的,真正懂得他们心的人,芝麻开门!


For example, such cultures as in Central Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and West Asia, have a long history and tradition. But the United States is mainly based on European culture. Every year, the Chinese also organize some domestic literary and art groups to perform here. Vietnamese, Thai, or Nepalese, Pakistanis, basically no delegations come here to perform, unless it is a local group with a low quality. I know that China’s CCTV has now added a minority channel. It is for the domestic minority. CCTV's international channels mostly introduce Chinese culture. Can you add another cultural exchange channel to provide a stage for the culture and art of different countries to come to China to show their talents? Can make more China Children go to learn these cultures, they can go out and can come in and perform with them on the same stage, so that China has more cultural variations. For these countries, they not only provide opportunities for China's technology, capital, infrastructure, will have an investment and development environment if their culture can borrow your platform. When in the world their cultures are famous, your market has great attraction, and your country status is different in their minds. Just like you put all the good things on the table and show it to Jackie, they will always look forward to it. Your stage will become the Broadway and Carnegie Hall of the world. The exchanges between different cultures can bring people's hearts closer, so you can invest more smoothly and be deeply welcomed by people! There are many East Asian research institutes and cultural research institutes in the United States. There is nothing big about it in the United States. Because of the roots of these cultures, there is no soil suitable for growth here. How can they bedeep rooted plenty branched? China is different. Your Belt and Road is directly linked to these countries. It is rest and co-existence. You provide a stage for their culture, which is to open the door to the depths of Asia. You are not lack of basic talents in design, planning, manufacturing, construction, but I feel that you lack the ability to communicate with local natives, people who really understand local natives hearts,  opensesame!






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