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希望当中国硬件走出去的时候, 不要在软件上被人欺负了!

已有 59 次阅读2021-4-12 21:03 |个人分类:中国

希望当中国硬件走出去的时候, 不要在软件上被人欺负了!  I hope that when Chinese hardware goes out, don't be bullied in software!

Aug 18, 2016 at 7:40 PM

每次我只要听见Jackie嘻嘻哈哈在房间里发疯,88,那一定是跟王在尽兴寻啥开心,你们两个啥事那么有趣呵?大呼小叫的,一点都不女孩子气呵.....你下次怎么带她出去见人啊?这次你们从阿拉斯加回来,看上去精神好,是不是满载而归呀?she knows you, she teases you, she just knows  what to take a pro blush.... 哈哈哈 今天看经济地理学,是讲一般某些经济产业,如何从城市周围加以展开分布. 讲欧洲, 中国, 美国, 日本等国家,有哪些重要产业, 是怎么分布的. 讲土地的利用和产业的选择,以及地点的选择. 非常有意思! 你们回来开了一个一带一路的研讨会,我看你们在会上发言的几个人,座谈会上有9人发言,其中国家发改委主任徐绍史、外长王毅显然是中央部委代表,地方代表则有福建省委书记尤权、新疆区委书记张春贤、广东省委书记胡春华、陕西省委书记娄勤俭,中交建集团董事长刘起涛应属国企代表,浙江华立集团董事局主席汪力成作为民企代表,中科院“一带一路”战略研究中心主任刘卫东则算是智库代表. 而推进“一带一路”建设工作领导小组组长、常务副总理张高丽则主持会议. 按照较早前公布的“一带一路”规划,福建和新疆是两个核心,上海、广东、重庆、陕西等另外16个省市区则都被包括在内…… 徐昭史, 是侧重于经济的,王部长,是外交的,尤权,张春贤, 孙春华, 娄勤俭,是提供地方资源的,刘起涛基建的,汪力成电仪,刘卫东有经济地理学背景,还是智库.

Every time I just heard Jackie laughing and joking in the room, 88, it must be with Wang to find happiness, your two anecdotes so interesting? Shouting, not a girl at all..... How do you take her out to meet people next time? This time you came back from Alaska and it looks like you are in good spirits. Is it full of rewards? She knows you, she teases you, she just knows what to take a pro blush.... Hahaha today looks at economic geography, which is about the general economic industry, how to spread from around the city. Talking about Europe, China, United States, Japan and other countries, what  the important industries are, how  they aredistributed. Talk about the use of land and the choice of industry, as well as the choice of location. Very interesting! You came back and started a seminar on the Belt and Road. I saw a few people who spoke at the meeting. There were 9 people speaking at the symposium. Among them, Xu Shaoshi, director of the National Development and Reform Commission, and Wang Yi, the foreign minister, are obviously representatives of the central ministries and commissions, and local representatives have Fujian. Provincial Party Secretary Yu Quan, Xinjiang District Party Committee Secretary Zhang Chunxian, Guangdong Provincial Party Committee Secretary Hu Chunhua, Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee Secretary Qin Qinyu, Chairman of China Communications Construction Group Liu Qitao should be a representative of state-owned enterprises, Zhejiang Lili Group Chairman Wang Licheng as a representative of private enterprises, Chinese Academy of Sciences Liu Weidong, director of the “One Belt and One Road” Strategic Research Center, is a think tank representative. Zhang Gaoli, the leader of the Leading Group for the “Belt and Road” construction work, and the Deputy Prime Minister Zhang Gaoli presided over the meeting. According to the “One Belt and One Road” plan announced earlier, Fujian and Xinjiang is the two cores. Shanghai, Guangdong, Chongqing, Shaanxi and other 16 provinces and municipalities are included. Xu Zhaoshi is focused on the economy. Minister Wang is diplomatic. You Quan, Zhang Chunxian, Sun Chunhua , Qin Qin, is to provide local resources, Liu Qitao's infrastructure, Wang Licheng electric meter, Liu Weidong has economic geography and background of science, or think tank.

在美国这边有这么一个现象,圣诞节是信基督教民众的节日. 传统上圣诞节是美国的春节,是全家团聚,在外游子奔向家里与家人同庆的节日,是小孩子拿圣诞礼物(压岁钱)的时候.而犹太人是不过圣诞节的. 当别人都聚在家里庆祝的时候,他们已经把这一季的圣诞货物卖得差不多了,口袋满满的,全家坐飞机,离开白雪皑皑的北半球,去加勒比海度假去了!去温暖的南方度假去了! 我看你们也像犹太人一样哦!请的人作报告基本上是经商基建的,是不是88, 王已经把各个国家政治结构,和中国各个政府之间,及他们内部权力的沟通cover 了?这次里约奥运会,中国承建了大部分的场馆建设和通讯管理控制设备!向你们祝贺,这是中国的工程建设已经迈出国门得到全球的买单. 这是中国的硬件. 可是你们没有注意到吗,在比赛期间,中国队所受到的那么多不公正的待遇和排挤,丢掉那么多奖牌. 中国队除了抗议,没有任何有效反击的办法,也没有任何的特别的保护和心理预防!在文化层面上, 中国人对这些拉美的攻击和蛮横文化就是一筹莫展! 我在你们参加会议的人的组合里边,没有看到文化宗教的地理分布专家,没有看到向中国少数民族大学的对各种民族或者相近的文化有研究的专家,没有看到中国文化部宣传部的规划, 没有看到为中国打开一带一路人文宣传和交流的人士参加. 也许有可能我不认识他们.  我只是希望当硬件走出去的时候, 不要在软件上被人欺负了!

There is such a phenomenon in the United States. Christmas is a festival for Christians. Traditionally, Christmas is the Spring Festival of the United States. It is a family reunion. It is a holiday for families to celebrate with their families. It is the time for children to take Christmas presents (the lucky money). The Jews do not celebrate Christmas. When everyone gathered at home to celebrate, they had already sold most of Christmas goods of this season, the pockets were full, the whole family flew away the snowy northern hemisphere, went to the Caribbean for a holiday!

Going to the warm southern resort! I think you are just like Jews! The people who asked for the report were basically based on business infrastructure. Is it 88, has Wang covered the political structure of each country and the communication between various Chinese governments and their internal powers? At this Rio Olympics, China has built most of the stadium construction and communication management control equipment! Congratulations to you, this is China's engineering construction has already gone abroad to get the global projects. This is China's hardware. But you did not notice, during the game, the Chinese team suffered so many unfair treatment and exclusion, Losing so many medals. In addition to protests, the Chinese team did not have any effective counterattacks and did not have any special protection and psychological prevention! On the cultural level, on dealingwith these Latin American and arrogant cultures, Chinese people did nothing! In the group of people who attended yourcentral government meeting, I did not see any experts who studied Chinese ethnic minority universities or similar cultures. I did not see the planning of the Propaganda Department of the Ministry of Culture of China. I did not see anyone who opened the Belt and Road Humanities propaganda and exchanges for China. Maybe I don't know them. I just hope that when the hardware goes out, don't be bullied in the software!






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